from __future__ import annotations import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TypedDict, cast import aiohttp from aiohttp import ClientError from aiohttp_prometheus_exporter.trace import PrometheusTraceConfig from diskcache import Cache from matrix_alertbot.errors import ( AlertmanagerClientError, AlertmanagerServerError, AlertNotFoundError, SilenceExpiredError, SilenceExtendError, SilenceNotFoundError, ) DEFAULT_DURATION = timedelta(hours=3) MAX_DURATION = timedelta(days=3652) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) AlertDict = TypedDict( "AlertDict", { "fingerprint": str, "labels": Dict[str, str], }, ) SilenceDict = TypedDict( "SilenceDict", { "id": str, "matchers": List[Dict[str, Any]], "createdBy": str, "status": Dict[str, str], }, ) class AlertmanagerClient: def __init__(self, url: str, cache: Cache) -> None: self.api_url = f"{url}/api/v2" self.cache = cache self.session = None async def start(self) -> None: self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(trace_configs=[PrometheusTraceConfig()]) async def close(self) -> None: if self.session is not None: await self.session.close() async def __aenter__(self) -> AlertmanagerClient: if self.session is None: await self.start() return self async def __aexit__(self, *args) -> None: await self.close() async def get_alerts(self) -> List[AlertDict]: if self.session is None: raise AlertmanagerClientError("Alertmanager client is not started") try: async with self.session.get(f"{self.api_url}/alerts") as response: response.raise_for_status() return await response.json() except ClientError as e: raise AlertmanagerServerError( "Cannot fetch alerts from Alertmanager" ) from e async def get_alert(self, fingerprint: str) -> AlertDict: logger.debug(f"Fetching details for alert with fingerprint {fingerprint}") alerts = await self.get_alerts() return self._find_alert(fingerprint, alerts) async def get_silences(self) -> List[SilenceDict]: if self.session is None: raise AlertmanagerClientError("Alertmanager client is not started") try: async with self.session.get(f"{self.api_url}/silences") as response: response.raise_for_status() return await response.json() except ClientError as e: raise AlertmanagerServerError( "Cannot fetch silences from Alertmanager" ) from e async def get_silence(self, silence_id: str) -> SilenceDict: logger.debug(f"Fetching details for silence with ID {silence_id}") silences = await self.get_silences() return self._find_silence(silence_id, silences) async def create_silence( self, fingerprint: str, user: str, duration_seconds: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: alert = await self.get_alert(fingerprint) logger.debug(f"Creating silence for alert with fingerprint {fingerprint}") silence_matchers = [ {"name": label, "value": value, "isRegex": False, "isEqual": True} for label, value in alert["labels"].items() ] return await self._create_or_update_silence( fingerprint, silence_matchers, user, duration_seconds ) async def update_silence( self, fingerprint: str, user: Optional[str] = None, duration_seconds: Optional[int] = None, *, force: bool = False, ) -> str: logger.debug( f"Reading silence for alert with fingerprint {fingerprint} from cache" ) cache_result = cast( Optional[Tuple[str, int]], self.cache.get(fingerprint, expire_time=True) ) if cache_result is not None: silence_id, expire_time = cache_result else: silence_id = None expire_time = None if silence_id is None: raise SilenceNotFoundError( f"Cannot find silence for alert with fingerprint {fingerprint} in cache." ) logger.debug( f"Updating silence with ID {silence_id} for alert with fingerprint {fingerprint}" ) # If silence in cache had a duration, and the new silence doesn't have a duration # then we cannot update this silence. if not force and duration_seconds is None and expire_time is not None: raise SilenceExtendError( f"Cannot extend silence ID {silence_id} with static duration." ) silence = await self.get_silence(silence_id) if user is None: user = silence["createdBy"] silence_matchers = silence["matchers"] return await self._create_or_update_silence( fingerprint, silence_matchers, user, duration_seconds, silence_id ) async def create_or_update_silence( self, fingerprint: str, user: str, duration_seconds: Optional[int] = None, *, force: bool = False, ) -> str: try: silence_id = await self.update_silence( fingerprint, user, duration_seconds, force=force ) except SilenceNotFoundError: silence_id = await self.create_silence(fingerprint, user, duration_seconds) return silence_id async def _create_or_update_silence( self, fingerprint: str, silence_matchers: List, user: str, duration_seconds: Optional[int] = None, silence_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: if self.session is None: raise AlertmanagerClientError("Alertmanager client is not started") if duration_seconds is None: duration_delta = DEFAULT_DURATION elif duration_seconds > MAX_DURATION.total_seconds(): duration_delta = MAX_DURATION else: duration_delta = timedelta(seconds=duration_seconds) start_time = end_time = start_time + duration_delta silence = { "id": silence_id, "matchers": silence_matchers, "startsAt": start_time.isoformat(), "endsAt": end_time.isoformat(), "createdBy": user, "comment": "Acknowledge alert from Matrix", } try: async with f"{self.api_url}/silences", json=silence ) as response: response.raise_for_status() data = await response.json() except ClientError as e: raise AlertmanagerServerError( f"Cannot create silence for alert fingerprint {fingerprint}" ) from e self.cache.set(fingerprint, data["silenceID"], expire=duration_seconds) return data["silenceID"] async def delete_silence(self, silence_id: str) -> None: if self.session is None: raise AlertmanagerClientError("Alertmanager client is not started") silence = await self.get_silence(silence_id) silence_state = silence["status"]["state"] if silence_state == "expired": raise SilenceExpiredError( f"Cannot delete already expired silence with ID {silence_id}" ) try: async with self.session.delete( f"{self.api_url}/silence/{silence_id}" ) as response: response.raise_for_status() except ClientError as e: raise AlertmanagerServerError( f"Cannot delete silence with ID {silence_id}" ) from e @staticmethod def _find_alert(fingerprint: str, alerts: List[AlertDict]) -> AlertDict: for alert in alerts: if alert["fingerprint"] == fingerprint: return alert raise AlertNotFoundError(f"Cannot find alert with fingerprint {fingerprint}") @staticmethod def _find_silence(silence_id: str, silences: List[SilenceDict]) -> SilenceDict: for silence in silences: if silence["id"] == silence_id: return silence raise SilenceNotFoundError(f"Cannot find silence with ID {silence_id}")