/* * This file contains the weechat models and various * helper methods to work with them. */ var models = angular.module('weechatModels', []); models.service('models', ['$rootScope', '$filter', function($rootScope, $filter) { /* * Buffer class */ this.Buffer = function(message) { // weechat properties var fullName = message.full_name; var shortName = message.short_name; var title = message.title; var number = message.number; var pointer = message.pointers[0]; var local_variables = message.local_vars; var notify = 3; // Default 3 == message var lines = []; var nicklist = {}; var flatnicklist = []; var history = []; var historyPos = 0; var active = false; var notification = 0; var unread = 0; var lastSeen = -1; var serverSortKey = fullName.replace(/^irc.server.(\w+)/, "irc.$1"); var indentedName = function(predicate) { if( predicate == "serverSortKey" && fullName.match(/^irc./) && !fullName.match(/^irc.server./) ) { // indent channel return " " + shortName; // four protected spaces } else { return shortName; } }; // Buffer opened message does not include notify level if( message.notify !== undefined ) { notify = message.notify; } /* * Adds a line to this buffer * * @param line the BufferLine object * @return undefined */ var addLine = function(line) { lines.push(line); }; /* * Adds a nick to nicklist */ var addNick = function(group, nick) { nicklist[group].nicks.push(nick); flatnicklist = getFlatNicklist(); }; /* * Deletes a nick from nicklist */ var delNick = function(group, nick) { group = nicklist[group]; group.nicks = _.filter(group.nicks, function(n) { return n.name != nick.name;}); flatnicklist = getFlatNicklist(); /* for(i in group.nicks) { if(group.nicks[i].name == nick.name) { delete group.nicks[i]; break; } } */ }; /* * Updates a nick in nicklist */ var updateNick = function(group, nick) { group = nicklist[group]; for(var i in group.nicks) { if(group.nicks[i].name == nick.name) { group.nicks[i] = nick; break; } } flatnicklist = getFlatNicklist(); }; /* * Maintain a cached version of a flat sorted nicklist * */ var getFlatNicklist = function() { var newlist = []; _.each(nicklist, function(nickGroup) { _.each(nickGroup.nicks, function(nickObj) { newlist.push(nickObj.name); }); }); newlist.sort(function(a, b) { return a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1; }); return newlist; }; var flatNicklist = function() { return flatnicklist; }; var addToHistory = function(line) { var result = ""; if (historyPos != history.length) { // Pop cached line from history. Occurs if we submit something from history result = history.pop(); } history.push(line); historyPos = history.length; // Go to end of history return result; }; var getHistoryUp = function(currentLine) { if (historyPos >= history.length) { // cache current line in history history.push(currentLine); } if (historyPos <= 0 || historyPos >= history.length) { // Can't go up from first message or from out-of-bounds index return currentLine; } else { // Go up in history historyPos--; var line = history[historyPos]; return line; } }; var getHistoryDown = function(currentLine) { if (historyPos < 0 || historyPos >= history.length) { // Can't go down from out of bounds or last message return currentLine; } else { historyPos++; if (history.length > 0 && historyPos == (history.length-1)) { // return cached line and remove from cache return history.pop(); } else { // Go down in history return history[historyPos]; } } }; return { id: pointer, fullName: fullName, shortName: shortName, number: number, title: title, lines: lines, addLine: addLine, lastSeen: lastSeen, unread: unread, notification: notification, localvars: local_variables, notify: notify, nicklist: nicklist, addNick: addNick, delNick: delNick, updateNick: updateNick, flatNicklist: flatNicklist, serverSortKey: serverSortKey, indentedName: indentedName, history: history, addToHistory: addToHistory, getHistoryUp: getHistoryUp, getHistoryDown: getHistoryDown }; }; /* * BufferLine class */ this.BufferLine = function(message) { var buffer = message.buffer; var date = message.date; var shortTime = $filter('date')(date, 'HH:mm'); function addClasses(textElements) { var typeToClassPrefixFg = { 'option': 'cof-', 'weechat': 'cwf-', 'ext': 'cef-' }; var typeToClassPrefixBg = { 'option': 'cob-', 'weechat': 'cwb-', 'ext': 'ceb-' }; textElements.forEach(function(textEl) { textEl.classes = []; // foreground color var prefix = typeToClassPrefixFg[textEl.fgColor.type]; textEl.classes.push(prefix + textEl.fgColor.name); // background color prefix = typeToClassPrefixBg[textEl.bgColor.type]; textEl.classes.push(prefix + textEl.bgColor.name); // attributes if (textEl.attrs.name !== null) { textEl.classes.push('coa-' + textEl.attrs.name); } for (var attr in textEl.attrs.override) { val = textEl.attrs.override[attr]; if (val) { textEl.classes.push('a-' + attr); } else { textEl.classes.push('a-no-' + attr); } } }); } var prefix = weeChat.Protocol.rawText2Rich(message.prefix); addClasses(prefix); var tags_array = message.tags_array; var displayed = message.displayed; var highlight = message.highlight; var content = weeChat.Protocol.rawText2Rich(message.message); addClasses(content); if (highlight) { prefix.forEach(function(textEl) { textEl.classes.push('highlight'); }); } var rtext = ""; if(content[0] !== undefined) { rtext = content[0].text; } return { prefix: prefix, content: content, date: date, shortTime: shortTime, buffer: buffer, tags: tags_array, highlight: highlight, displayed: displayed, text: rtext }; }; function nickGetColorClasses(nickMsg, propName) { if (propName in nickMsg && nickMsg[propName] && nickMsg[propName].length > 0) { var color = nickMsg[propName]; if (color.match(/^weechat/)) { // color option var colorName = color.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/)[0]; return [ 'cof-' + colorName, 'cob-' + colorName, 'coa-' + colorName ]; } else if (color.match(/^[a-zA-Z]+$/)) { // WeeChat color name return [ 'cwf-' + color ]; } else if (color.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { // extended color return [ 'cef-' + color ]; } } return [ 'cwf-default' ]; } function nickGetClasses(nickMsg) { return { 'name': nickGetColorClasses(nickMsg, 'color'), 'prefix': nickGetColorClasses(nickMsg, 'prefix_color') }; } /* * Nick class */ this.Nick = function(message) { var prefix = message.prefix; var visible = message.visible; var name = message.name; var colorClasses = nickGetClasses(message); return { prefix: prefix, visible: visible, name: name, prefixClasses: colorClasses.prefix, nameClasses: colorClasses.name }; }; /* * Nicklist Group class */ this.NickGroup = function(message) { var name = message.name; var visible = message.visible; var nicks = []; return { name: name, visible: visible, nicks: nicks }; }; var BufferList = []; activeBuffer = null; unreads = 0; notifications = 0; this.model = { 'buffers': {} }; /* * Adds a buffer to the list * * @param buffer buffer object * @return undefined */ this.addBuffer = function(buffer) { BufferList[buffer.id] = buffer; if (BufferList.length == 1) { activeBuffer = buffer.id; } this.model.buffers[buffer.id] = buffer; }; this.getBufferByIndex = function(index) { var i = 0; for (var v in BufferList) { if (index == ++i) { return BufferList[v]; } } }; /* * Returns the current active buffer * * @return active buffer object */ this.getActiveBuffer = function() { return activeBuffer; }; /* * Sets the buffer specifiee by bufferId as active. * Deactivates the previous current buffer. * * @param bufferId id of the new active buffer * @return true on success, false if buffer was not found */ this.setActiveBuffer = function(bufferId, key) { if (typeof(key) === 'undefined') { key = 'id'; } var previousBuffer = this.getActiveBuffer(); activeBuffer = _.find(this.model.buffers, function(buffer) { if (buffer[key] == bufferId) { return buffer; } }); if (typeof(activeBuffer) === 'undefined') { // Buffer not found, undo assignment activeBuffer = previousBuffer; return false; } if (previousBuffer) { // turn off the active status for the previous buffer previousBuffer.active = false; // Save the last line we saw previousBuffer.lastSeen = previousBuffer.lines.length-1; } activeBuffer.active = true; activeBuffer.unread = 0; activeBuffer.notification = 0; $rootScope.$emit('activeBufferChanged'); $rootScope.$emit('notificationChanged'); return true; }; /* * Returns the buffer list */ this.getBuffers = function() { return BufferList; }; /* * Returns a specific buffer object * * @param bufferId id of the buffer * @return the buffer object */ this.getBuffer = function(bufferId) { return _.find(this.model.buffers, function(buffer) { if (buffer.id == bufferId) { return buffer; } }); }; /* * Closes a weechat buffer. Sets the first buffer * as active, if the closing buffer was active before * * @param bufferId id of the buffer to close * @return undefined */ this.closeBuffer = function(bufferId) { var wasActive = this.model.buffers[bufferId.id].active; if(wasActive) { var firstBuffer = _.keys(this.model.buffers)[0]; this.setActiveBuffer(firstBuffer); } delete(this.model.buffers[bufferId.id]); }; }]);