glowing bear WeeChat web frontend

Oh no! We cannot connect!

Enter the hostname to the WeeChat relay

Enter the the port to the WeeChat relay

Password will be stored in your browser session

Check the box if you want to encrypt communication between browser and WeeChat. Note: Due to a bug encryption will not work in Firefox. You must also first visit the URL https://weechathost:relayport/ to accept the certificate

Enter number of lines to sync from WeeChat on connect


To start using, please enable relay in your WeeChat client:
/set yourpassword
/relay add weechat 9001
WeeChat version 0.4.2 or higher is required.
The communication goes directly between your browser and your weechat in clear text. Connection settings are saved between sessions, including password, in your own browser.


If you want to use encrypted session you first have to set up the relay using SSL
$ mkdir -p ~/.weechat/ssl
$ cd ~/.weechat/ssl
$ openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout relay.pem -x509 -days 365 -out relay.pem
If WeeChat is already running, you can reload the certificate and private key with command:
/relay sslcertkey
/relay add ssl.weechat 8000
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