Require Import MyTactics. Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax. (* This technical lemma states that the renaming [lift 1] is injective. *) Lemma lift_inj_Var: forall t x, lift 1 t = Var (S x) <-> t = Var x. Proof. split; intros. { eauto using lift_inj. } { subst. eauto. } Qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The predicate [fv k t] means that the free variables of the term [t] are contained in the semi-open interval [0..k). *) Definition fv k t := t.[upn k (ren (+1))] = t. (* The predicate [fv] is characterized by the following lemmas. *) Lemma fv_Var_eq: forall k x, fv k (Var x) <-> x < k. Proof. unfold fv. asimpl. induction k; intros. (* Base case. *) { asimpl. split; intros; false. { unfold ids, Ids_term in *. injections. omega. } { omega. } } (* Step. *) { destruct x; asimpl. { split; intros. { omega. } { reflexivity. } } rewrite lift_inj_Var. rewrite IHk. omega. } Qed. Lemma fv_Lam_eq: forall k t, fv k (Lam t) <-> fv (S k) t. Proof. unfold fv. intros. asimpl. split; intros. { injections. eauto. } { unpack. congruence. } Qed. Lemma fv_App_eq: forall k t1 t2, fv k (App t1 t2) <-> fv k t1 /\ fv k t2. Proof. unfold fv. intros. asimpl. split; intros. { injections. eauto. } { unpack. congruence. } Qed. Lemma fv_Let_eq: forall k t1 t2, fv k (Let t1 t2) <-> fv k t1 /\ fv (S k) t2. Proof. unfold fv. intros. asimpl. split; intros. { injections. eauto. } { unpack. congruence. } Qed. Hint Rewrite fv_Var_eq fv_Lam_eq fv_App_eq fv_Let_eq : fv. (* The tactic [fv] uses the above lemmas as rewriting rules. *) Ltac fv := autorewrite with fv in *. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The predicate [closed t] means that the term [t] is closed, that is, [t] has no free variables. *) Definition closed := fv 0. (* [closed t] is equivalent to [lift 1 t = t]. *) Lemma closed_eq: forall t, closed t <-> lift 1 t = t. Proof. unfold closed, fv. asimpl. tauto. Qed. (* The following lemmas allow decomposing a closedness hypothesis. Because [closed] is not an inductive notion, there is no lemma for [Lam] and for the right-hand side of [Let]. *) Lemma closed_Var: forall x, ~ closed (Var x). Proof. unfold closed; intros; fv. omega. Qed. Lemma closed_AppL: forall t1 t2, closed (App t1 t2) -> closed t1. Proof. unfold closed; intros; fv. tauto. Qed. Lemma closed_AppR: forall t1 t2, closed (App t1 t2) -> closed t2. Proof. unfold closed; intros; fv. tauto. Qed. Lemma closed_LetL: forall t1 t2, closed (Let t1 t2) -> closed t1. Proof. unfold closed; intros; fv. tauto. Qed. Hint Resolve closed_Var closed_AppL closed_AppR closed_LetL : closed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* If the free variables of the term [t] are below [k], then [t] is unaffected by a substitution of the form [upn k sigma]. *) Lemma fv_unaffected: forall t k sigma, fv k t -> t.[upn k sigma] = t. Proof. induction t; intros; fv; unpack; asimpl; try solve [ eauto using upn_k_sigma_x with typeclass_instances | f_equal; eauto ]. Qed. (* If the term [t] is closed, then [t] is unaffected by any substitution. *) Lemma closed_unaffected: forall t sigma, closed t -> t.[sigma] = t. Proof. intros. eapply fv_unaffected with (k := 0). eauto. Qed.