(* The source calculus. *) module S = Top (* The target calculus. *) module T = C (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [interval i j f] constructs the list [[f i; f (i + 1); ...; f (j - 1)]]. *) let rec interval i j (f : int -> 'a) : 'a list = if i < j then f i :: interval (i + 1) j f else [] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [index xs] constructs a list of pairs, where each element of [xs] is paired with its index. Indices are 0-based. *) let index (xs : 'a list) : (int * 'a) list = let n = List.length xs in let indices = interval 0 n (fun i -> i) in List.combine indices xs (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The number of fields of a block, not counting its tag. *) let block_num_fields b = match b with | S.Con (_, vs) -> List.length vs (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A simple-minded way of ensuring that every atom is printed as a distinct string is to concatenate the atom's hint and identity, with an underscore in between. This is guaranteed to rule out collisions. *) let var (x : S.variable) : T.ident = Printf.sprintf "%s_%d" (Atom.hint x) (Atom.identity x) let evar (x : S.variable) : T.expr = T.Name (var x) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Predefined C types and functions. *) (* A universal type: every value is translated to a C value of type [univ]. This is a union type (i.e., an untagged sum) of integers and pointers to memory blocks. *) let univ : T.type_spec = T.Named "univ" (* The type of integers. *) let int : T.type_spec = T.Named "int" (* The type [char] appears in the type of [main]. *) let char : T.type_spec = T.Named "char" let answer : T.type_spec = int (* Our functions never actually return, since they are tail recursive. We use [int] as their return type, since this is the return type of [main]. *) let exit : T.expr = T.Name "exit" let printf : T.expr = T.Name "printf" (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [declare x init] constructs a local variable declaration for a variable [x] of type [univ]. [x] is optionally initialized according to [init]. *) let declare (x : S.variable) (init : T.init option) : T.declaration = univ, None, [ T.Ident (var x), init ] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Macro invocations. *) let macro m es : T.expr = (* We disguise a macro invocation as a procedure call. *) T.Call (T.Name m, es) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Integer literals; conversions between [univ] and [int]. *) let iconst i : T.expr = T.Constant (Constant.Int64, string_of_int i) let to_int v : T.expr = macro "TO_INT" [ v ] (* This is an unsafe conversion, of course. *) let from_int v : T.expr = macro "FROM_INT" [ v ] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The translation of values. *) let finish_op = function | S.OpAdd -> T.K.Add | S.OpSub -> T.K.Sub | S.OpMul -> T.K.Mult | S.OpDiv -> T.K.Div let rec finish_value (v : S.value) : T.expr = match v with | S.VVar x -> evar x | S.VLit i -> from_int (iconst i) | S.VBinOp (v1, op, v2) -> from_int ( T.Op2 ( finish_op op, to_int (finish_value v1), to_int (finish_value v2) ) ) let finish_values vs = List.map finish_value vs (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A macro for allocating a memory block. *) let alloc b : T.expr = T.Call (T.Name "ALLOC", [ iconst (block_num_fields b) ]) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Macros for reading and initializing the tag of a memory block. *) let read_tag (v : S.value) : T.expr = macro "GET_TAG" [ finish_value v ] let set_tag (x : S.variable) (tag : S.tag) : T.stmt = T.Expr (macro "SET_TAG" [ evar x; iconst tag ]) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Macros for reading and setting a field in a memory block. *) let read_field (v : S.value) (i : int) : T.expr = (* [i] is a 0-based field index. *) macro "GET_FIELD" [ finish_value v; iconst i ] let read_field (v : S.value) (i, x) (t : T.stmt list) : T.stmt list = (* [x] is a variable, which is declared and initialized with the content of the [i]th field of the block [v]. *) T.DeclStmt (declare x (Some (T.InitExpr (read_field v i)))) :: t let read_fields (v : S.value) xs (t : T.stmt list) : T.stmt list = (* [xs] are variables, which are declared and initialized with the contents of the fields of the block [v]. *) List.fold_right (read_field v) (index xs) t let set_field x i (v : S.value) : T.stmt = T.Expr (macro "SET_FIELD" [ evar x; iconst i; finish_value v ]) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A sequence of instructions for initializing a memory block. *) let init_block (x : S.variable) (b : S.block) : T.stmt list = match b with | S.Con (tag, vs) -> T.Comment "Initializing a memory block:" :: set_tag x tag :: List.mapi (set_field x) vs (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Function calls, as expressions and as statements. *) let ecall f args : T.expr = T.Call (f, args) let scall f args : T.stmt = T.Expr (ecall f args) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The translation of terms. *) let rec finish_term (t : S.term) : C.stmt = match t with | S.Exit -> T.Compound [ scall exit [ iconst 0 ] ] | S.TailCall (f, vs) -> T.Return (Some (ecall (evar f) (finish_values vs))) | S.Print (v, t) -> T.Compound [ scall printf [ T.Literal "%d\\n"; to_int (finish_value v) ]; finish_term t ] | S.LetVal (x, v1, t2) -> T.Compound [ T.DeclStmt (declare x (Some (T.InitExpr (finish_value v1)))); finish_term t2 ] | S.LetBlo (x, b1, t2) -> T.Compound ( T.DeclStmt (declare x (Some (T.InitExpr (alloc b1)))) :: init_block x b1 @ [ finish_term t2 ] ) | S.IfZero _ -> (* TODO ifzero *) assert false | S.Swi (v, bs) -> T.Switch ( read_tag v, finish_branches v bs, default ) and default : T.stmt = (* This default [switch] branch should never be taken. *) T.Compound [ scall printf [ T.Literal "Oops! A nonexistent case has been taken.\\n" ]; scall exit [ iconst 42 ]; ] and finish_branches v bs = List.map (finish_branch v) bs and finish_branch v (S.Branch (tag, xs, t)) : T.expr * T.stmt = iconst tag, T.Compound (read_fields v xs [finish_term t]) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Function declarations. *) (* We distinguish the function [main], whose type is imposed by the C standard, and ordinary functions, whose parameters have type [univ]. *) (* A parameter of an ordinary function has type [univ]. *) let param (x : S.variable) : T.param = univ, T.Ident (var x) (* A declaration of an ordinary function. *) let declare_ordinary_function f xs : T.declaration = answer, None, [ T.Function (None, T.Ident (var f), List.map param xs), None ] (* The declaration of the main function. *) let declare_main_function : T.declaration = let params = [ int, T.Ident "argc"; char, T.Pointer (T.Pointer (T.Ident "argv")) ] in int, None, [ T.Function (None, T.Ident "main", params), None ] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A function definition. *) type decl_or_fun = T.declaration_or_function let define (decl : T.declaration) (t : S.term) : decl_or_fun = T.Function ( [], (* no comments *) false, (* not inlined *) decl, T.Compound [finish_term t] ) let define_ordinary_function (S.Fun (f, xs, t)) : decl_or_fun = define (declare_ordinary_function f xs) t let define_main_function (t : S.term) : decl_or_fun = define declare_main_function t (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Because all functions are mutually recursive, their definitions must be preceded with their prototypes. *) let prototype (f : decl_or_fun) : decl_or_fun = match f with | T.Function (_, _, declaration, _) -> T.Decl ([], declaration) | T.Decl _ -> assert false let prototypes (fs : decl_or_fun list) : decl_or_fun list = List.map prototype fs @ fs (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The translation of a complete program. *) let finish_program (S.Prog (decls, main) : S.program) : T.program = prototypes ( define_main_function main :: List.map define_ordinary_function decls )