(function() { 'use strict'; var weechat = angular.module('weechat'); weechat.factory('settings', ['$store', '$rootScope', function($store, $rootScope) { var that = this; this.callbacks = {}; // Define a property for a setting, retrieving it on read // and writing it to localStorage on write var defineProperty = function(key) { Object.defineProperty(that, key, { enumerable: true, key: key, get: function() { return $store.get(key); }, set: function(newVal) { $store.set(key, newVal); // Call any callbacks var callbacks = that.callbacks[key]; for (var i = 0; callbacks !== undefined && i < callbacks.length; i++) { callbacks[i](newVal); } // Update the page (might be needed) setTimeout(function() { $rootScope.$apply(); }, 0); } }); }; // Define properties for all settings var keys = $store.enumerateKeys(); for (var keyIdx in keys) { var key = keys[keyIdx]; defineProperty(key); } // Add a callback to be called whenever the value is changed // It's like a free $watch and used to be called the observer // pattern, but I guess that's too old-school for JS kids :> this.addCallback = function(key, callback, callNow) { if (this.callbacks[key] === undefined) { this.callbacks[key] = [callback]; } else { this.callbacks[key].push(callback); } // call now to emulate $watch behaviour setTimeout(function() { callback($store.get(key)); }, 0); }; this.setDefaults = function(defaults) { for (var key in defaults) { // null means the key isn't set if ($store.get(key) === null) { // Define property so it will get saved to store defineProperty(key); // Save to settings module AND to store this[key] = defaults[key]; } } }; return this; }]); })();