\documentclass{article} \usepackage[fancyhdr,pdf]{latex2man} \input{common.tex} \begin{document} \begin{Name}{3}{unw\_set\_cache\_size}{Dave Watson}{Programming Library}{unw\_set\_cache\_size}unw\_set\_cache\_size -- set unwind cache size \end{Name} \section{Synopsis} \File{\#include $<$libunwind.h$>$}\\ \Type{int} \Func{unw\_set\_cache\_size}(\Type{unw\_addr\_space\_t} \Var{as}, \Type{size\_t} \Var{size}, \Type{int} \Var{flag});\\ \section{Description} The \Func{unw\_set\_cache\_size}() routine sets the cache size of address space \Var{as} to hold at least as many items as given by argument \Var{size}. It may hold more items as determined by the implementation. To disable caching, call \Func{unw\_set\_caching\_policy}) with a policy of \Const{UNW\_CACHE\_NONE}. Flag is currently unused and must be 0. \section{Return Value} On successful completion, \Func{unw\_set\_cache\_size}() returns 0. Otherwise the negative value of one of the error-codes below is returned. \section{Thread and Signal Safety} \Func{unw\_set\_cache\_size}() is thread-safe but \emph{not} safe to use from a signal handler. \section{Errors} \begin{Description} \item[\Const{UNW\_ENOMEM}] The desired cache size could not be established because the application is out of memory. \end{Description} \section{See Also} \SeeAlso{libunwind(3)}, \SeeAlso{unw\_create\_addr\_space(3)}, \SeeAlso{unw\_set\_caching\_policy(3)}, \SeeAlso{unw\_flush\_cache(3)} \section{Author} \noindent Dave Watson\\ Email: \Email{dade.watson@gmail.com}\\ WWW: \URL{http://www.nongnu.org/libunwind/}. \LatexManEnd \end{document}