""" Container objects """ from . import settings from . import util from .jinja_template import JinjaTemplate import libvirt import tempfile from pathlib import Path import getpass import weakref class OverlayDirectory: """Allocates an overlayfs with a given lower dir and a temporary upper dir. The overlayfs is destroyed when this object is deallocated""" class DoesNotExist(Exception): """Raised if `lower` does not exist""" def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def __str__(self): return "Path {} does not exist".format(self.path) def __init__(self, lower, name=None): if not name: name = "" self.lower = Path(lower) if not self.lower.exists(): raise self.DoesNotExist(self.lower) root_temp_dir = Path(settings.OVERLAYFS_BASE_DIR) if not root_temp_dir.exists(): root_temp_dir.mkdir() self.overlay_temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( prefix=name + ("_" if name else ""), dir=root_temp_dir.resolve(), ) self.temp_dir = Path(self.overlay_temp_dir.name) self.temp_dir_cleaner = None self.upper = self.temp_dir / "upper" self.work = self.temp_dir / "work" self.mount_point = self.temp_dir / "mount" self.upper.mkdir() self.work.mkdir() self.mount_point.mkdir() self.mounted = False self._mount() def _mount(self): if self.mounted: return command = [ "sudo", "mount", "-t", "overlay", "overlay", "-o", "lowerdir={lower},upperdir={upper},workdir={work}".format( lower=self.lower.resolve(), upper=self.upper.resolve(), work=self.work.resolve(), ), self.mount_point, ] util.run_cmd_retry(command) self.mounted = True self.temp_dir_cleaner = weakref.finalize( self.overlay_temp_dir, self.cleanup_mount ) def _umount(self): if not self.mounted: return command = [ "sudo", "umount", self.mount_point, ] util.run_cmd_retry(command) self.mounted = False def _set_perms_for_cleanup(self): """Sets the permissions to allow cleanup""" if not self.temp_dir.exists(): return # Already deleted # The overlayfs runs as root, so we need to allow our current user to delete # the temp directory files command_chown = [ "sudo", "chown", "-R", getpass.getuser(), self.temp_dir.resolve(), ] util.run_cmd_retry(command_chown) command_chmod = [ "sudo", "chmod", "-R", "700", self.temp_dir.resolve(), ] util.run_cmd_retry(command_chmod) def cleanup_mount(self): self._umount() self._set_perms_for_cleanup() class Container(util.LibvirtObject): class AlreadyExists(Exception): def __str__(self): return "This container is already instanciated" def __init__( self, conn, networks, name=None, mem=int(1e6), enable_v4=True, root_path=None ): """Parameters: * conn: connection to libvirt, * networks: iterable of Network instances this container is connected to, * name: name of the container. Defaults to something id-based. * mem: KiB of memory available to this container, * enable_v4: is IPv4 enabled for this container? Defaults to True. If False, this container won't be given an IPv4 address. * root_path: if this is not None, the overlayfs for this container will be based on this root directory. """ super().__init__(conn) self.name = f"{settings.PREFIX}_dom{self.id:02d}" if name: self.name += "_" + name self.networks = networks self.mem = mem self.enable_v4 = enable_v4 self.root_path = root_path or settings.BASE_SYSTEM_ROOT self.overlay_root = None self.lxc_container = None @property def up(self): return self.lxc_container is not None def get_jinja_networks(self): """Get a jinja2 environment-compatible network list""" return [ {"mac": util.MACAddress(net.id, self.id), "name": net.name, "net": net} for net in self.networks ] def _create_network_files(self): """Creates systemd-networkd .network files to set IP addresses""" if not self.overlay_root: raise Exception("No root directory specified yet") net_config_templ = JinjaTemplate("nic.network") net_conf_dir = self.overlay_root.mount_point / "etc/systemd/network/" for net in self.networks: net_config = net_config_templ.inst( mac=util.MACAddress(net.id, self.id), ipv4=( util.Addrv4(net.id, self.id) if self.enable_v4 and net.enable_v4 else None ), ipv6=util.Addrv6(net.id, self.id), ) net_config_path = net_conf_dir / "11-{link:02d}-{name}.network".format( link=net.id, name=net.name ) with open(net_config_path, "w") as handle: handle.write(net_config) def create(self): if self.lxc_container: raise self.AlreadyExists() self.overlay_root = OverlayDirectory(self.root_path, name=self.name) self._create_network_files() with (self.overlay_root.mount_point / "etc/hostname").open("w") as h: h.write(self.name) with (self.overlay_root.mount_point / "etc/hosts").open("a") as h: h.write(f"\t{self.name}\n::1\t{self.name}\n") xml = JinjaTemplate("container.xml").inst( name=self.name, uuid=self.uuid, mem=self.mem, filesystem_root=self.overlay_root.mount_point, networks=self.get_jinja_networks(), ) self.lxc_container = self.conn.createXML(xml) def notify_cleanup(self): """This method can be called before `cleanup` to notify the host that a cleanup will be performed soon, speeding the process up.""" if self.lxc_container: try: self.lxc_container.shutdown() except libvirt.libvirtError as exn: if not str(exn).startswith("Domain not found:"): raise exn # Else, the machine was already stopped: everything is fine def cleanup(self): if self.lxc_container: try: self.lxc_container.destroy() except libvirt.libvirtError as exn: if not str(exn).startswith("Domain not found:"): raise exn # Else, the machine was already stopped: everything is fine self.lxc_container = None if self.overlay_root: self.overlay_root.cleanup_mount() self.overlay_root.overlay_temp_dir.cleanup() self.overlay_root = None def __enter__(self): self.create() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.cleanup() def __del__(self): self.cleanup()