(function() { 'use strict'; var weechat = angular.module('weechat'); weechat.factory('handlers', ['$rootScope', '$log', 'models', 'plugins', 'notifications', function($rootScope, $log, models, plugins, notifications) { var handleBufferClosing = function(message) { var bufferMessage = message.objects[0].content[0]; var bufferId = bufferMessage.pointers[0]; models.closeBuffer(bufferId); }; var handleLine = function(line, manually) { var message = new models.BufferLine(line); var buffer = models.getBuffer(message.buffer); buffer.requestedLines++; // Only react to line if its displayed if (message.displayed) { message = plugins.PluginManager.contentForMessage(message); buffer.addLine(message); if (manually) { buffer.lastSeen++; } if (buffer.active && !manually) { $rootScope.scrollWithBuffer(); } if (!manually && (!buffer.active || !$rootScope.isWindowFocused())) { if (buffer.notify > 1 && _.contains(message.tags, 'notify_message') && !_.contains(message.tags, 'notify_none')) { buffer.unread++; $rootScope.$emit('notificationChanged'); } if ((buffer.notify !== 0 && message.highlight) || _.contains(message.tags, 'notify_private')) { buffer.notification++; notifications.createHighlight(buffer, message); $rootScope.$emit('notificationChanged'); } } } }; var handleBufferLineAdded = function(message) { message.objects[0].content.forEach(function(l) { handleLine(l, false); }); }; var handleBufferOpened = function(message) { var bufferMessage = message.objects[0].content[0]; var buffer = new models.Buffer(bufferMessage); models.addBuffer(buffer); /* Until we can decide if user asked for this buffer to be opened * or not we will let user click opened buffers. models.setActiveBuffer(buffer.id); */ }; var handleBufferTitleChanged = function(message) { var obj = message.objects[0].content[0]; var buffer = obj.pointers[0]; var old = models.getBuffer(buffer); old.fullName = obj.full_name; old.title = models.parseRichText(obj.title); old.number = obj.number; old.rtitle = ""; for (var i = 0; i < old.title.length; ++i) { old.rtitle += old.title[i].text; } }; var handleBufferRenamed = function(message) { var obj = message.objects[0].content[0]; var buffer = obj.pointers[0]; var old = models.getBuffer(buffer); old.fullName = obj.full_name; old.shortName = obj.short_name; // If it's a channel, trim away the prefix (#, &, or +). If that is empty and the buffer // has a short name, use a space (because the prefix will be displayed separately, and we don't want // prefix + fullname, which would happen otherwise). Else, use null so that full_name is used old.trimmedName = obj.short_name.replace(/^[#&+]/, '') || (obj.short_name ? ' ' : null); old.prefix = ['#', '&', '+'].indexOf(obj.short_name.charAt(0)) >= 0 ? obj.short_name.charAt(0) : ''; }; var handleBufferLocalvarChanged = function(message) { var obj = message.objects[0].content[0]; var buffer = obj.pointers[0]; var old = models.getBuffer(buffer); var localvars = obj.local_variables; if (old !== undefined && localvars !== undefined) { // Update indentation status old.type = localvars.type; old.indent = (['channel', 'private'].indexOf(localvars.type) >= 0); } }; /* * Handle answers to (lineinfo) messages * * (lineinfo) messages are specified by this client. It is request after bufinfo completes */ var handleLineInfo = function(message, manually) { var lines = message.objects[0].content.reverse(); if (manually === undefined) { manually = true; } lines.forEach(function(l) { handleLine(l, manually); }); }; /* * Handle answers to hotlist request */ var handleHotlistInfo = function(message) { if (message.objects.length === 0) { return; } var hotlist = message.objects[0].content; hotlist.forEach(function(l) { var buffer = models.getBuffer(l.buffer); // 1 is message buffer.unread += l.count[1]; // 2 is private buffer.notification += l.count[2]; // 3 is highlight buffer.notification += l.count[3]; /* Since there is unread messages, we can guess * what the last read line is and update it accordingly */ var unreadSum = _.reduce(l.count, function(memo, num) { return memo + num; }, 0); buffer.lastSeen = buffer.lines.length - 1 - unreadSum; }); }; /* * Handle nicklist event */ var handleNicklist = function(message) { var nicklist = message.objects[0].content; var group = 'root'; nicklist.forEach(function(n) { var buffer = models.getBuffer(n.pointers[0]); if (n.group === 1) { var g = new models.NickGroup(n); group = g.name; buffer.nicklist[group] = g; } else { var nick = new models.Nick(n); buffer.addNick(group, nick); } }); }; /* * Handle nicklist diff event */ var handleNicklistDiff = function(message) { var nicklist = message.objects[0].content; var group; nicklist.forEach(function(n) { var buffer = models.getBuffer(n.pointers[0]); var d = n._diff; if (n.group === 1) { group = n.name; if (group === undefined) { var g = new models.NickGroup(n); buffer.nicklist[group] = g; group = g.name; } } else { var nick = new models.Nick(n); if (d === 43) { // + buffer.addNick(group, nick); } else if (d === 45) { // - buffer.delNick(group, nick); } else if (d === 42) { // * buffer.updateNick(group, nick); } } }); }; var eventHandlers = { _buffer_closing: handleBufferClosing, _buffer_line_added: handleBufferLineAdded, _buffer_localvar_added: handleBufferLocalvarChanged, _buffer_localvar_removed: handleBufferLocalvarChanged, _buffer_localvar_changed: handleBufferLocalvarChanged, _buffer_opened: handleBufferOpened, _buffer_title_changed: handleBufferTitleChanged, _buffer_renamed: handleBufferRenamed, _nicklist: handleNicklist, _nicklist_diff: handleNicklistDiff }; $rootScope.$on('onMessage', function(event, message) { if (_.has(eventHandlers, message.id)) { eventHandlers[message.id](message); } else { $log.debug('Unhandled event received: ' + message.id); } }); var handleEvent = function(event) { if (_.has(eventHandlers, event.id)) { eventHandlers[event.id](event); } }; return { handleEvent: handleEvent, handleLineInfo: handleLineInfo, handleHotlistInfo: handleHotlistInfo, handleNicklist: handleNicklist }; }]); })();