Tor Hveem a527428763
Periodic hotlist sync. Fixes #692
There is a bug in WeeChat when hdata is null, which happens when the
hotlist is empty (meaning all buffers are read). Our websocket callback
machinery expects every command with id to return data, so this code in
current versions of WeeChat will lead to a slow leak. But I think lots
of things in our code will do this already so I'm not entirely sure it's
too problematic to let this patch go by.

We could use infolists instead of hdata, but that is cumbersome to parse
and less performant for WeeChat, and sends more data over the wire.

I propose we make a separate attempt at cleaning up the callbacks. Since
we store time on them we could have a cleanuptask that looks through
them and deletes old callbacks. Maybe @dcormier could have a look?
2016-07-29 14:12:46 +02:00

481 lines
18 KiB

(function() {
'use strict';
var weechat = angular.module('weechat');
['$rootScope', '$log', 'handlers', 'models', 'ngWebsockets', function($rootScope,
ngWebsockets) {
var protocol = new weeChat.Protocol();
var connectionData = [];
var reconnectTimer;
// Global connection lock to prevent multiple connections from being opened
var locked = false;
// Takes care of the connection and websocket hooks
var connect = function (host, port, passwd, ssl, noCompression, successCallback, failCallback) {
$rootScope.passwordError = false;
connectionData = [host, port, passwd, ssl, noCompression];
var proto = ssl ? 'wss' : 'ws';
// If host is an IPv6 literal wrap it in brackets
if (host.indexOf(":") !== -1 && host[0] !== "[" && host[host.length-1] !== "]") {
host = "[" + host + "]";
var url = proto + "://" + host + ":" + port + "/weechat";
$log.debug('Connecting to URL: ', url);
var onopen = function () {
// Helper methods for initialization commands
var _initializeConnection = function(passwd) {
// This is not the proper way to do this.
// WeeChat does not send a confirmation for the init.
// Until it does, We need to "assume" that formatInit
// will be received before formatInfo
password: passwd,
compression: noCompression ? 'off' : 'zlib'
return ngWebsockets.send(
name: 'version'
var _requestHotlist = function() {
return ngWebsockets.send(
path: "hotlist:gui_hotlist(*)",
keys: []
var _requestBufferInfos = function() {
return ngWebsockets.send(
path: 'buffer:gui_buffers(*)',
keys: ['local_variables,notify,number,full_name,short_name,title,hidden,type']
var _requestSync = function() {
return ngWebsockets.send(
var _parseWeechatTimeFormat = function() {
// Fetch the buffer time format from weechat
var timeFormat = models.wconfig['weechat.look.buffer_time_format'];
// Weechat uses strftime, with time specifiers such as %I:%M:%S for 12h time
// The time formatter we use, AngularJS' date filter, uses a different format
// Where %I:%M:%S would be represented as hh:mm:ss
// Here, we detect what format the user has set in Weechat and slot it into
// one of four formats, (short|long) (12|24)-hour time
var angularFormat = "";
var timeDelimiter = "'<span class=\"cof-chat_time_delimiters cob-chat_time_delimiters coa-chat_time_delimiters\">:</span>'";
var left12 = "hh" + timeDelimiter + "mm";
var right12 = "'&nbsp;'a";
var short12 = left12 + right12;
var long12 = left12 + timeDelimiter + "ss" + right12;
var short24 = "HH" + timeDelimiter + "mm";
var long24 = short24 + timeDelimiter + "ss";
if (timeFormat.indexOf("%H") > -1 ||
timeFormat.indexOf("%k") > -1) {
// 24h time detected
if (timeFormat.indexOf("%S") > -1) {
// show seconds
angularFormat = long24;
} else {
// don't show seconds
angularFormat = short24;
} else if (timeFormat.indexOf("%I") > -1 ||
timeFormat.indexOf("%l") > -1 ||
timeFormat.indexOf("%p") > -1 ||
timeFormat.indexOf("%P") > -1) {
// 12h time detected
if (timeFormat.indexOf("%S") > -1) {
// show seconds
angularFormat = long12;
} else {
// don't show seconds
angularFormat = short12;
} else if (timeFormat.indexOf("%r") > -1) {
// strftime doesn't have an equivalent for short12???
angularFormat = long12;
} else if (timeFormat.indexOf("%T") > -1) {
angularFormat = long24;
} else if (timeFormat.indexOf("%R") > -1) {
angularFormat = short24;
} else {
angularFormat = short24;
$rootScope.angularTimeFormat = angularFormat;
// First command asks for the password and issues
// a version command. If it fails, it means the we
// did not provide the proper password.
function(version) {
// Connection is successful
// Send all the other commands required for initialization
_requestBufferInfos().then(function(bufinfo) {
_requestHotlist().then(function(hotlist) {
// Schedule hotlist syncing every so often so that this
// client will have unread counts (mostly) in sync with
// other clients or terminal usage directly.
setInterval(function() {
if ($rootScope.connected) {
_requestHotlist().then(function(hotlist) {
}, 60000); // Sync hotlist every 60 second
// Fetch weechat time format for displaying timestamps
function() {
// Will set models.wconfig['weechat.look.buffer_time_format']
$"Connected to relay");
$rootScope.connected = true;
if (successCallback) {
function() {
var onmessage = function() {
// If we recieve a message from WeeChat it means that
// password was OK. Store that result and check for it
// in the failure handler.
$rootScope.waseverconnected = true;
var onclose = function (evt) {
* Handles websocket disconnection
$"Disconnected from relay");
locked = false;
if ($rootScope.userdisconnect || !$rootScope.waseverconnected) {
$rootScope.userdisconnect = false;
} else {
var handleClose = function (evt) {
if (ssl && evt && evt.code === 1006) {
// A password error doesn't trigger onerror, but certificate issues do. Check time of last error.
if (typeof $rootScope.lastError !== "undefined" && ( - $rootScope.lastError) < 1000) {
// abnormal disconnect by client, most likely ssl error
$rootScope.sslError = true;
var handleWrongPassword = function() {
// Connection got closed, lets check if we ever was connected successfully
if (!$rootScope.waseverconnected && !$rootScope.errorMessage) {
$rootScope.passwordError = true;
var onerror = function (evt) {
* Handles cases when connection issues come from
* the relay.
$log.error("Relay error", evt);
locked = false; // release connection lock
$rootScope.lastError =;
if (evt.type === "error" && this.readyState !== 1) {
$rootScope.errorMessage = true;
if (locked) {
// We already have an open connection
$log.debug("Aborting connection (lock in use)");
// Kinda need a compare-and-swap here...
locked = true;
try {
'binaryType': "arraybuffer",
'onopen': onopen,
'onclose': onclose,
'onmessage': onmessage,
'onerror': onerror
} catch(e) {
locked = false;
$log.debug("Websocket caught DOMException:", e);
$rootScope.lastError =;
$rootScope.errorMessage = true;
$rootScope.securityError = true;
if (failCallback) {
var attemptReconnect = function (bufferId, timeout) {
$'Attempting to reconnect...');
var d = connectionData;
connect(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], function() {
$rootScope.reconnecting = false;
// on success, update active buffer
$'Sucessfully reconnected to relay');
}, function() {
// on failure, schedule another attempt
if (timeout >= 600000) {
// If timeout is ten minutes or more, give up
$'Failed to reconnect, giving up');
} else {
$'Failed to reconnect, scheduling next attempt in', timeout/1000, 'seconds');
// Clear previous timer, if exists
if (reconnectTimer !== undefined) {
reconnectTimer = setTimeout(function() {
// exponential timeout increase
attemptReconnect(bufferId, timeout * 1.5);
}, timeout);
var reconnect = function (evt) {
if (connectionData.length < 5) {
// something is wrong
$log.error('Cannot reconnect, connection information is missing');
// reinitialise everything, clear all buffers
// TODO: this can be further extended in the future by looking
// at the last line in ever buffer and request more buffers from
// WeeChat based on that
$rootScope.reconnecting = true;
// Have to do this to get the reconnect banner to show
var bufferId = models.getActiveBuffer().id,
timeout = 3000; // start with a three-second timeout
reconnectTimer = setTimeout(function() {
attemptReconnect(bufferId, timeout);
}, timeout);
var disconnect = function() {
$'Disconnecting from relay');
$rootScope.userdisconnect = true;
// In case the backend doesn't repond we will close from our end
var closeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
// We pretend we are not connected anymore
// The connection can time out on its own
$rootScope.connected = false;
locked = false; // release the connection lock
* Format and send a weechat message
* @returns the angular promise
var sendMessage = function(message) {
buffer: models.getActiveBufferReference(),
data: message
var sendCoreCommand = function(command) {
buffer: 'core.weechat',
data: command
var sendHotlistClear = function() {
if (models.version[0] >= 1) {
// WeeChat >= 1 supports clearing hotlist with this command
sendMessage('/buffer set hotlist -1');
// Also move read marker
sendMessage('/input set_unread_current_buffer');
} else {
// If user wants to sync hotlist with weechat
// we will send a /buffer bufferName command every time
// the user switches a buffer. This will ensure that notifications
// are cleared in the buffer the user switches to
sendCoreCommand('/buffer ' + models.getActiveBuffer().fullName);
var requestNicklist = function(bufferId, callback) {
// Prevent requesting nicklist for all buffers if bufferId is invalid
if (!bufferId) {
buffer: "0x"+bufferId
).then(function(nicklist) {
if (callback !== undefined) {
var fetchConfValue = function(name, callback) {
name: "option",
pointer: 0,
args: name
).then(function(i) {
if (callback !== undefined) {
var fetchMoreLines = function(numLines) {
$log.debug('Fetching ', numLines, ' lines');
var buffer = models.getActiveBuffer();
if (numLines === undefined) {
// Math.max(undefined, *) = NaN -> need a number here
numLines = 0;
// Calculate number of lines to fetch, at least as many as the parameter
numLines = Math.max(numLines, buffer.requestedLines * 2);
// Indicator that we are loading lines, hides "load more lines" link
$rootScope.loadingLines = true;
// Send hdata request to fetch lines for this particular buffer
return ngWebsockets.send(
// "0x" is important, otherwise it won't work
path: "buffer:0x" + + "/own_lines/last_line(-" + numLines + ")/data",
keys: []
).then(function(lineinfo) {
//XXX move to handlers?
// delete old lines and add new ones
var oldLength = buffer.lines.length;
// whether we already had all unread lines
var hadAllUnreadLines = buffer.lastSeen >= 0;
// clear the old lines
buffer.lines.length = 0;
// We need to set the number of requested lines to 0 here, because parsing a line
// increments it. This is needed to also count newly arriving lines while we're
// already connected.
buffer.requestedLines = 0;
// Count number of lines recieved
var linesReceivedCount = lineinfo.objects[0].content.length;
// Parse the lines
handlers.handleLineInfo(lineinfo, true);
// Correct the read marker for the lines that were counted twice
buffer.lastSeen -= oldLength;
// We requested more lines than we got, no more lines.
if (linesReceivedCount < numLines) {
buffer.allLinesFetched = true;
$rootScope.loadingLines = false;
// Only scroll to read marker if we didn't have all unread lines previously, but have them now
var scrollToReadmarker = !hadAllUnreadLines && buffer.lastSeen >= 0;
// Scroll to correct position
$rootScope.scrollWithBuffer(scrollToReadmarker, true);
return {
connect: connect,
disconnect: disconnect,
sendMessage: sendMessage,
sendCoreCommand: sendCoreCommand,
sendHotlistClear: sendHotlistClear,
fetchMoreLines: fetchMoreLines,
requestNicklist: requestNicklist,
attemptReconnect: attemptReconnect