(** Matches lines of assembly according to their DWARF line info *) type blockid_t = int module BlockidMap = Map.Make(struct type t = blockid_t let compare = compare end) type asm_block_info = { asm_bi_dwarfline : Dwarf.line_number_registers ; asm_bi_blockid : blockid_t ; } (** Generates a fresh block id *) let fresh_blockid = let next_id = ref 0 in fun () -> let out = !next_id in incr next_id ; out (** Compares two block infos wrt. class equivalence *) let asm_bi_compare blk1 blk2 = let select_file blk = Dwarf.(blk.asm_bi_dwarfline.lnr_file) in let select_line blk = Dwarf.(blk.asm_bi_dwarfline.lnr_line) in let select_col blk = Dwarf.(blk.asm_bi_dwarfline.lnr_column) in match compare (select_file blk1) (select_file blk2) with | 0 -> (match compare (select_line blk1) (select_line blk2) with | 0 -> compare (select_col blk1) (select_col blk2) | n -> n) | n -> n module BoxRootSet = Set.Make(struct type t = asm_block_info let compare = asm_bi_compare end) type matcher_state_t = { ms_block_infos : asm_block_info BlockidMap.t ; ms_block_classes : blockid_t BlockidMap.t ; ms_block_roots : BoxRootSet.t; } let empty_state = { ms_block_infos = BlockidMap.empty ; ms_block_classes = BlockidMap.empty ; ms_block_roots = BoxRootSet.empty ; } (** Add a new block to the state, returning the new state and the class id of the added block *) let add_block_bi state blockinfo = match BoxRootSet.find_opt blockinfo state.ms_block_roots with | None -> { ms_block_infos = BlockidMap.add blockinfo.asm_bi_blockid blockinfo state.ms_block_infos ; ms_block_classes = BlockidMap.add blockinfo.asm_bi_blockid blockinfo.asm_bi_blockid state.ms_block_classes ; ms_block_roots = BoxRootSet.add blockinfo state.ms_block_roots ; }, blockinfo.asm_bi_blockid | Some root_block -> { state with ms_block_infos = BlockidMap.add blockinfo.asm_bi_blockid blockinfo state.ms_block_infos ; ms_block_classes = BlockidMap.add blockinfo.asm_bi_blockid root_block.asm_bi_blockid state.ms_block_classes ; }, root_block.asm_bi_blockid (** Same as [add_block_bi], but takes simply a [Dwarf.line_number_registers] as argument and generates a fresh id by itself. WARNING! Do not mix automatically and manually generated ids. *) let add_block state lnr = add_block_bi state { asm_bi_dwarfline = lnr ; asm_bi_blockid = fresh_blockid () } (** Gets the class ID of a previously added blockinfo. If the blockinfo was never added, raises Not_found. *) let block_class state blockinfo = BlockidMap.find blockinfo.asm_bi_blockid state.ms_block_classes