import logging
from typing import Dict, Optional, TypedDict, Union

from nio import AsyncClient, ErrorResponse, Response, RoomSendResponse, SendRetryError
from typing_extensions import NotRequired

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ContentEventDict = TypedDict(
        "msgtype": str,
        "format": str,
        "body": str,
        "formatted_body": NotRequired[str],
        "m.relates_to": NotRequired[Dict],

async def send_text_to_room(
    client: AsyncClient,
    room_id: str,
    plaintext: str,
    html: str = None,
    notice: bool = True,
    reply_to_event_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> RoomSendResponse:
    """Send text to a matrix room.

        client: The client to communicate to matrix with.

        room_id: The ID of the room to send the message to.

        plaintext: The message content.

        html: The message content in HTML format.

        notice: Whether the message should be sent with an "m.notice" message type
            (will not ping users).

        reply_to_event_id: Whether this message is a reply to another event. The event
            ID this is message is a reply to.

        A RoomSendResponse if the request was successful, else an ErrorResponse.
    # Determine whether to ping room members or not
    msgtype = "m.notice" if notice else "m.text"

    content: ContentEventDict = {
        "msgtype": msgtype,
        "format": "org.matrix.custom.html",
        "body": plaintext,

    if html is not None:
        content["formatted_body"] = html

    if reply_to_event_id:
        content["m.relates_to"] = {"m.in_reply_to": {"event_id": reply_to_event_id}}

        return await client.room_send(
    except SendRetryError:
        logger.exception(f"Unable to send message response to {room_id}")

def make_pill(user_id: str, displayname: str = None) -> str:
    """Convert a user ID (and optionally a display name) to a formatted user 'pill'

        user_id: The MXID of the user.

        displayname: An optional displayname. Clients like Element will figure out the
            correct display name no matter what, but other clients may not. If not
            provided, the MXID will be used instead.

        The formatted user pill.
    if not displayname:
        # Use the user ID as the displayname if not provided
        displayname = user_id

    return f'<a href="{user_id}">{displayname}</a>'

async def react_to_event(
    client: AsyncClient,
    room_id: str,
    event_id: str,
    reaction_text: str,
) -> Union[Response, ErrorResponse]:
    """Reacts to a given event in a room with the given reaction text

        client: The client to communicate to matrix with.

        room_id: The ID of the room to send the message to.

        event_id: The ID of the event to react to.

        reaction_text: The string to react with. Can also be (one or more) emoji characters.

        A nio.Response or nio.ErrorResponse if an error occurred.

        SendRetryError: If the reaction was unable to be sent.
    content = {
        "m.relates_to": {
            "rel_type": "m.annotation",
            "event_id": event_id,
            "key": reaction_text,

    return await client.room_send(

def strip_fallback(content: str) -> str:
    index = 0
    for line in content.splitlines(keepends=True):
        if not line.startswith("> "):
        if index == 0:
            index += 1
        index += len(line)
    return content[index:]