#include "Mesh.hpp" Mesh::Mesh() : center(Point(.0, .0, .0)) { } size_t Mesh::add_vertice(const Point& pt) { return inner_add_vertice(pt, NormalVect()); } size_t Mesh::add_vertice(const Point& pt, const Point& normal) { return inner_add_vertice(pt, NormalVect(normal, true)); } void Mesh::add_face(const Face& face) { for(int f_id=0; f_id < 3; ++f_id) { if((unsigned)face[f_id] >= normals.size()) throw std::out_of_range("Vertice out of range for face"); if(!normals[face[f_id]].manual) normals[face[f_id]].dirty = true; faces_with_vert[face[f_id]].push_back(faces.size()); } faces.push_back(face); } void Mesh::add_face(size_t f1, size_t f2, size_t f3) { add_face(Face(f1, f2, f3)); } const Point& Mesh::get_center() const { return center; } void Mesh::set_center(const Point& pt) { center = pt; } void Mesh::translate(const Point& tr) { center += tr; } void Mesh::normalize_center(bool keep_position) { Point bary(0., 0., 0.); for(const Point& vert: vertices) bary += vert; bary = (1. / ((double)vertices.size())) * bary; for(Point& vert: vertices) vert -= bary; if(keep_position) translate(bary); else set_center(Point(0, 0, 0)); } const std::vector& Mesh::get_vertices() const { return vertices; } const std::vector& Mesh::get_faces() const { return faces; } const Point& Mesh::get_normal(size_t vert_id) { if(vert_id >= normals.size()) throw std::out_of_range("Normal out of range"); NormalVect& norm = normals[vert_id]; if(norm.dirty) { compute_normal(vert_id); norm.dirty = false; } return norm.vect; } size_t Mesh::inner_add_vertice(const Point& pt, const Mesh::NormalVect& normal) { vertices.push_back(pt); normals.push_back(normal); faces_with_vert.push_back(std::vector()); return vertices.size() - 1; } void Mesh::compute_normal(size_t vert) { Point normal(0., 0., 0.); for(size_t f_id: faces_with_vert[vert]) { const Face& face = faces[f_id]; Point e1 = vertices[face[1]] - vertices[face[0]], e2 = vertices[face[2]] - vertices[face[0]]; normal += e1.cross_prod(e2); } normal = (1. / ((double) faces_with_vert[vert].size())) * normal; normals[vert].dirty = false; normals[vert].vect = normal; }