diff --git a/manuscrit/60_staticdeps/40_staticdeps.tex b/manuscrit/60_staticdeps/40_staticdeps.tex
index 0493e20..f1a5505 100644
--- a/manuscrit/60_staticdeps/40_staticdeps.tex
+++ b/manuscrit/60_staticdeps/40_staticdeps.tex
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ dependencies detections.
-As \staticdeps{}'s heuristic is based on randomness in a Monte Carlo sense, it
+Given how \staticdeps{}'s heuristic is based on randomness, it
 may yield false positives: two registers could theoretically be assigned the
 same value sampled at random, making them aliasing addresses. This is, however,
 very improbable, as values are sampled from a set of cardinality $2^{64}$. If