--- title: "Research" date: 2019-10-10T18:01:09+02:00 draft: false menu: main: weight: 200 authors: tobast: name: "T. Bastian" fzn: name: "F. Zappa Nardelli" page: "https://fzn.fr/" skell: name: "S. Kell" page: "https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/srk21/" publications: - authors: - tobast - skell - fzn title: "Fast and Reliable DWARF Stack Unwinding" journal: "OOPSLA 2019" links: - name: PDF url: '/doc/publications/oopsla19-dwarf.pdf' talks: - date: 2018-11-14 title: "Growing the DWARF tougher: synthesis, validation and compilation" venue: Oracle Stockholm links: - name: PDF url: '/doc/talks/oracle18.pdf' - date: 2019-10-25 title: "Reliable and fast DWARF-based stack unwinding" venue: OOPSLA 2019, Athens links: - name: PDF url: '/doc/talks/oopsla19.pdf' --- ## {{< fontawesome "file-text" >}} Publications {{< list-publications >}} ## {{< fontawesome "commenting" >}} Talks {{< list-talks >}}