(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Parse the command line. *) let debug = ref false let light_debug = ref false let filenames = ref [] let record filename = filenames := filename :: !filenames let options = Arg.align [ "--debug", Arg.Set debug, " Enable debugging output"; "--light-debug", Arg.Set light_debug, " Enable debugging output"; ] let usage = Printf.sprintf "Usage: %s " Sys.argv.(0) let () = Arg.parse options record usage let debug = !debug let light_debug = !light_debug let filenames = List.rev !filenames (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Printing a syntax tree in an intermediate language (for debugging). *) let print_delimiter () = Printf.eprintf "----------------------------------------"; Printf.eprintf "----------------------------------------\n" let dump (phase : string) (show : 'term -> string) (light: bool) (t : 'term) = if debug || (light_debug && light) then begin print_delimiter(); Printf.eprintf "%s:\n\n%s\n\n%!" phase (show t) end; t (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Reading and parsing a file. *) let read filename : RawLambda.term = try let contents = Utils.file_get_contents filename in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string contents in Error.set_filename lexbuf filename; try Parser.entry Lexer.entry lexbuf with | Parser.Error -> Error.error (Error.place lexbuf) "Syntax error." with | Sys_error msg -> prerr_endline msg; exit 1 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Printing the final C program on the standard output channel. *) let output (p : C.program) : unit = Printf.printf "#include\n"; Printf.printf "#include\n"; Printf.printf "#include \"prologue.h\"\n\n"; let print_program = PrintCommon.print_program PrintC.p_decl_or_function in let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in PrintCommon.printf_of_pprint_pretty print_program buf p; print_endline (Buffer.contents buf) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The complete processing pipeline. Beautiful, isn't it? *) let process filename = filename |> read |> dump "RawLambda" RawLambda.show_term false |> Cook.cook_term |> dump "Lambda" Lambda.show_term false |> CPS.cps_term |> dump "Tail" Tail.show_term false |> dump "PrettyTail" PrettyTail.show true |> Defun.defun_term |> dump "Top" Top.show_program false |> dump "PrettyTop" PrettyTop.show true |> Finish.finish_program |> dump "C" C.show_program false |> output (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The main program. *) let () = List.iter process filenames