# Contributing to Matrix AlertBot Thank you for taking interest in this little project. Below is some information to help you with contributing. ## Setting up your development environment See the [Install the dependencies section of SETUP.md](SETUP.md#install-the-dependencies) for help setting up a running environment for the bot. ### Development dependencies There are some python dependencies that are required for linting/testing etc. You can install them with: ``` pip install -U -r requirements.txt ``` ## Code style Please follow the [PEP8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) style guidelines and format your import statements with [isort](https://pypi.org/project/isort/). ## Linting Run the following script to automatically format your code. This *should* make the linting CI happy: ``` ./scripts-dev/lint.sh ``` ## Testing Run the tests with the following: ``` pytest . ``` Code coverage can be generated with: ``` coverage run --source matrix_alertbot -p -m pytest ``` Then, run either `coverage html` or `coverage lcov` to generate the report. For html report, the results can be found in `htmlcov` directory. ## What to work on Take a look at the [issues list](https://gitlab.domainepublic.net/Neutrinet/matrix-alertbot/-/issues). What feature would you like to see or bug do you want to be fixed? If you would like to talk any ideas over before working on them, you can reach us on our [Mattermost channel](https://chat.neutrinet.be/neutrinet/channels/hub-dev).