import argparse import pathlib import os import sys import time import patch from tmux import TmuxSession def parse_args(): """ Parse command-line arguments """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="patch2vimedit") parser.add_argument( "-C", "--directory", metavar="DIR", help="Change to DIR before performing any operations.", ) parser.add_argument( "patch", help=( "The patch file to be applied. If '-' is supplied, reads from STDIN " "instead." ), ) return parser.parse_args() def get_patch(patch_path): if patch_path == "-": return patch.PatchSet(sys.stdin) with open(patch_path, "rb") as stream: return patch.PatchSet(stream) def main(): """ Entry-point function """ args = parse_args() if chdir_to = pathlib.Path( if not chdir_to.is_dir(): print( ( "The required working directory '{}' does not exist, or is not a " "directory." ).format(str(chdir_to)), file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) os.chdir(chdir_to) patchset = get_patch(args.patch) tmux_session = TmuxSession.create_detached() tmux_fg_process = tmux_session.process_attach(read_only=True) time.sleep(0.2) tmux_session.send_keys('echo "Hello, world!"', "enter") time.sleep(1) tmux_session.send_keys('echo "Bye, world!"', "enter") time.sleep(1) tmux_session.send_keys("exit", "enter") tmux_fg_process.join(1) if tmux_fg_process.exitcode is None: # Did not terminate -- kill it tmux_fg_process.kill() if tmux_session.session_exists(): tmux_session.session.kill_session() if __name__ == "__main__": main()