# Static extraction of memory-carried dependencies

* CesASMe results
* Gus
* Static vs dynamic
* PC
* μarch: μop, renamer, L1-res, ROB
* Osaca
* UiCA

## Intro

* Previous chapt. : effect of mem-carried deps
* Presented solution: Gus; in general dynamic analysis.
    * Effective
    * 2 O.M. slower => not acceptable in many cases
* We need a static solution

Dependencies are costly: assuming everything L1-resident, the latency of each
μop on the dependency chain must be paid.

* `add %rax, %rdx`  -> lat = 1 cycle (throughput = 1/4C)
    => `add %rax, %rdx ; add %rdx, %rcx` : 1.25C, would be 0.5C without deps
* `vfmadd*pd %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm2`: lat = 4C (TP = 1/2C)

## Types of dependencies

4 main types:
1. RaW: "real" dependency
2. WaW
3. WaR
4. RaR

* 4: not an issue.
* 2,3 : assuming the μarch has a renamer & enough μarch registers, not a problem
  either. Might be a problem for some archs.

In all this chapter, we consider only RaW deps. Solution can be easily extended
for WaW, WaR if necessary.

Can occur:
* through registers
    A = 7
    B = A + 2
* through memory
    store %rax, (%rbx)
    add (%rbx), %rcx

Can be:
* in straight-line code
* loop-carried:
        B[i] = A[i-1] + 2
        A[i] = 7

## Dynamic detection: Valgrind

* Mention Gus

### Valgrind's VEX

* Introduce Valgrind as an instrumentation tool
* Introduce VEX
* Should be portable to any architecture supported
    * but suffers limitations for recent extension sets; eg avx512 not
      supported (TODO check)

### Depsim

* Write a tool, valgrind-depsim, to instrument a binary to extract its
  dependencies at runtime
* Can extract memory, register and temp-based dependencies
* Here, only the memory dependencies are relevant -- disable the other deps.
* Instrument binary:
    * for each write, add `write_addr -> writer_pc` to a hashmap
    * for each read, fetch `writer_pc` from hashmap
        * if found, add a dependency `reader_pc -> writer_pc`
    * use the process' memory map to translate PC to addresses inside ELF files
    * At the end, write deps file:
        * `#occur, src_elf_pc, src_elf_path, dst_elf_pc, dst_elf_path`
    * Run for each binary in genbenchs
    * Takes about 1h on 30 parallel cores on Pinocchio; heavy memory usage

## Static detection

* Reg-carried, straight-line: relatively easy. Keep track of which PC last
  wrote each register.
* Reg-carried, loop-carried: can be adapted from straight-line. Indeed,
    * need to track only so many iterations behind: after a certain point,
      instructions are out of the ROB anyway
        * 224 μops in Intel's Skylake, 2015
        * 512 μops in Intel's Golden Cove, 2021
        * Source: https://fuse.wikichip.org/news/6111/intel-details-golden-cove-next-generation-big-core-for-client-and-server-socs/ [consulted 2023-09-13]
    * Can unroll until we have ~|ROB|+|K| instructions in the kernel: since
      instructions yield at least a μop, safe [TODO check]
    * Sometimes unrolled only once, eg. Osaca. Not sufficient; eg. Fibo.

* Harder for memory-carried:
    * addresses may alias, eg. (%rax) = 8(%rbx)
    * pointer arithmetics: must track values
    * Usually not done, or only for trivial cases.

## Staticdeps heuristic

* Aims to simply solve the 2nd point.
* Could be solved with symbolic calculus, but not that easy to implement,
* Use random values
* Operates at the scale of a kernel, unrolled enough times to fill the ROB

* Whenever reading an unknown value (from mem or register), generate a fresh
  random value (64b), save it to shadow memory/register file
* Whenever encountering integer arithmetics, compute the operation
* Whenever encountering other kind of operations or unsupported operations,
  define the result as invalid (\bot): not pointer arithmetics.
* Whenever writing to a memory address, keep track of which PC wrote where.
* Whenever reading from a memory address, generate a dependency to the writing

* Reconstruct recurrent dependencies: transcribe each dependency to
`(src, dst, kernel delta)`.
* Verify that the dependency exists for each unroll (where it can exist, eg.
  1st kernel cannot depend on the previous kernel unroll); if it happens in the
  majority of cases, keep; else drop

* We need semantics for our assembly

### Limitations

* Does not track aliasing that originates from outside of the kernel.
    * As advocated in CesASMe, would require a broader analysis range
* Randomness may (theoretically) lead to false positives
    * but re-running with different seed should eliminate the hazard close to
* Should not have false negatives outside of aliasing or unsupported ops

## Evaluation

### Dependencies detection

#### With valgrind

Use valgrind-depsim.
Then, compare with staticdeps: `eval/vg_depsim.py` script.

* For each binary in genbenchs,
    * use genbench's bb split/occurrences to retrieve basic blocks
    * for each BB with more than 10% of max BB hits,
    * predict deps with staticdeps
        * cache the result: staticdeps is fast, but we're dealing with 3500
    * translate staticdeps' periodic deps to PC deps, discard the `iter`
    * for each dependency from the depsim results that occurs inside this BB,
        * check if found or missed, append to a list
* score: `|found| / (|found| + |missed|)`. Discards occurrences.
* limitation: will only find deps from/to the same BB! Dependencies leaving a
  BB are discarded.

* Result: about 38% of deps found; 44% if weighting by occurrences

* Cause: kernels executed in loops.
    * No dependency in the kernel
        read (%rax)
        %rax ++
        write (%rax)
    * But dependencies if executed in a loop! "Unwanted" deps.
    * and irrelevant in real life anyway: they are far away and will not cause
* Fix: introduce dependency lifetime
    * timestamp = instructions executed (VG instrumentation, added up at the
      end of each BB)
    * lifetime fixed to 1024 instructions, order of magnitude of a ROB
    * dependencies are discarded if written to more than a lifetime ago

* Result: about 58% of deps found; same if weighing.
* If lifetime lowered to 512, about 56% of deps found, or 63% if weighing.
    * Results are quite similar, lowering the lifetime further makes no
      particular sense.

Raw results:
In [123]: res_success(res_life512)
Out[123]: 0.5640902544407105

In [124]: res_success(res_life1024)
Out[124]: 0.5761437608875034

In [125]: res_success(res_nolife)
Out[125]: 0.38143868803578085

In [126]: res_success_weight(res_life512)
Out[126]: 0.6347271857382266

In [127]: res_success_weight(res_life1024)
Out[127]: 0.5817404277466787

In [128]: res_success_weight(res_nolife)
Out[128]: 0.4397921976192802

* The results are reasonable, but not all the deps are caught
* As argued above, will never see aliasing; important in plenty of cases.
    * eg. if the compiler allocates `%rcx = A[i]` and `%rdx = A[i+2]` for some
      reason, dependencies will be missed.
* As argued in previous chapter, a complete dependencies analysis would require
  a broader range: take the full scope into account

#### With Gus


### UiCA enriching

* Plug Staticdeps into UiCA
* UiCA has a μop-level representation; staticdeps has an instr-level
    * Add dependencies between each couple of μop in (src,dest).
    * A finer model would be necessary to be accurate
    * Pessimistic model
* Run CesASMe on the full suite with uiCA and uiCA+staticdeps
    * results
* Run CesASMe on the no-memdeps suite with uiCA and uiCA+staticdeps
    * results

* Although not all dependencies are detected [paragraph above], the "important"
  ones seem to be detected: this is the most critical property for throughput
    * but might not be true for other applications that require dependencies

### Speed

TODO: evaluate speed?