var weechat = angular.module('weechat'); weechat.factory('notifications', ['$rootScope', '$log', 'models', function($rootScope, $log, models) { var notifications = []; // Ask for permission to display desktop notifications var requestNotificationPermission = function() { // Firefox if (window.Notification) { Notification.requestPermission(function(status) { $'Notification permission status: ', status); if (Notification.permission !== status) { Notification.permission = status; } }); } // Webkit if (window.webkitNotifications !== undefined) { var havePermission = window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission(); if (havePermission !== 0) { // 0 is PERMISSION_ALLOWED $'Notification permission status: ', havePermission === 0); window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission(); } } }; // Reduce buffers with "+" operation over a key. Mostly useful for unread/notification counts. var unreadCount = function(type) { if (!type) { type = "unread"; } // Do this the old-fashioned way with iterating over the keys, as underscore proved to be error-prone var keys = Object.keys(models.model.buffers); var count = 0; for (var key in keys) { count += models.model.buffers[keys[key]][type]; } return count; }; var updateTitle = function() { var notifications = unreadCount('notification'); if (notifications > 0) { // New notifications deserve an exclamation mark $rootScope.notificationStatus = '(' + notifications + ') '; } else { $rootScope.notificationStatus = ''; } var activeBuffer = models.getActiveBuffer(); if (activeBuffer) { $rootScope.pageTitle = activeBuffer.shortName + ' | ' + activeBuffer.rtitle; } }; var updateFavico = function() { var notifications = unreadCount('notification'); if (notifications > 0) { $rootScope.favico.badge(notifications, { bgColor: '#d00', textColor: '#fff' }); } else { var unread = unreadCount('unread'); if (unread === 0) { $rootScope.favico.reset(); } else { $rootScope.favico.badge(unread, { bgColor: '#5CB85C', textColor: '#ff0' }); } } }; /* Function gets called from bufferLineAdded code if user should be notified */ var createHighlight = function(buffer, message) { var title = ''; var body = ''; var numNotifications = buffer.notification; if (['#', '&', '+', '!'].indexOf(buffer.shortName.charAt(0)) < 0) { if (numNotifications > 1) { title = numNotifications.toString() + ' private messages from '; } else { title = 'Private message from '; } body = message.text; } else { if (numNotifications > 1) { title = numNotifications.toString() + ' highlights in '; } else { title = 'Highlight in '; } var prefix = ''; for (var i = 0; i < message.prefix.length; i++) { prefix += message.prefix[i].text; } body = '<' + prefix + '> ' + message.text; } title += buffer.shortName; title += buffer.fullName.replace(/irc.([^\.]+)\..+/, " ($1)"); var notification = new Notification(title, { body: body, icon: 'assets/img/favicon.png' }); // Save notification, so we can close all outstanding ones when disconnecting = notifications.length; notifications.push(notification); // Cancel notification automatically var timeout = 15*1000; notification.onshow = function() { setTimeout(function() { notification.close(); }, timeout); }; // Click takes the user to the buffer notification.onclick = function() { models.setActiveBuffer(; window.focus(); notification.close(); }; // Remove from list of active notifications notification.onclose = function() { delete notifications[]; }; if ($rootScope.soundnotification) { // TODO fill in a sound file var audioFile = "assets/audio/sonar"; var soundHTML = '<audio autoplay="autoplay"><source src="' + audioFile + '.ogg" type="audio/ogg" /><source src="' + audioFile + '.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" /></audio>'; document.getElementById("soundNotification").innerHTML = soundHTML; } }; var cancelAll = function() { while (notifications.length > 0) { var notification = notifications.pop(); if (notification !== undefined) { notification.close(); } } }; return { requestNotificationPermission: requestNotificationPermission, updateTitle: updateTitle, updateFavico: updateFavico, createHighlight: createHighlight, cancelAll: cancelAll, }; }]);