import subprocess import multiprocessing import sys import random import libtmux class TmuxSession: """ A tmux session """ tmux_server = libtmux.Server() def __init__(self, session): self.session = session self.session_id = @classmethod def create_detached(cls, name=None): """ Create a new detached tmux session, returning the TmuxSession """ if not name: name = "patch2vimsession-{:04x}".format(random.randint(0, 1 << 16 - 1)) session = cls.tmux_server.new_session(session_name=name, attach=False) return cls(session) def attach(self): """ Attach the tmux session to the current terminal. Does NOT return until the tmux session ends or is detached. """ self.session.attach_session() def attach_ro(self): """ Same as `attach`, but attaches a tmux session in a read-only fashion (see `tmux attach -r`). """ # libtmux is not expressive enough to avoid `subprocess` here...["tmux", "attach", "-r", "-t",], check=True) def session_exists(self): """ Checks that the session exists """ return self.tmux_server.has_session(self.session_id) def process_attach(self, read_only=True): """ Runs `self.attach` in a `multiprocessing.Process` and returns the process. """ target = self.attach_ro if read_only else self.attach process = multiprocessing.Process(target=target) process.start() return process def send_keys(self, *args): """ Send keys to the tmux process. See `man tmux` and `tmux send-keys` for documentation """ for arg in args: self.session.attached_pane.send_keys( arg, suppress_history=False, enter=False ) # # ["tmux", "send-keys", "-t",] + list(args), check=True # )