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+In the previous chapter, our major finding was that, in the current state of
+the art, code analyzers deal poorly with memory-carried dependencies. We found
+this flaw to be responsible, in our dataset, for a roughly $1.5\times$ increase
+in MAPE, and up to $2.6\times$ on the third quartile of error.
+The large impact of dependencies on the final runtime of a kernel is, in
+reality, not very surprising. In chapters~\ref{chap:palmed}
+and~\ref{chap:frontend}, we did not consider latency; hence, the only impact of
+an instruction was its throughput, each instruction being issued as soon as
+possible. Dependencies, however, force the processor to wait for some
+instructions' results before issuing some others; the \emph{latency} of an
+instruction becomes a critical factor.
+On Skylake, for instance, the instruction \lstxasm{add \%rax, \%rbx} has a
+latency of one full cycle. Thus, the kernel
+add %rax, %rbx
+add %rbx, %rcx
+executes, in steady state, in half a cycle without accounting for the
+dependency; yet these two instructions in isolation would take
+$1\,\sfrac{1}{4}$ cycles when accounting for the dependency. Some instructions
+still are more extreme; for instance, the \lstxasm{vfmadd*pd \%ymm0, \%ymm1,
+\%ymm2} family of instructions have a latency of four full cycles, while
+without dependencies, two can be issued every cycle.
+In the previous chapter, we also presented \gus{}, a dynamic code analyzer
+based on \qemu{}, which we found to be very effective to detect memory-carried
+dependencies and the slowdown they incur on the whole program. However, this
+solution results in a runtime increase of about two orders of magnitude, which
+may not be acceptable in many use cases.
+In this chapter, we instead present \staticdeps{}, a fully static analyzer able
+to detect memory-carried dependencies in many cases. We evaluate it by
+providing \uica{} with its analysis of dependencies, bringing it on-par with
+\gus{} on the full, non-pruned dataset of the previous chapter.
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+\section{Types of dependencies}
+A dependency, in the most general sense, can be seen as an interaction between
+two instructions stemming from shared data. This definition is willingly broad
+as, depending on the circumstances, the CPU implementation, \ldots{}, some
+categories of dependencies must be taken into account, while some may be
+\paragraph{Read-write categories.} The first distinction that can be made
+between dependencies, and the one that is most often made, is whether the data
+through which the dependency is created is read or written. They can be broken
+down into four categories:
+    \item read-after-write (RaW);
+    \item write-after-write (WaW);
+    \item write-after-read (WaR);
+    \item read-after-read (RaR).
+For instance, in the kernel presented in the introduction of this chapter, the
+first instruction (\lstxasm{add \%rax, \%rbx}) reads its first operand, the
+register \reg{rax}, and both reads and write its second operand \reg{rbx}. The
+second \lstxasm{add} has the same behaviour. Thus, as \reg{rbx} is written at
+line 1, and read at line 2, there is a read-after-write dependency between the
+Most of the time, \emph{dependency} is actually used to mean
+\emph{read-after-write dependency}, sometimes called ``flow dependency''.
+However, depending on the actual hardware implementation of the architecture,
+other kinds of dependencies might induce a latency. While a read-after-read
+dependency will not induce a latency in the vast majority of architectures, a
+write-after-read could prevent instructions to be re-ordered in a way that the
+writing instruction commits its result before the reading instruction uses the
+previously stored value. In most modern CPUs, the processor actually has more
+physical registers than what is exposed to the user through the ISA; a renaming
+phrase will allocate those registers to avoid the effects of WaR and WaW
+dependencies as much as possible.
+\smallskip{} For the present chapter, \textit{we only consider read-after-write
+dependencies}; however, all the techniques we present are applicable to other
+types of dependencies if the considered architecture requires to take them into
+\paragraph{Dependency medium.} In the example above, we only introduced
+dependencies induced through registers, or \emph{register-carried}. There are,
+however, other channels.
+As we saw in the introduction to this chapter, as well as in the previous
+chapter, dependencies can also be \emph{memory-carried}, in more or less
+straightforward ways, such as in the following examples, where the last line
+always depend on the first:
+    \begin{lstlisting}[language={[x86masm]Assembler}]
+add %rax, (%rbx)
+add (%rbx), %rcx\end{lstlisting}
+    \begin{lstlisting}[language={[x86masm]Assembler}]
+add %rax, (%rbx)
+add $8, %rbx
+add -8(%rbx), %rcx\end{lstlisting}
+    \begin{lstlisting}[language={[x86masm]Assembler}]
+lea 16(%rbx), %r10
+add %rax, (%rbx)
+add -16(%r10), %rcx\end{lstlisting}
+Some dependencies are also \emph{flag-carried}. These are very akin to
+register-carried dependency, but are not directly visible in the instruction.
+For instance, a subtract operation may set flags indicating whether the result
+is zero, and a subsequent jump may use this flag to chose whether the branch is
+taken or not.
+Depending on the architecture, other channels may still exist.
+In this chapter, we focus on register-carried and memory-carried dependencies,
+with a large emphasis on memory-carried dependencies.
+\paragraph{Presence of loops.} The previous examples were all pieces of
+\emph{straight-line code} in which a dependency arose. However, many
+dependencies are actually \emph{loop-carried}, such as the following:
+    \begin{lstlisting}[language={[x86masm]Assembler}]
+# Compute sum(A), %rax points to A
+    add (%rax), %r10
+    add $8, %rax
+    jmp loop
+    \begin{lstlisting}[language={[x86masm]Assembler}]
+# Compute B[i] = A[i] + B[i-1]
+    mov -8(%rbx, %r10), (%rbx, %r10)
+    add (%rax, %r10), (%rbx, %r10)
+    add $8, %r10
+    jmp loop
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+\section{A baseline: dynamic dependencies detection with Valgrind}
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+\section{Static dependencies detection}
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+\section{The \staticdeps{} heuristic}
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 \chapter{Static extraction of memory-carried dependencies}
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     * 2 O.M. slower => not acceptable in many cases
 * We need a static solution
+Dependencies are costly: assuming everything L1-resident, the latency of each
+μop on the dependency chain must be paid.
+On SKX,
+* `add %rax, %rdx`  -> lat = 1 cycle (throughput = 1/4C)
+    => `add %rax, %rdx ; add %rdx, %rcx` : 1.25C, would be 0.5C without deps
+* `vfmadd*pd %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm2`: lat = 4C (TP = 1/2C)
 ## Types of dependencies
 4 main types:
 1. RaW: "real" dependency
 2. WaW
 3. WaR
-4. RaW
+4. RaR
 * 4: not an issue.
 * 2,3 : assuming the μarch has a renamer & enough μarch registers, not a problem
@@ -54,15 +63,34 @@ Can be:
         B[i] = A[i-1] + 2
         A[i] = 7
-## Cost of dependencies
-Dependencies are costly: assuming everything L1-resident, the latency of each
-μop on the dependency chain must be paid.
+## Dynamic detection: Valgrind
-On SKX,
-* `add %rax, %rdx`  -> lat = 1 cycle (throughput = 1/4C)
-    => `add %rax, %rdx ; add %rdx, %rcx` : 1.25C, would be 0.5C without deps
-* `vfmadd*pd %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm2`: lat = 4C (TP = 1/2C)
+* Mention Gus
+### Valgrind's VEX
+* Introduce Valgrind as an instrumentation tool
+* Introduce VEX
+* Should be portable to any architecture supported
+    * but suffers limitations for recent extension sets; eg avx512 not
+      supported (TODO check)
+### Depsim
+* Write a tool, valgrind-depsim, to instrument a binary to extract its
+  dependencies at runtime
+* Can extract memory, register and temp-based dependencies
+* Here, only the memory dependencies are relevant -- disable the other deps.
+* Instrument binary:
+    * for each write, add `write_addr -> writer_pc` to a hashmap
+    * for each read, fetch `writer_pc` from hashmap
+        * if found, add a dependency `reader_pc -> writer_pc`
+    * use the process' memory map to translate PC to addresses inside ELF files
+    * At the end, write deps file:
+        * `#occur, src_elf_pc, src_elf_path, dst_elf_pc, dst_elf_path`
+    * Run for each binary in genbenchs
+    * Takes about 1h on 30 parallel cores on Pinocchio; heavy memory usage
 ## Static detection
@@ -109,14 +137,6 @@ On SKX,
 * We need semantics for our assembly
-### Valgrind's VEX
-* Introduce Valgrind as an instrumentation tool
-* Introduce VEX
-* Should be portable to any architecture supported
-    * but suffers limitations for recent extension sets; eg avx512 not
-      supported (TODO check)
 ### Limitations
 * Does not track aliasing that originates from outside of the kernel.
@@ -132,20 +152,7 @@ On SKX,
 #### With valgrind
-* Write a tool, valgrind-depsim, to instrument a binary to extract its
-  dependencies at runtime
-* Can extract memory, register and temp-based dependencies
-* Here, only the memory dependencies are relevant -- disable the other deps.
-* Instrument binary:
-    * for each write, add `write_addr -> writer_pc` to a hashmap
-    * for each read, fetch `writer_pc` from hashmap
-        * if found, add a dependency `reader_pc -> writer_pc`
-    * use the process' memory map to translate PC to addresses inside ELF files
-    * At the end, write deps file:
-        * `#occur, src_elf_pc, src_elf_path, dst_elf_pc, dst_elf_path`
-    * Run for each binary in genbenchs
-    * Takes about 1h on 30 parallel cores on Pinocchio; heavy memory usage
+Use valgrind-depsim.
 Then, compare with staticdeps: `eval/vg_depsim.py` script.
 * For each binary in genbenchs,