Require Import Coq.Wellfounded.Inverse_Image. Require Import MyTactics. Require Export Autosubst.Autosubst. Require Export AutosubstExtra. Require Export Autosubst_IsRen. (* The syntax of the lambda-calculus. *) Inductive term := | Var (x : var) | Lam (t : {bind term}) | App (t1 t2 : term) | Let (t1 : term) (t2 : {bind term}) . Instance Ids_term : Ids term. derive. Defined. Instance Rename_term : Rename term. derive. Defined. Instance Subst_term : Subst term. derive. Defined. Instance SubstLemmas_term : SubstLemmas term. derive. Qed. (* If the image of [t] through a substitution is a variable, then [t] must itself be a variable. *) Lemma subst_is_var: forall t sigma x, t.[sigma] = ids x -> exists y, t = ids y. Proof. intros ? ? ? Heq. destruct t; compute in Heq; solve [ eauto | congruence ]. Qed. (* The identity substitution [ids] is injective. *) Lemma inj_ids: forall x y, ids x = ids y -> x = y. Proof. intros ? ? Heq. compute in Heq. congruence. Qed. (* If the composition of two substitutions [sigma1] and [sigma2] is the identity substitution, then [sigma1] must be a renaming. *) Lemma ids_implies_is_ren: forall sigma1 sigma2, sigma1 >> sigma2 = ids -> is_ren sigma1. Proof. intros ? ? Hid. eapply prove_is_ren; [ eapply inj_ids | intros x ]. eapply subst_is_var with (sigma := sigma2) (x := x). rewrite <- Hid. reflexivity. Qed. Hint Resolve ids_implies_is_ren : is_ren obvious. (* The size of a term. *) Fixpoint size (t : term) : nat := match t with | Var _ => 0 | Lam t => 1 + size t | App t1 t2 | Let t1 t2 => 1 + size t1 + size t2 end. (* The size of a term is preserved by renaming. *) Lemma size_renaming: forall t sigma, is_ren sigma -> size t.[sigma] = size t. Proof. induction t; intros sigma Hsigma; asimpl; repeat (match goal with h: forall sigma, _ |- _ => rewrite h by obvious; clear h end); try reflexivity. (* [Var] *) { destruct Hsigma as [ xi ? ]. subst. reflexivity. } Qed. (* The [size] function imposes a well-founded ordering on terms. *) Lemma smaller_wf: well_founded (fun t1 t2 => size t1 < size t2). Proof. eauto using wf_inverse_image, lt_wf. Qed. (* The tactic [size_induction] facilitates proofs by induction on the size of a term. The following lemmas are used in the construction of this tactic. *) Lemma size_induction_intro: forall (P : term -> Prop), (forall n t, size t < n -> P t) -> (forall t, P t). Proof. eauto. (* just instantiate [n] with [size t + 1] *) Defined. Lemma size_induction_induction: forall (P : term -> Prop), (forall n, (forall t, size t < n -> P t) -> (forall t, size t < S n -> P t)) -> (forall n t, size t < n -> P t). Proof. intros P IH. induction n; intros. { false. eapply Nat.nlt_0_r. eauto. } { eauto. } Defined. Lemma size_induction: forall (P : term -> Prop), (forall n, (forall t, size t < n -> P t) -> (forall t, size t < S n -> P t)) -> (forall t, P t). Proof. intros P IH. eapply size_induction_intro. eapply size_induction_induction. eauto. Defined. Ltac size_induction := (* We assume the goal is of the form [forall t, P t]. *) intro t; pattern t; match goal with |- ?P t => simpl; eapply (@size_induction P); clear end; intros n IH t Htn. (* The goal should now be of the form [P t] with a hypothesis [IH: (forall t, size t < n -> P t] and a hypothesis [Htn: size t < S n]. *) (* The tactic [size] proves goals of the form [size t < n]. The tactic [obvious] is also extended to prove such goals. *) Hint Extern 1 (size ?t.[?sigma] < ?n) => rewrite size_renaming by obvious : size obvious. Hint Extern 1 (size ?t < ?n) => simpl in *; omega : size obvious. Ltac size := eauto with size. (* The following is a direct proof of [smaller_wf]. We do not use any preexisting lemmas, and end the proof with [Defined] instead of [Qed], so as to make the proof term transparent. Also, we avoid the tactic [omega], which produces huge proof terms. This allows Coq to compute with functions that are defined by well-founded recursion. *) Lemma smaller_wf_transparent: well_founded (fun t1 t2 => size t1 < size t2). Proof. unfold well_founded. size_induction. constructor; intros u Hu. eapply IH. eapply lt_S_n. eapply le_lt_trans; eauto. Defined. (* The following lemmas can be useful in situations where the tactic [asimpl] performs too much simplification. *) Lemma subst_var: forall x sigma, (Var x).[sigma] = sigma x. Proof. autosubst. Qed. Lemma subst_lam: forall t sigma, (Lam t).[sigma] = Lam (t.[up sigma]). Proof. autosubst. Qed. Lemma subst_app: forall t1 t2 sigma, (App t1 t2).[sigma] = App t1.[sigma] t2.[sigma]. Proof. autosubst. Qed. Lemma subst_let: forall t1 t2 sigma, (Let t1 t2).[sigma] = Let t1.[sigma] t2.[up sigma]. Proof. autosubst. Qed.