
96 lines
2.2 KiB

open PPrint
open Constant
open Common
let break1 = break 1
let jump ?(indent=2) body =
jump indent 1 body
let parens_with_nesting contents =
surround 2 0 lparen contents rparen
let braces_with_nesting contents =
surround 2 1 lbrace contents rbrace
let int i = string (string_of_int i)
let print_width = function
| UInt8 -> string "uint8"
| UInt16 -> string "uint16"
| UInt32 -> string "uint32"
| UInt64 -> string "uint64"
| CInt -> string "krml_checked_int"
| Int8 -> string "int8"
| Int16 -> string "int16"
| Int32 -> string "int32"
| Int64 -> string "int64"
| Bool -> string "bool"
let print_constant = function
| w, s -> string s ^^ print_width w
let print_op = function
| Add -> string "+"
| AddW -> string "+w"
| Sub -> string "-"
| SubW -> string "-"
| Div -> string "/"
| DivW -> string "/w"
| Mult -> string "*"
| MultW -> string "*w"
| Mod -> string "%"
| BOr -> string "|"
| BAnd -> string "&"
| BXor -> string "^"
| BNot -> string "~"
| BShiftL -> string "<<"
| BShiftR -> string ">>"
| Eq -> string "=="
| Neq -> string "!="
| Lt -> string "<"
| Lte -> string "<="
| Gt -> string ">"
| Gte -> string ">="
| And -> string "&&"
| Or -> string "||"
| Xor -> string "^"
| Not -> string "!"
| PostIncr | PreIncr -> string "++"
| PostDecr | PreDecr -> string "--"
| Assign -> string "="
| Comma -> string ","
let print_cc = function
| CDecl -> string "__cdecl"
| StdCall -> string "__stdcall"
| FastCall -> string "__fastcall"
let print_lident (idents, ident) =
separate_map dot string (idents @ [ ident ])
let print_program p decls =
separate_map (hardline ^^ hardline) p decls
let print_files print_decl files =
separate_map hardline (fun (f, p) ->
string (String.uppercase f) ^^ colon ^^ jump (print_program print_decl p)
) files
let printf_of_pprint f =
fun buf t ->
PPrint.ToBuffer.compact buf (f t)
let printf_of_pprint_pretty f =
fun buf t ->
PPrint.ToBuffer.pretty 0.95 Utils.twidth buf (f t)
let pdoc buf d =
PPrint.ToBuffer.compact buf d
let english_join s =
match List.rev s with
| [] -> empty
| [ x ] -> x
| last :: first ->
group (separate (comma ^^ break1) (List.rev first) ^/^ string "and" ^/^ last)