(function() { 'use strict'; var weechat = angular.module('weechat'); weechat.filter('toArray', function () { return function (obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Object)) { return obj; } return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) { return Object.defineProperty(obj[key], '$key', { value: key }); }); }; }); weechat.filter('irclinky', ['$filter', function($filter) { return function(text, target) { if (!text) { return text; } var linkiedText = $filter('linky')(text, target); // This regex in no way matches all IRC channel names (they could begin with a +, an &, or an exclamation // mark followed by 5 alphanumeric characters, and are bounded in length by 50). // However, it matches all *common* IRC channels while trying to minimise false positives. "#1" is much // more likely to be "number 1" than "IRC channel #1". // Thus, we only match channels beginning with a # and having at least one letter in them. var channelRegex = /(^|[\s,.:;?!"'()+@-])(#+[a-z0-9-_]*[a-z][a-z0-9-_]*)/gmi; // This is SUPER nasty, but ng-click does not work inside a filter, as the markup has to be $compiled first, which is not possible in filter afaik. // Therefore, get the scope, fire the method, and $apply. Yuck. I sincerely hope someone finds a better way of doing this. linkiedText = linkiedText.replace(channelRegex, '$1<a href="#" onclick="var $scope = angular.element(event.target).scope(); $scope.openBuffer(\'$2\'); $scope.$apply();">$2</a>'); return linkiedText; }; }]); weechat.filter('inlinecolour', ['$sce', function($sce) { return function(text) { if (!text) { return text; } // only match 6-digit colour codes, 3-digit ones have too many false positives (issue numbers, etc) var hexColourRegex = /(^|[^&])\#([0-9a-f]{6})($|[^\w'"])/gmi; var substitute = '$1#$2 <div class="colourbox" style="background-color:#$2"></div> $3'; return $sce.trustAsHtml(text.replace(hexColourRegex, substitute)); }; }]); })();