\section*{Conclusion} In this chapter, we studied data dependencies within assembly kernels; and more specifically, data dependencies occurring through memory accesses, which we call \emph{memory-carried dependencies}. \cesasme{}'s analysis showed in \autoref{chap:CesASMe} that this kind of dependency was responsible for a significant portion of state-of-the-art analyzers' prediction errors. We introduce \staticdeps{}, a heuristic approach based on random values as representatives of abstract values. This approach is able to find data dependencies, including memory-carried ones, loop-carried or not, leveraging semantics of the assembly code provided by \valgrind{}'s \vex. It is, however, still unable to find aliasing addresses whose source of aliasing is outside of the studied block's scope ---~and, as such, suffers from the \emph{lack of context} pointed out in the previous chapter. \medskip{} Our evaluation of \staticdeps{} against a dynamic analysis baseline, \depsim{}, shows that it finds between 95\,\% and 98\,\% of the existing dependencies, depending on the metric used, giving us good confidence in the reliability of \staticdeps{}. We further enrich \uica{} with \staticdeps{}, and find that it performs on the full \cesasme{}'s dataset as well as \uica{} alone on the pruned dataset of \cesasme{}, removing memory-carried bottlenecks. From this, we conclude that \staticdeps{} is very successful at finding the data dependencies through memory that actually matter from a performance analysis perspective. We also find that, despite being written in pure Python, \staticdeps{} is at least 30$\times$ faster than its C dynamic counterpart, \depsim; as such, we expect a compiled and optimized implementation of \staticdeps{} to be two to three orders of magnitude faster than \depsim{}.