<?php // load plugins $plugins = array(); if (is_dir("plugins")) { $plugins = scandir("plugins"); array_shift($plugins); array_shift($plugins); // remove . and .. foreach ($plugins as $p) if (is_file("plugins/$p/functions.php")) require "plugins/$p/functions.php"; } function plugins_include($phpFile) { foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $p) if (is_file("plugins/$p/$phpFile")) require "plugins/$p/$phpFile"; } function getPathInfo() { $simplePath = $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]; if ($simplePath == '/') $simplePath = ''; // extra security check to avoid /photos/index/../.. like urls, maybe useless but.. if (strpos($simplePath, '..') !== false) die(".. found in url"); return $simplePath; } if (! function_exists('getImageLink')) { function getImageLink($imageSimplePath) { return $GLOBALS['rootUrl'].IMAGES_DIR.$imageSimplePath; } } function getPreview($imgFile, $maxSize = THUMB_SIZE) { # example: data/myalbum/100.mypic.jpg $newImgFile = DATA_DIR."/".dirname($imgFile)."/".$maxSize.".".basename($imgFile); # if the preview is a symlink, image is already good sized if (is_link($newImgFile)) return $imgFile; if (! is_file($newImgFile)) { # this tels the template to flush output after displaying previews $GLOBALS["generating"] = true; # reset script time limit to 20s (wont work in safe mode) set_time_limit(20); $ext = strtolower(substr($imgFile, -4)); if ($ext == ".jpg") $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgFile); else $img = imagecreatefrompng($imgFile); $w = imagesx($img); $h = imagesy($img); # if the image is already small, make a symlink, and return it if ($w <= $maxSize and $h <= $maxSize) { imagedestroy($img); symlink($imgFile, $newImgFile); return $imgFile; } # config to allow group writable files umask(DATA_UMASK); # create the thumbs directory recursively if (! is_dir(dirname($newImgFile))) mkdir(dirname($newImgFile), 0777, true); if ($w > $h) { $newW = $maxSize; $newH = $h/($w/$maxSize); } else { $newW = $w/($h/$maxSize); $newH = $maxSize; } $newImg = imagecreatetruecolor($newW, $newH); imagecopyresampled($newImg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newW, $newH, $w, $h); if ($ext == ".jpg") imagejpeg($newImg, $newImgFile); else imagepng($newImg, $newImgFile); imagedestroy($img); imagedestroy($newImg); } return $newImgFile; } function getAlbumPreview($dir) { $previewFile = DATA_DIR."/$dir/albumpreview"; if (is_file("$previewFile.jpg")) { return "$previewFile.jpg"; } else if (is_file("$previewFile.empty")) { return ""; } else if (is_file("$previewFile.png")) { return "$previewFile.png"; } else { # config to allow group writable files umask(DATA_UMASK); # create the thumbs directory recursively if (! is_dir(dirname($previewFile))) mkdir(dirname($previewFile), 0777, true); // no preview: look for a preview in current dir, write it, return it foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') { $ext = strtolower(substr($file, -4)); if ($ext == ".jpg" or $ext == ".png") { $thumb = getPreview("$dir/$file"); copy($thumb, $previewFile.$ext); return $previewFile.$ext; } else if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) { $subPreview = getAlbumPreview("$dir/$file"); if ($subPreview) { $myPreview = dirname($previewFile)."/".basename($subPreview); copy($subPreview, $myPreview); return $myPreview; } } } // nothing found. create empty file touch("$previewFile.empty"); return ""; } } ?>