From 133f9de6dda7be2d32fa4882f293ac0bf141a881 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Th=C3=A9ophile=20Bastian?= <>
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2023 23:04:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Foundations: microarch

 manuscrit/20_foundations/00_intro.tex    | 10 ++++
 manuscrit/20_foundations/10_cpu_arch.tex | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 manuscrit/20_foundations/main.tex        |  3 ++
 3 files changed, 76 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 manuscrit/20_foundations/00_intro.tex
 create mode 100644 manuscrit/20_foundations/10_cpu_arch.tex

diff --git a/manuscrit/20_foundations/00_intro.tex b/manuscrit/20_foundations/00_intro.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b211fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuscrit/20_foundations/00_intro.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Code analyzers lay at the boundary of program analysis and microarchitectural
+knowledge. In order to understand their internal models, and how they derive
+performance metrics from them, notions on both of those worlds are needed.
+This first chapter aims to lay the foundations for this manuscript. To this
+end, we first go over a coarse-grained view of the microarchitectural details
+of the parts of a modern processor relevant to our works. We then introduce
+notions and metrics on program analysis that will be used throughout this
+thesis. Finally, we summarize the current state of the art in the field of code
+analyzers, and relevant neighbouring topics.
diff --git a/manuscrit/20_foundations/10_cpu_arch.tex b/manuscrit/20_foundations/10_cpu_arch.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5fcbec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manuscrit/20_foundations/10_cpu_arch.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\section{A dive into processors' microarchitecture}
+A modern computer can roughly be broken down into a number of functional parts:
+a processor, a general-purpose computation unit; accelerators, such
+as GPUs, computation units specialized on specific tasks; memory, both volatile
+but fast (RAM) and persistent but slower (SSD, HDD); hardware specialized for
+interfacing, such as networks cards or USB controllers; power supplies,
+responsible for providing smoothed, adequate electric power to the previous
+This manuscript will largely focus on the processor. While some of the
+techniques described here might possibly be used for accelerators, we did not
+experiment in this direction, nor are we aware of efforts in this direction.
+\subsection{High-level abstraction of processors}
+A processor, in its coarsest view, is simply a piece of hardware that can be
+fed with a flow of instructions, which will, each after the other, modify the
+machine's internal state.
+The processor's state, the available instructions themselves and their
+effect on the state are defined by an \emph{Instruction Set Architecture}, or
+ISA\@. These instructions are represented, at a human-readable level, by
+\emph{assembly code}, but are transcribed, or \emph{assembled}, to a binary
+representation in order to be fed to the processor.
+This state, generally, is composed of a small number of \emph{registers}, small
+pieces of memory on which the processor can directly operate ---~to perform
+arithmetic operations, index the main memory, etc. It is also composed of the
+whole memory hierarchy, including the persistent memory, the main memory
+(usually RAM) and the hierarchy of caches between the processor and the main
+memory. This state can also be extended to encompass external effects, such as
+networks communication, peripherals, etc.
+The way an ISA is implemented, in order for the instructions to alter the state
+as specified, is called a microarchitecture. Many microarchitectures can
+implement the same ISA, as it is the case for instance with the x86-64 ISA,
+implemented both by Intel and AMD, each with multiple generations, which
+translates into multiple microarchitectures.
+While many different ISAs are available and used, and even many more
+microarchitectures are industrially implemented and widely distributed, some
+generalities still hold for the vast majority of processors found in commercial
+or server-grade computers. Such a generic view is obviously an approximation
+and will miss many details and specificities; it should, however, be sufficient
+for the purposes of this manuscript.
+A microarchitecture can be broken down into a few functional blocks, shown in
+\qtodo{fig}, roughly amounting to a \emph{frontend}, a \emph{backend}, a
+\emph{register file} and multiple \emph{data caches}.
+\paragraph{Frontend.} The frontend is responsible for fetching the flow of
+instruction bytes to be executed, decode them into instructions, and dispatch
+them to execution units.
+\paragraph{Backend.} The backend is composed of \emph{execution ports}, which
+act as gateways to the actual \emph{execution units}. Those units are
+responsible for the actual computations made by the processor.
diff --git a/manuscrit/20_foundations/main.tex b/manuscrit/20_foundations/main.tex
index 6eb6b6e..f732f0e 100644
--- a/manuscrit/20_foundations/main.tex
+++ b/manuscrit/20_foundations/main.tex
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