--- title: "Who am I?" date: 2019-10-08T20:55:22+02:00 draft: false menu: main: weight: 100 --- ## {{< fontawesome "user" >}} Who am I? I am a student at the [Computer Science Department](https://di.ens.fr/) of [ENS Paris](https://www.ens.fr/), France. I graduated from the Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI) in 2018. I am mostly interested in the fields of systems, programming languages and networks. I usually like my research projects to include a good part of programming/hacking. I am currently doing research internships before starting a PhD. I also enjoy cooking quite a lot! When I stumble upon something that deserves to be recorded, I usually write an entry on my recipes website (in French): ## {{< fontawesome "pencil" >}} Contact me Academic email : {{< antispam "rf.sne@naitsab.elihpoeht" >}} Personal email : {{< antispam "rf.tsabot@tcatnoc" >}} IRC : {{< antispam "edoneerf@tsabot" >}} ## {{< fontawesome "key" >}} Public keys SSH Key : [all keys](/files/ssh.keys) GPG Key : 0x7B784C5D ([keyfile](/files/pubkey.asc), [keyserver](https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xC57352357B784C5D)) — not used much these days