\section{Manually modelling the A72 frontend}


\subsection{Finding micro-operation count for each instruction}

As we saw in \autoref{sec:a72_descr}, the Cortex A72's frontend can only
dispatch three \uops{} per cycle. The first important data to collect, thus, is
the number of \uops{} each instruction is decoded into.

To that end, the optimisation manual~\cite{ref:a72_optim} helps, but is not
thorough enough: for each instruction, it lists the ports on which load is
incurred, which sets a lower bound to the number of \uops{} the instruction is
decomposed into. This approach, however, is not really satisfying. First,
because it cannot be reproduced for another architecture whose optimisation
manual is not as detailed, cannot be automated, and fully trusts the
manufacturer. Second, because if an instruction loads \eg{} the integer ports,
it may have a single or multiple \uops{} executed on the integer ports; the
manual is only helpful to some extent to determine this.


We instead use an approach akin to \palmed{}' saturating kernels, itself
inspired by Agner Fog's method to identify ports in the absence of hardware
counters~\cite{AgnerFog}. To this end, we assume the availability of a port
mapping for the backend ---~in the case of the Cortex A72, we use \palmed{}'s
output, sometimes manually confronted with the software optimisation
guide~\cite{ref:a72_optim}; \uopsinfo{} could also be used on the architectures
it models.

The \palmed{} resource mapping we use as a basis is composed of 1\,975
instructions. To make this more manageable in a semi-automated method, we reuse the instruction classes provided by \palmed{}, introduced in
\autoref{sec:palmed_design}, as instructions in the same class are mapped to
the same resources, and thus are decomposed into the same \uops{}; this results
in only 98 classes of instructions.

\paragraph{Basic instructions.} We use \palmed{}'s mapping to hand-pick
\emph{basic instructions}: for each port, we select one instruction which
decodes into a single \uop{} executed by this port. We use the following
instructions, in \pipedream{}'s notation:

    \item{} integer 0/1: \lstarmasm{ADC_RD_X_RN_X_RM_X}, \eg{} \lstarmasm{adc x0,
        x1, x2};
    \item{} integer multi-cycle: \lstarmasm{MUL_RD_W_RN_W_RM_W}, \eg{}
        \lstarmasm{mul w0, w1, w2};
    \item{} load: \lstarmasm{LDR_RT_X_ADDR_REGOFF}, \eg{} \lstarmasm{ldr x0,
        [x1, x2]};
    \item{} store: \lstarmasm{STR_RT_X_ADDR_REGOFF}, \eg{} \lstarmasm{str x0,
        [x1, x2]};
    \item{} FP/SIMD 0: \lstarmasm{FRINTA_FD_D_FN_D}, \eg{} \lstarmasm{frinta
        d0, d1} (floating-point rounding to integral);
    \item{} FP/SIMD 1: \lstarmasm{FCMP_FN_D_FM_D}, \eg{} \lstarmasm{fcmp
        d0, d1} (floating-point comparison);
    \item{} FP/SIMD 0/1: \lstarmasm{FMIN_FD_D_FN_D_FM_D}, \eg{} \lstarmasm{fmin
        d0, d1, d1} (floating-point minimum);
    \item (Branch: no instruction, as they are unsupported by \pipedream{}).

As the integer ports are not specialized, a single basic instruction is
sufficient for both of them. The FP/SIMD ports are slightly specialized
(see \autoref{sec:a72_descr}), we thus use three basic instructions: one that
stresses each of them independently, and one that stresses both without

For each of these ports, we note $\basic{p}$ the basic instruction for
port \texttt{p}; \eg{}, $\basic{Int01}$ is \lstarmasm{ADC_RD_X_RN_X_RM_X}.

\paragraph{Counting the micro-ops of an instruction.} There are three main
sources of bottleneck for a kernel $\kerK$: backend, frontend and dependencies.
When measuring the execution time with \pipedream{}, we eliminate (as far as
possible) the dependencies, leaving us with only backend and frontend. We note
$\cycF{\kerK}$ the execution time of $\kerK$ if it was only limited by its
frontend, and $\cycB{\kerK}$ the execution time of $\kerK$ if it was only
limited by its backend. If we consider a kernel $\kerK$ that is simple enough
to exhibit a purely linear frontend behaviour ---~that is, the frontend's
throughput is a linear function of the number of \uops{} in the kernel~---, we
then know that either $\cyc{\kerK} = \cycF{\kerK}$ or $\cyc{\kerK} =

For a given instruction $i$, we then construct a sequence $\kerK_k$ of kernels
such that:
    \item\label{cnd:kerKk:compo} for all $k \in \nat$, $\kerK_k$ is composed of the instruction $i$,
        followed by $k$ basic instructions;
    \item\label{cnd:kerKk:linear} the kernels $\kerK_k$ are simple enough to exhibit this purely linear
        frontend behaviour;
    \item\label{cnd:kerKk:fbound} after a certain rank, $\cycB{\kerK_k} \leq \cycF{\kerK_k}$.

We denote by $\mucount{}\kerK$ the number of \uops{} in kernel $\kerK$. Under
the condition~(\ref{cnd:kerKk:linear}), we have for any $k \in \nat$

    \cycF{\kerK_k} &= \dfrac{\mucount{}\left(\kerK_k\right)}{3} & \text{for the A72} \\
                   &= \dfrac{\mucount{}i + k}{3} & \text{by condition (\ref{cnd:kerKk:compo})} \\
                   &\geq \dfrac{k+1}{3}

We pick $k_0 := 3 \ceil{\cyc{\imath}} - 1$. Thus, we have $\ceil{\cyc{\imath}} \leq
\cycF{\kerK_{k_0}} \leq \cyc{\kerK_{k_0}}$.
Condition (\ref{cnd:kerKk:fbound}) can then be relaxed as $\cycB{\kerK_{k_0}} \leq
\ceil{\cyc{\imath}}$, which we know to be true if the load from $\kerK_{k_0}$
on each port does not exceed $\ceil{\cyc{\imath}}$ (as execution takes at least
this number of cycles).

We build $\kerK_{k_0}$ by adding basic instructions to $i$, using the port
mapping to pick basic instructions that do not load a port over
$\ceil{\cyc{\imath}}$. This is always possible, as we can load independently
seven ports (leaving out the branch port), while each instruction can load at
most three ports by cycle it takes to execute ---~each \uop{} is executed by a
single port, and only three \uops{} can be dispatched per cycle~---, leaving
four ports under-loaded. We build $\kerK_{k_0 + 1}$ the same way, still not
loading a port over $\ceil{\cyc{\imath}}$; in particular, we still have
$\cycB{\kerK_{k_0 + 1}} \leq \ceil{\cyc{\imath}} \leq \cycF{\kerK_{k_0+1}}$. To
ensure that condition (\ref{cnd:kerKk:linear}) is valid, as we will see later in
\qtodo{ref}, we spread as much as possible instructions loading the same port:
for instance, $i + \basic{Int01} + \basic{FP01} + \basic{Int01}$ is preferred
over $i + 2\times \basic{Int01} + \basic{FP01}$.

Unless condition (\ref{cnd:kerKk:linear}) is not met or our ports model is
incorrect for this instruction, we should measure
$\ceil{\cyc{\imath}} \leq \cyc{\kerK_{k_0}}$ and $\cyc{\kerK_{k_0}} +
\sfrac{1}{3} = \cyc{\kerK_{k_0+1}}$. For instructions $i$ where it is not the
case, increasing $k_0$ by 3 or using other basic instructions eventually
yielded satisfying measures. Finally, we then obtain

    \mucount{}i = 3 \cyc{\kerK_{k_0}} - k_0