diff --git a/doc/_U_dyn_cancel.man b/doc/_U_dyn_cancel.man index e69de29b..ed08a2ad 100644 --- a/doc/_U_dyn_cancel.man +++ b/doc/_U_dyn_cancel.man @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +'\" t +.\" Manual page created with latex2man on Tue Dec 9 16:32:40 PST 2003 +.\" NOTE: This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT. +.de Vb +.ft CW +.nf +.. +.de Ve +.ft R + +.fi +.. +.TH "\\_U\\_DYN\\_CANCEL" "3" "09 December 2003" "Programming Library " "Programming Library " +.SH NAME +_U_dyn_cancel +\-\- cancel unwind\-info for dynamically generated code +.PP +.SH SYNOPSIS + +.PP +#include +.br +.PP +void +_U_dyn_cancel(unw_dyn_info_t *di); +.br +.PP +.SH DESCRIPTION + +.PP +The _U_dyn_cancel() +routine cancels the registration of the +unwind\-info for a dynamically generated procedure. Argument di +is the pointer to the unw_dyn_info_t +structure that +describes the procedure\&'s unwind\-info. +.PP +The _U_dyn_cancel() +routine is guaranteed to execute in +constant time (in the absence of contention from concurrent calls to +_U_dyn_register() +or _U_dyn_cancel()). +.PP +.SH THREAD AND SIGNAL SAFETY + +.PP +_U_dyn_cancel() +is thread\-safe but \fInot\fP +safe to use +from a signal handler. +.PP +.SH SEE ALSO + +.PP +libunwind\-dynamic(3), +_U_dyn_register(3) +.PP +.SH AUTHOR + +.PP +David Mosberger\-Tang +.br +Hewlett\-Packard Labs +.br +Palo\-Alto, CA 94304 +.br +Email: \fBdavidm@hpl.hp.com\fP +.br +WWW: \fBhttp://www.hpl.hp.com/research/linux/libunwind/\fP\&. +.\" NOTE: This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT. diff --git a/doc/_U_dyn_cancel.tex b/doc/_U_dyn_cancel.tex index e69de29b..8f00a8f4 100644 --- a/doc/_U_dyn_cancel.tex +++ b/doc/_U_dyn_cancel.tex @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +\documentclass{article} +\usepackage[fancyhdr,pdf]{latex2man} + +\input{common.tex} + +\begin{document} + +\begin{Name}{3}{\_U\_dyn\_cancel}{David Mosberger-Tang}{Programming Library}{\_U\_dyn\_cancel}\_U\_dyn\_cancel -- cancel unwind-info for dynamically generated code +\end{Name} + +\section{Synopsis} + +\File{\#include $<$libunwind.h$>$}\\ + +\Type{void} \Func{\_U\_dyn\_cancel}(\Type{unw\_dyn\_info\_t~*}\Var{di});\\ + +\section{Description} + +The \Func{\_U\_dyn\_cancel}() routine cancels the registration of the +unwind-info for a dynamically generated procedure. Argument \Var{di} +is the pointer to the \Type{unw\_dyn\_info\_t} structure that +describes the procedure's unwind-info. + +The \Func{\_U\_dyn\_cancel}() routine is guaranteed to execute in +constant time (in the absence of contention from concurrent calls to +\Func{\_U\_dyn\_register}() or \Func{\_U\_dyn\_cancel}()). + + +\section{Thread and Signal Safety} + +\Func{\_U\_dyn\_cancel}() is thread-safe but \emph{not} safe to use +from a signal handler. + +\section{See Also} + +\SeeAlso{libunwind-dynamic(3)}, \SeeAlso{\_U\_dyn\_register(3)} + +\section{Author} + +\noindent +David Mosberger-Tang\\ +Hewlett-Packard Labs\\ +Palo-Alto, CA 94304\\ +Email: \Email{davidm@hpl.hp.com}\\ +WWW: \URL{http://www.hpl.hp.com/research/linux/libunwind/}. +\LatexManEnd + +\end{document} diff --git a/doc/_U_dyn_register.man b/doc/_U_dyn_register.man index e69de29b..0ecd55b4 100644 --- a/doc/_U_dyn_register.man +++ b/doc/_U_dyn_register.man @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +'\" t +.\" Manual page created with latex2man on Tue Dec 9 16:32:06 PST 2003 +.\" NOTE: This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT. +.de Vb +.ft CW +.nf +.. +.de Ve +.ft R + +.fi +.. +.TH "\\_U\\_DYN\\_REGISTER" "3" "09 December 2003" "Programming Library " "Programming Library " +.SH NAME +_U_dyn_register +\-\- register unwind\-info for dynamically generated code +.PP +.SH SYNOPSIS + +.PP +#include +.br +.PP +void +_U_dyn_register(unw_dyn_info_t *di); +.br +.PP +.SH DESCRIPTION + +.PP +The _U_dyn_register() +routine registers unwind\-info for a +dynamically generated procedure. The procedure\&'s unwind\-info is +described by a structure of type unw_dyn_info_t +(see +libunwind\-dynamic(3)). +A pointer to this structure is +passed in argument di\&. +.PP +The _U_dyn_register() +routine is guaranteed to execute in +constant time (in the absence of contention from concurrent calls to +_U_dyn_register() +or _U_dyn_cancel()). +.PP +.SH THREAD AND SIGNAL SAFETY + +.PP +_U_dyn_register() +is thread\-safe but \fInot\fP +safe to use +from a signal handler. +.PP +.SH SEE ALSO + +.PP +libunwind\-dynamic(3), +_U_dyn_cancel(3) +.PP +.SH AUTHOR + +.PP +David Mosberger\-Tang +.br +Hewlett\-Packard Labs +.br +Palo\-Alto, CA 94304 +.br +Email: \fBdavidm@hpl.hp.com\fP +.br +WWW: \fBhttp://www.hpl.hp.com/research/linux/libunwind/\fP\&. +.\" NOTE: This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT. diff --git a/doc/_U_dyn_register.tex b/doc/_U_dyn_register.tex index e69de29b..0dd45278 100644 --- a/doc/_U_dyn_register.tex +++ b/doc/_U_dyn_register.tex @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +\documentclass{article} +\usepackage[fancyhdr,pdf]{latex2man} + +\input{common.tex} + +\begin{document} + +\begin{Name}{3}{\_U\_dyn\_register}{David Mosberger-Tang}{Programming Library}{\_U\_dyn\_register}\_U\_dyn\_register -- register unwind-info for dynamically generated code +\end{Name} + +\section{Synopsis} + +\File{\#include $<$libunwind.h$>$}\\ + +\Type{void} \Func{\_U\_dyn\_register}(\Type{unw\_dyn\_info\_t~*}\Var{di});\\ + +\section{Description} + +The \Func{\_U\_dyn\_register}() routine registers unwind-info for a +dynamically generated procedure. The procedure's unwind-info is +described by a structure of type \Type{unw\_dyn\_info\_t} (see +\SeeAlso{libunwind-dynamic(3)}). A pointer to this structure is +passed in argument \Var{di}. + +The \Func{\_U\_dyn\_register}() routine is guaranteed to execute in +constant time (in the absence of contention from concurrent calls to +\Func{\_U\_dyn\_register}() or \Func{\_U\_dyn\_cancel}()). + + +\section{Thread and Signal Safety} + +\Func{\_U\_dyn\_register}() is thread-safe but \emph{not} safe to use +from a signal handler. + +\section{See Also} + +\SeeAlso{libunwind-dynamic(3)}, \SeeAlso{\_U\_dyn\_cancel(3)} + +\section{Author} + +\noindent +David Mosberger-Tang\\ +Hewlett-Packard Labs\\ +Palo-Alto, CA 94304\\ +Email: \Email{davidm@hpl.hp.com}\\ +WWW: \URL{http://www.hpl.hp.com/research/linux/libunwind/}. +\LatexManEnd + +\end{document} diff --git a/doc/libunwind-dynamic.man b/doc/libunwind-dynamic.man index e69de29b..6f602645 100644 --- a/doc/libunwind-dynamic.man +++ b/doc/libunwind-dynamic.man @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +'\" t +.\" Manual page created with latex2man on Tue Dec 9 23:06:06 PST 2003 +.\" NOTE: This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT. +.de Vb +.ft CW +.nf +.. +.de Ve +.ft R + +.fi +.. +.TH "LIBUNWIND\-DYNAMIC" "3" "09 December 2003" "Programming Library " "Programming Library " +.SH NAME +libunwind\-dynamic +\-\- libunwind\-support for runtime\-generated code +.PP +.SH INTRODUCTION + +.PP +For libunwind +to do its work, it needs to be able to +reconstruct the \fIframe state\fP +of each frame in a call\-chain. The +frame state consists of some frame registers (such as the +instruction\-pointer and the stack\-pointer) and the locations at which +the current values of every callee\-saved (``preserved\&'') resides. +.PP +The purpose of the dynamic unwind\-info is therefore to provide +libunwind +the minimal information it needs about each +dynamically generated procedure such that it can reconstruct the +procedure\&'s frame state. +.PP +For the purpose of the following discussion, a \fIprocedure\fP +is any +contiguous piece of code. Normally, each procedure directly +corresponds to a function in the source\-language but this is not +strictly required. For example, a runtime code\-generator could +translate a given function into two separate (discontiguous) +procedures: one for frequently\-executed (hot) code and one for +rarely\-executed (cold) code. Similarly, simple source\-language +functions (usually leaf functions) may get translated into code for +which the default unwind\-conventions apply and for such code, no +dynamic unwind info needs to be registered. +.PP +Within a procedure, the code can be thought of as being divided into a +sequence of \fIregions\fP\&. +Each region logically consists of an +optional \fIprologue\fP, +a \fIbody\fP, +and an optional +\fIepilogue\fP\&. +If present, the prologue sets up the frame state for +the body, which does the actual work of the procedure. For example, +the prologue may need to allocate a stack\-frame and save some +callee\-saved registers before the body can start executing. +Correspondingly, the epilogue, if present, restores the previous frame +state and thereby undoes the effect of the prologue. Regions are +nested in the sense that the frame state at the end of a region serves +as the entry\-state of the next region. At the end of several nested +regions, there may be a single epilogue which undoes the effect of all +the prologues in the nested regions. +.PP +Even though logically we think of the prologue, body, and epilogue as +separate entities, optimizing code\-generators will generally +interleave instructions from all three entities to achieve higher +performance. In fact, as far as the dynamic unwind\-info is concerned, +there is no distinction at all between prologue and body. Similarly, +the exact set of instructions that make up an epilogue is also +irrelevant. The only point in the epilogue that needs to be described +explicitly is the point at which the stack\-pointer gets restored. The +reason this point needs to be described is that once the stack\-pointer +is restored, all values saved in the deallocated portion of the stack +become invalid. All other locations that store the values of +callee\-saved register are assumed to remain valid throughout the end +of the region. +.PP +Within a region, each instruction that affects the frame state in some +fashion needs to be described with an operation descriptor. For this +purpose, each instruction in the region is assigned a unique index. +Exactly how this index is derived depends on the architecture. For +example, on RISC and EPIC\-style architecture, instructions have a +fixed size so it\&'s possible to simply number the instructions. In +contrast, most CISC use variable\-length instruction encodings, so it +is usually necessary to use a byte\-offset as the index. Given the +instruction index, the operation descriptor specifies the effect of +the instruction in an abstract manner. For example, it might express +that the instruction stores calle\-saved register r1 +at offset 16 +in the stack frame. +.PP +.SH PROCEDURES + +.PP +unw_dyn_info_t +unw_dyn_proc_info_t +unw_dyn_table_info_t +unw_dyn_remote_table_info_t +.PP +.SH REGIONS + +.PP +unw_dyn_region_info_t: +\- insn_count can be negative to indicate that the region is +at the end of the procedure; in such a case, the negated +insn_count value specifies the length of the final region +in number of instructions. There must be at most one region +with a negative insn_count and only the last region in a +procedure\&'s region list may be negative. Furthermore, both +di\->start_ip and di\->end_ip must be valid. +.PP +.SH OPERATIONS + +.PP +unw_dyn_operation_t +unw_dyn_op_t +_U_QP_TRUE +.PP +unw_dyn_info_format_t +.PP +\- instructions don\&'t have to be sorted in increasing order of ``when\&'' +values: In general, if you can generate the sorted order easily +(e.g., without an explicit sorting step), I\&'d recommend doing so +because in that case, should some version of libunwind ever require +sorted order, libunwind can verify in O(N) that the list is sorted +already. In the particular case of the ia64\-version of libunwind, a +sorted order won\&'t help, since it always scans the instructions up +to UNW_DYN_STOP. +.PP +_U_dyn_region_info_size(opcount); +_U_dyn_op_save_reg(); +_U_dyn_op_spill_fp_rel(); +_U_dyn_op_spill_sp_rel(); +_U_dyn_op_add(); +_U_dyn_op_pop_frames(); +_U_dyn_op_label_state(); +_U_dyn_op_copy_state(); +_U_dyn_op_alias(); +_U_dyn_op_stop(); +.PP +.SH SEE ALSO + +.PP +libunwind(3), +_U_dyn_register(3), +_U_dyn_cancel(3) +.PP +.SH AUTHOR + +.PP +David Mosberger\-Tang +.br +Hewlett\-Packard Labs +.br +Palo\-Alto, CA 94304 +.br +Email: \fBdavidm@hpl.hp.com\fP +.br +WWW: \fBhttp://www.hpl.hp.com/research/linux/libunwind/\fP\&. +.\" NOTE: This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT.