\section[Wrapping up:\\the \acombined{} model]{Wrapping up: the \acombined{} model}

    \onslide<3->{\textbf{\alert{\Large$\leadsto$ Let's make a model for the Cortex A72!}}}

\begin{frame}{From dependencies to cycles}
        \item \staticdeps{}: set to also report \alert{register} dependencies.
        \item Unroll $\kerK$ to fill the ROB
        \item Build \alert{dependencies graph}: edges are dependencies,
            weighted by \alert{source instruction latency} (given by \palmed).
        \item Compute \alert{longest path}, divide by repetitions of $\kerK$

        \textbf{$\leadsto$ lower bound on execution time}


        \textbf{Combine frontend, backend, critical by taking the max}
