module S = Top type consts_env = int Atom.Map.t type reduced_value = IntRed of int | ValRed of S.value let rec reduce_val env (v: S.value) = match v with | S.VVar var -> (try IntRed (Atom.Map.find var env) with Not_found -> ValRed (S.VVar var)) | S.VLit x -> IntRed x | S.VBinOp (left, op, right) -> let op_func = function | S.OpAdd -> (+) | S.OpSub -> (-) | S.OpMul -> ( * ) | S.OpDiv -> (/) in let apply op l r = match (l, r) with | IntRed l, IntRed r -> IntRed ((op_func op) l r) | IntRed l, ValRed r -> ValRed (S.VBinOp (S.VLit l, op, r)) | ValRed l, IntRed r -> ValRed (S.VBinOp (l, op, S.VLit r)) | ValRed l, ValRed r -> ValRed (S.VBinOp (l, op, r)) in let lVal = reduce_val env left and rVal = reduce_val env right in apply op lVal rVal let do_value env value = match reduce_val env value with | IntRed x -> S.VLit x | ValRed exp -> exp let do_block env (S.Con(tag, args)) = S.Con (tag, (do_value env) args) let rec do_term (env: consts_env) (t: S.term) = match t with | S.Exit -> S.Exit | S.TailCall (func, args) -> S.TailCall ( func, (do_value env) args) | S.Print (value, next) -> S.Print ( do_value env value, do_term env next) | S.LetVal (var, value, next) -> (match do_value env value with | S.VLit x -> do_term (Atom.Map.add var x env) next | value -> S.LetVal (var, value, do_term env next)) | S.LetBlo (var, block, next) -> S.LetBlo (var, do_block env block, do_term env next) | S.IfZero (cond, tIf, tElse) -> S.IfZero (do_value env cond, do_term env tIf, do_term env tElse) | S.Swi (tag, branches) -> S.Swi(tag, (do_branch env) branches) and do_branch env (S.Branch (tag, args, body)) = S.Branch (tag, args, do_term env body) let do_func (S.Fun (name, args, body)) = S.Fun (name, args, do_term Atom.Map.empty body) let constant_propagation (S.Prog (funcs, body)) = S.Prog ( do_func funcs, do_term Atom.Map.empty body)