. */ /* This script creates a zip file from a given folder (and subfolders). Call it like http(s)://URL_OF_BIZOU/zip.php/FOLDER where FOLDER is a folder in BIZOU_DIR/images. */ $bizouRootFromHere = '../..'; require "$bizouRootFromHere/config.php"; /* This function add a given folder (and it's subfolders) to an existing zip archive. */ function zipFolder($zip, $folder) { global $bizouRootFromHere; $zip->addEmptyDir($folder); $path = "$bizouRootFromHere/".IMAGES_DIR."/".$folder."/"; foreach (scandir($path) as $entry) { if (($entry != '.') and ($entry != '..')) { if (is_dir($path.$entry)) { zipFolder($zip, $folder."/".$entry); } else { $zip->addFile($path.$entry, $folder."/".$entry); } } } } /* Setting some needed variables. */ $folder = $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]; $folder = trim($folder, "/"); if (($folder == "/") or ($folder == "")) { $filename = "all.zip"; } else { $filename = $folder.".zip"; } if (is_dir("$bizouRootFromHere/".IMAGES_DIR."/".$folder)) { $tmp = tempnam(ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"), "bizou_"); // Getting a temporary file. unlink($tmp); // Deleting the temporary file in order to recreate it as a zip archive. // Creating zip archive. $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($tmp, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) { die("Cannot open temorary file :-("); } // Adding the given folder to the zip archive. zipFolder($zip, $folder); $zip->close(); // Returning zip file for downloading. header('Content-type: application/zip'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"'); readfile($tmp); unlink($tmp); } else { /* The given folder does not seem to be a folder in BIZOU_DIR/images, this we die. */ header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); die("Gallery does not exist. Go away!"); } ?>