From 124e17ebf2393e229cba7e222535333e3122b509 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Th=C3=A9ophile=20Bastian?= <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2023 18:45:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Palmed: resource mapping

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 manuscrit/include/packages.tex             |   1 +
 manuscrit/main.tex                         |   3 +
 5 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

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--- a/manuscrit/00_opening/90_notations.tex
+++ b/manuscrit/00_opening/90_notations.tex
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Throughout this whole document, the following notations are used.
         \textbf{Notation} & \textbf{Meaning} & \textbf{(See also)} \\
         $\cyc{\kerK}$ &
-            Throughput of $\kerK$, in cycles per repetition of $\kerK$, in steady state
+            Reciprocal throughput of $\kerK$, in cycles per occurrence of $\kerK$.
                       & \qtodo{ref} \\
diff --git a/manuscrit/30_palmed/10_resource_models.tex b/manuscrit/30_palmed/10_resource_models.tex
index 48b1960..2e128c1 100644
--- a/manuscrit/30_palmed/10_resource_models.tex
+++ b/manuscrit/30_palmed/10_resource_models.tex
@@ -1,19 +1,226 @@
 \section{Resource models}
+\subsection{Usual representation: tripartite disjunctive graph}
 As we saw earlier in \qtodo{ref}, the behaviour of a CPU's backend can be,
 throughput-wise, characterized by the behaviour of its ports. Thus, a
 throughput model of the backend consists in a mapping of the ISA's instructions
 to execution ports of the backend, called a \emph{port mapping}.
 The mapping, however, is not direct: we also saw in \qtodo{ref} that
-instructions are themselves broken down into a number of \uops{}, which all
-have to be executed. Each of those \uops{} are then scheduled on one of the
-compatible execution ports of the CPU. A port mapping, thus, is actually a
-tripartite graph: a first layer mapping instructions to \uops{}, followed by a
-second layer mapping \uops{} to ports. In
+instructions are themselves broken down into a number of micro-operations
+(\uops{}), which all have to be executed. Each of those \uops{} are then
+scheduled on one of the compatible execution ports of the CPU\@. A port
+mapping, thus, is actually a tripartite graph: a first layer mapping
+instructions to \uops{}, followed by a second layer mapping \uops{} to ports.
+In \autoref{fig:sample_port_mapping}, we show such a port mapping for a few
+x86-64 instructions on the SKL-SP microarchitecture. The \uopsinfo{}
+framework~\cite{uopsinfo}, for instance, produces such a model: each
+instruction's mapping is described as a string, \eg{}
+\texttt{VCVTT}\footnote{The precise variant is \texttt{VCVTTSD2SI (R32, XMM)}}
+is described as \texttt{1*p0+1*p01}.
-    \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{p016_tri.svg}
+    \includegraphics[width=0.65\textwidth]{p016_tri.svg}
+    \caption{\label{fig:sample_port_mapping}Port mapping and maximum port throughput
+    for a few SKL-SP instructions.}
+We also saw that on modern CPUs, ports and computation units are most of the
+time fully-pipelined; that is, each port can execute a \uop{} each cycle, even
+through actually executing a \uop{} may take multiple cycles. Thus, instruction
+latencies are not needed to compute the throughput of a kernel without
+dependencies in steady-state, and a port mapping is sufficient.
+As some \uops{} are compatible with multiple ports, the number of cycles
+required to run one occurrence of a kernel is not trivial. An assignment, for a
+given kernel, of its constitutive \uops{} to ports, is a \emph{schedule}
+---~the number of cycles taken by a kernel with a fixed schedule is
+well-defined. The throughput of a kernel is defined as the throughput under an
+optimal schedule for this kernel.
+\begin{example}[Kernel throughputs with port mappings]
+    The kernel $\kerK_1 = \texttt{DIVPS} + \texttt{BSR} + \texttt{JMP}$ can
+    complete in one cycle: $\cyc{\kerK_1} = 1$. Indeed, according to the port
+    mapping in \autoref{fig:sample_resource_mapping}, each of those
+    instructions is decoded into a single \uop{}, each compatible with a
+    single, distinct port. Thus, the three instructions can be issued in
+    parallel in one cycle.
+    The same goes for $\kerK_2 = \texttt{ADDSS} + \texttt{BSR}$, although it is
+    a bit less trivial. Both instructions decode to a single \uop{}.
+    \texttt{BSR} can only be executed by port $p_1$, while \texttt{ADDSS} can
+    be executed either by port $p_0$ or $p_1$: by picking $p_0$, both
+    instructions can be executed in a single cycle in steady state, hence
+    $\cyc{\kerK_2} = 1$.
+    The kernel $\kerK_3 = \texttt{ADDSS} + 2\times\texttt{BSR}$, however, needs
+    at least two cycles to be executed: \texttt{BSR} can only be executed on
+    port $p_1$, which can execute at most a \uop{} per cycle. $\cyc{\kerK_3} =
+    2$.
+    The instruction \texttt{ADDSS} alone, however, can be executed twice per
+    cycle: once on $p_0$ and once on $p_1$. The kernel $\kerK_4 =
+    2\times\texttt{ADDSS} + \texttt{BSR}$ can thus be executed in 1.5 cycles in
+    average: $\cyc{\kerK_4} = 1.5$.
+    \medskip
+    The following tables present an optimal schedule for each kernel
+    $\kerK_2, \kerK_3, \kerK_4$. Each row represents a cycle.
+    \begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth}
+        \centering
+        $\kerK_2$
+        \smallskip
+        \begin{tabular}{c c}
+            \toprule
+            $p_0$ & $p_1$ \\
+            \midrule
+            \texttt{ADDSS} & \texttt{BSR} \\
+            \texttt{ADDSS} & \texttt{BSR} \\
+            \multicolumn{2}{c}{$\vdots$}\\
+            \bottomrule
+        \end{tabular}
+    \end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth}
+        \centering
+        $\kerK_3$
+        \smallskip
+        \begin{tabular}{c c}
+            \toprule
+            $p_0$ & $p_1$ \\
+            \midrule
+            \texttt{ADDSS} & \texttt{BSR} \\
+            $\emptyset$ & \texttt{BSR} \\
+            \texttt{ADDSS} & \texttt{BSR} \\
+            $\emptyset$ & \texttt{BSR} \\
+            \multicolumn{2}{c}{$\vdots$}\\
+            \bottomrule
+        \end{tabular}
+        \end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth}
+        \centering
+        $\kerK_4$
+        \smallskip
+        \begin{tabular}{c c}
+            \toprule
+            $p_0$ & $p_1$ \\
+            \midrule
+            \texttt{ADDSS} & \texttt{BSR} \\
+            \texttt{ADDSS} & \texttt{BSR} \\
+            \texttt{ADDSS} & \texttt{ADDSS} \\
+            \multicolumn{2}{c}{$\vdots$}\\
+            \bottomrule
+        \end{tabular}
+    \end{minipage}
+Finding the throughput of the kernels presented above is easy enough, as the
+kernels involve few \uops{} compatible with many ports. However, in the general
+case, finding an optimal schedule becomes more complicated; in fact, it can be
+expressed as a flow problem.\todo{refnec?}
+\subsection{Dual representation: conjunctive resource mapping}
+    \centering
+    \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.65\textwidth}\centering
+        \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{p016_bi.svg}
+        \caption{Full resource mapping}\label{fig:sample_resource_mapping}
+    \end{subfigure}\hfill
+    \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.30\textwidth}\centering
+        \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{p016_norm.svg}
+        \caption{Normalized}\label{fig:norm_sample_resource_mapping}
+    \end{subfigure}
+    \caption{Abstract resource mapping
+    (conjunctive form) and maximum resource throughput for a few SKL-SP
+The method behind Palmed is based on the observation that a port mapping admits
+a dual representation, where the bottom layer is not expressed as an ``or'',
+but also as an ``and''.
+In this dual model, an instruction such as \texttt{ADDSS} does not use
+\emph{either} $p_0$ or $p_1$, but instead uses once the combined resource
+$r_{01}$, which has a throughput of 2. Instructions such as \texttt{BSR}, using
+only $p_1$, are using \emph{both} $r_1$ and $r_{01}$. In
+\autoref{fig:sample_resource_mapping}, we present the resource mapping
+equivalent to the port mapping presented in \autoref{fig:sample_port_mapping}.
+We then normalize this graph to resources with a unitary throughput by dividing
+each edge's weight by its corresponding resource throughput. The normalized
+mapping for \texttt{ADDSS} and \texttt{BSR} is presented in
+The construction of this dual model, and its equivalence to the original,
+disjunctive model is detailed in the extended version of the full article on
+Finding the throughput of a kernel with this conjunctive representation does not
+require the solving of an optimisation problem. The number of cycles required
+by a kernel is simply the maximum load over all resources.
+    The throughputs of the previous kernels can be computed using the
+    conjunctive resource model instead.
+    \begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth}
+        \centering
+        $\kerK_2$
+        \smallskip
+        \begin{tabular}{l r r r}
+            \toprule
+            & $r_0$ & $r_1$ & $r_{01}$ \\
+            \midrule
+            \texttt{ADDSS} & & & $\sfrac{1}{2}$ \\
+            \texttt{BSR} & & 1 & $\sfrac{1}{2}$ \\
+            \midrule
+            Total & 0 & 1 & 1 \\
+            \bottomrule
+        \end{tabular}
+    \end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth}
+        \centering
+        $\kerK_3$
+        \smallskip
+        \begin{tabular}{l r r r}
+            \toprule
+            & $r_0$ & $r_1$ & $r_{01}$ \\
+            \midrule
+            \texttt{ADDSS} & & & $\sfrac{1}{2}$ \\
+            $2\times$\texttt{BSR} & & 2 & 1 \\
+            \midrule
+            Total & 0 & 2 & 1.5 \\
+            \bottomrule
+        \end{tabular}
+        \end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth}
+        \centering
+        $\kerK_4$
+        \smallskip
+        \begin{tabular}{l r r r}
+            \toprule
+            & $r_0$ & $r_1$ & $r_{01}$ \\
+            \midrule
+            $2\times$\texttt{ADDSS} & & & 1 \\
+            \texttt{BSR} & & 1 & $\sfrac{1}{2}$ \\
+            \midrule
+            Total & 0 & 1 & 1.5 \\
+            \bottomrule
+        \end{tabular}
+    \end{minipage}
+The drawback of this conjunctive model, however, is that it generates a
+theoretically combinatorial number of new resources. This, however, does not happen
+in practice: a combined resource is only necessary if at least one \uop{}
+is supported by this set of combined ports. On real processors, ports are not
+random, but instead have a well-defined set of functions, \eg{} arithmetics,
+memory access, etc. Thus, only a very limited number of combined resources are
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