%%% Macros specific to this figure
\newcommand{\figcollegend}[1]{\begin{center}\textbf{\normalsize #1}\end{center}}


\newcommand{\covrow}{\tabcoverage{} & \tabcoverageunit{}}
\newcommand{\errrow}{\taberror{}    & \taberrorunit{}}
\newcommand{\taurow}{\tabkendall{}  & \tabkendallunit{}}

%%% Taken directly from Palmed paper

        \figfiverow{SPEC 17}{spec-W-skx}




        \figthreerow{SPEC 17}{spec-W-zen}



    \caption{IPC prediction profile heatmaps~--~predictions closer to the
        red line are more accurate. Predicted IPC ratio (Y) against native
    IPC (X)}

    \begin{tabular}{l l c r r r r}
        & & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{SKL-SP} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{ZEN1} \\
        & & & \centerheader{SPEC2017} & \centerheader{Polybench} &
        \centerheader{SPEC2017} & \centerheader{Polybench} \\
                    & \covrow{} & \na{}{} & \na{} & \na{} & \na{} \\
                    & \errrow{} & 7.8 & 24.4 & 29.9 & 32.6 \\
                    & \taurow{} & 0.90 & 0.78 & 0.68 & 0.46 \\
                    & \covrow{} & 99.9 & 100.0 & \na{} & \na{} \\
                    & \errrow{} & 40.3 & 68.1 & \na{} & \na{} \\
                    & \taurow{} & 0.71 & 0.29 & \na{} & \na{} \\
                    & \covrow{} & 71.3 & 66.8 & 71.3 & 66.8 \\
                    & \errrow{} & 28.1 & 46.7 & 36.5 & 38.5 \\
                    & \taurow{} & 0.47 & 0.14 & 0.43 & 0.11 \\
                    & \covrow{} & 100.0 & 100.0 & \na{} & \na{} \\
                    & \errrow{} & 8.7 & 15.1 & \na{} & \na{} \\
                    & \taurow{} & 0.80 & 0.67 & \na{} & \na{} \\
                    & \covrow{} & 96.8 & 99.5 & 96.8 & 99.5 \\
                    & \errrow{} & 20.1 & 15.3 & 33.4 & 28.6 \\
                    & \taurow{} & 0.73 & 0.65 & 0.75 & 0.40 \\

    \caption{Accuracy of IPC predictions compared to \pipedream{}-based native
    executions on SPEC 2017 and Polybench}\label{table:palmed_eval}