[flake8] # see https://pycodestyle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#error-codes # for error codes. The ones we ignore are: # W503: line break before binary operator # W504: line break after binary operator # E203: whitespace before ':' (which is contrary to pep8?) # E731: do not assign a lambda expression, use a def # E501: Line too long (black enforces this for us) ignore=W503,W504,E203,E731,E501 [isort] line_length = 88 sections=FUTURE,STDLIB,COMPAT,THIRDPARTY,FIRSTPARTY,TESTS,LOCALFOLDER default_section=THIRDPARTY known_first_party=my_project_name known_tests=tests multi_line_output=3 include_trailing_comma=true combine_as_imports=true