import logging from typing import Any, Dict # The latest migration version of the database. # # Database migrations are applied starting from the number specified in the database's # `migration_version` table + 1 (or from 0 if this table does not yet exist) up until # the version specified here. # # When a migration is performed, the `migration_version` table should be incremented. latest_migration_version = 0 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Storage: def __init__(self, database_config: Dict[str, str]): """Setup the database. Runs an initial setup or migrations depending on whether a database file has already been created. Args: database_config: a dictionary containing the following keys: * type: A string, one of "sqlite" or "postgres". * connection_string: A string, featuring a connection string that be fed to each respective db library's `connect` method. """ self.conn = self._get_database_connection( database_config["type"], database_config["connection_string"] ) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() self.db_type = database_config["type"] # Try to check the current migration version migration_level = 0 try: self._execute("SELECT version FROM migration_version") row = self.cursor.fetchone() migration_level = row[0] except Exception: self._initial_setup() finally: if migration_level < latest_migration_version: self._run_migrations(migration_level)"Database initialization of type '{self.db_type}' complete") def _get_database_connection( self, database_type: str, connection_string: str ) -> Any: """Creates and returns a connection to the database""" if database_type == "sqlite": import sqlite3 # Initialize a connection to the database, with autocommit on return sqlite3.connect(connection_string, isolation_level=None) elif database_type == "postgres": import psycopg2 conn = psycopg2.connect(connection_string) # Autocommit on conn.set_isolation_level(0) return conn def _initial_setup(self) -> None: """Initial setup of the database""""Performing initial database setup...") # Set up the migration_version table self._execute( """ CREATE TABLE migration_version ( version INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ) """ ) # Initially set the migration version to 0 self._execute( """ INSERT INTO migration_version ( version ) VALUES (?) """, (0,), ) # Set up any other necessary database tables here"Database setup complete") def _run_migrations(self, current_migration_version: int) -> None: """Execute database migrations. Migrates the database to the `latest_migration_version`. Args: current_migration_version: The migration version that the database is currently at. """ logger.debug("Checking for necessary database migrations...") # if current_migration_version < 1: #"Migrating the database from v0 to v1...") # # # Add new table, delete old ones, etc. # # # Update the stored migration version # self._execute("UPDATE migration_version SET version = 1") # #"Database migrated to v1") def _execute(self, *args) -> None: """A wrapper around cursor.execute that transforms placeholder ?'s to %s for postgres. This allows for the support of queries that are compatible with both postgres and sqlite. Args: args: Arguments passed to cursor.execute. """ if self.db_type == "postgres": self.cursor.execute(args[0].replace("?", "%s"), *args[1:]) else: self.cursor.execute(*args)