#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "register_map.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace dwarf; MemoryMap DwarfInterpret::memory_map; map > DwarfInterpret::instances; DwarfInterpret::DwarfInterpret(const MemoryMap::MapEntry& memory_object) : map_entry(memory_object) { if(memory_object.mem_region.begin >= memory_object.mem_region.end) { // We're building the anonymous interpret: don't do anything root_die = nullptr; } else { const string& path = memory_object.pathname; if(path[0] == '[') { throw InvalidElf( string("This pathname is a special object: ") + path); } std::ifstream handle(path); if(!handle.good()) throw InvalidElf( string("Cannot read this ELF file: ") + path); root_die = unique_ptr( new core::root_die(fileno(handle))); // TODO catch exceptions here ^^^^ and throw NoDebugData/InvalidElf pc_offset = memory_object.mem_region.begin - memory_object.offset; } //std::ifstream file_in(elf_path); //root_die = dwarf::core::root_die(fileno(file_in)); // FIXME this ^ deserves some checks. But this looks tedious. //GElf_Ehdr ehdr; //GElf_Ehdr *ret = gelf_getehdr(root_die.get_elf(), &ehdr); //assert(ret != 0); //elf_machine = ehdr.e_machine; } DwarfInterpret& DwarfInterpret::acquire() { auto find_it = DwarfInterpret::instances.find(-1); if(find_it == DwarfInterpret::instances.end()) { MemoryMap::MapEntry anon_map_entry; anon_map_entry.offset = 0; anon_map_entry.mem_region.begin = 0; anon_map_entry.mem_region.end = 0; DwarfInterpret* instance = new DwarfInterpret(anon_map_entry); DwarfInterpret::instances.insert(make_pair(-1, unique_ptr(instance))); return *instance; } return *(find_it->second); } DwarfInterpret& DwarfInterpret::acquire(uintptr_t pc) { try { size_t entry_id = DwarfInterpret::memory_map.id_of_address(pc); auto find_it = DwarfInterpret::instances.find(entry_id); if(find_it == DwarfInterpret::instances.end()) { // Instanciate it MemoryMap::MapEntry map_entry = DwarfInterpret::memory_map[entry_id]; DwarfInterpret* instance = new DwarfInterpret(map_entry); DwarfInterpret::instances.insert(make_pair(entry_id, unique_ptr(instance))); return *instance; } // Already instanciated, return it return *(find_it->second); } catch(const std::out_of_range& e) { ostringstream exn_text; exn_text << "No ELF mapped section found for memory address 0x" << hex << pc; throw(NoElfForPC(exn_text.str())); } } DwarfInterpret::reg_content_t DwarfInterpret::interpret_dw_register( const DwarfInterpret::DwarfRow& row, const DwarfInterpret::DwarfRegister& reg, const UnwindContext& ctx ) const { switch(reg.k) { case core::FrameSection::register_def::INDETERMINATE: case core::FrameSection::register_def::UNDEFINED: throw ValuelessRegister(); case core::FrameSection::register_def::REGISTER: { ostringstream exprs; int dwarf_regnum = reg.register_plus_offset_r().first; assert(dwarf_regnum != DW_FRAME_CFA_COL3); reg_content_t cpu_content = 9; cerr << "@@ Interpreting register "; switch(dwarf_regnum) { case lib::DWARF_X86_64_RIP: cerr << "RIP"; cpu_content = (reg_content_t) ctx.rip; break; case lib::DWARF_X86_64_RBP: cerr << "RBP"; cpu_content = (reg_content_t) ctx.rbp; break; case lib::DWARF_X86_64_RSP: cerr << "RSP"; cpu_content = (reg_content_t) ctx.rsp; break; default: throw ExoticRegister(to_string(dwarf_regnum)); } reg_content_t addr = cpu_content + reg.register_plus_offset_r().second; cerr << " = " << hex << cpu_content << " + offset = " << addr //<< " -> " << *addr << dec << endl; return addr; } break; case core::FrameSection::register_def::SAVED_AT_OFFSET_FROM_CFA: { reg_content_t cfa_loc = interpret_dw_register(row, DW_FRAME_CFA_COL3, ctx); int cfa_offset = reg.saved_at_offset_from_cfa_r(); reg_content_t addr = cfa_loc + cfa_offset; reg_content_t value = ctx.stack.deref(addr); cerr << "@@ Interpreting CFA offset: CFA is " << hex << cfa_loc << " + offset " << dec << cfa_offset << hex << " = " << addr << " -> " << value << dec << endl; return value; } break; case core::FrameSection::register_def::SAVED_AT_EXPR: throw NotImplemented(); break; case core::FrameSection::register_def::VAL_IS_OFFSET_FROM_CFA: case core::FrameSection::register_def::VAL_OF_EXPR: default: throw NotImplemented(); break; } } DwarfInterpret::reg_content_t DwarfInterpret::interpret_dw_register( const DwarfInterpret::DwarfRow& row, int reg_id, const UnwindContext& ctx ) const { return interpret_dw_register(row, get_column(row, reg_id), ctx); } uintptr_t DwarfInterpret::get_return_address(uintptr_t cur_pc) const { DwarfInterpret* responsible = get_responsible_instance(cur_pc); if(responsible != nullptr) return responsible->get_return_address(cur_pc); const core::Cie& cie = *cie_at(cur_pc); const DwarfRow& row = dwarf_row_at(cur_pc); UnwindContext ctx = get_current_unwind_context(); // FIXME ^^^ ugly patch, this should not be a thing uintptr_t translated_ra = interpret_dw_register(row, cie.get_return_address_register_rule(), ctx); cerr << "Return address from 0x" << hex << cur_pc << ": " << "0x" << translated_ra << endl; return translated_ra; } uintptr_t DwarfInterpret::get_self_return_address() const { // Aaaaand now we have to get_return_address thrice. return get_return_address(get_caller_pc()); } uintptr_t DwarfInterpret::get_current_pc() { // Assumes the PC is stored in REG_RIP **AND** the PC we want is this // function's return address DwarfInterpret& dw = DwarfInterpret::acquire(); reg_content_t pc_here = dw.get_cpu_register(REG_RIP); fprintf(stderr, "PC=%p \n", pc_here); fprintf(stderr, "actual PC=%p \n", __builtin_return_address(0)); return dw.get_return_address(pc_here); } DwarfInterpret::UnwindContext DwarfInterpret::get_current_unwind_context() { // FIXME for now this returns SOME unwind context (actually, the unwind // context snapshot naively taken from inside this function). Unwinding // it some number of times should yield the expected context uintptr_t rsp = DwarfInterpret::acquire().get_cpu_register(REG_RSP); UnwindContext ctx(StackDump::snapshot(rsp)); DwarfInterpret& dw = DwarfInterpret::acquire(); ctx.rip = dw.get_cpu_register(REG_RIP); ctx.rsp = rsp; ctx.rbp = dw.get_cpu_register(REG_RBP); cerr << "CREATING CONTEXT. %rsp=0x" << hex << ctx.rsp << ", %rbp=0x" << ctx.rbp << ", %rip=0x" << ctx.rip << dec << endl; return ctx; } DwarfInterpret::UnwindContext DwarfInterpret::unwind_context( const DwarfInterpret::UnwindContext& ctx ) { DwarfInterpret* responsible = get_responsible_instance(ctx.rip); if(responsible != nullptr) return responsible->unwind_context(ctx); DwarfRow cur_row = dwarf_row_at(ctx.rip); const core::Cie& cie = *cie_at(ctx.rip); UnwindContext new_context(ctx.stack); cerr << "Obtaining previous context as reg " << cie.get_return_address_register_rule() << " at current IP = " << hex << ctx.rip << endl; new_context.rip = interpret_dw_register( cur_row, cie.get_return_address_register_rule(), ctx); cerr << "Yielding " << hex << new_context.rip << dec << endl; new_context.rbp = interpret_dw_register( cur_row, lib::DWARF_X86_64_RBP, ctx); new_context.rsp = interpret_dw_register( cur_row, DW_FRAME_CFA_COL3, ctx); return new_context; } uintptr_t DwarfInterpret::get_caller_pc() const { // We assume we want the PC of the caller of the calling function. This // means we have to unwind twice. `get_current_pc` unwinds once. return get_return_address(DwarfInterpret::get_current_pc()); } template static typename std::set >::const_iterator find_column( const std::set >& set, int key) { if(set.empty()) return set.end(); Key some_key_val = set.begin()->second; auto it = set.upper_bound(make_pair(key - 1, some_key_val)); if(it == set.end()) return set.end(); while(it != set.end() && it->first != key) ++it; if(it == set.end() || it->first != key) return set.end(); return it; } DwarfInterpret::DwarfRegister DwarfInterpret::get_column( const DwarfInterpret::DwarfRow& row, int column ) const { auto it = find_column(row, column); if(it == row.end()) throw std::out_of_range("No such column"); return it->second; } DwarfInterpret::reg_content_t DwarfInterpret::get_cpu_register( int reg_id) const { ucontext_t context; if(getcontext(&context) != 0) throw FailedGetContext(); // Let the user deal with reg_id correctness return context.uc_mcontext.gregs[reg_id]; } const core::FrameSection::fde_iterator DwarfInterpret::fde_at( uintptr_t pc ) const { DwarfInterpret* responsible = get_responsible_instance(pc); if(responsible != nullptr) return responsible->fde_at(pc); cerr << "Extracting FDE with "; map_entry.dump(cerr); const core::FrameSection& fs = root_die->get_frame_section(); uintptr_t translated_pc = pc - pc_offset; const auto& fde_it = fs.find_fde_for_pc(translated_pc); if(fde_it == fs.fde_end()) { ostringstream exn_text; exn_text << "FDE at pc=0x" << hex << pc << " (0x" << translated_pc << " in ELF)"; throw NotFound(exn_text.str()); } return fde_it; } const core::FrameSection::cie_iterator DwarfInterpret::cie_at( uintptr_t pc ) const { DwarfInterpret* responsible = get_responsible_instance(pc); if(responsible != nullptr) return responsible->cie_at(pc); const core::Fde& fde = *fde_at(pc); // let NotFound escape if it occurs const auto& cie_it = fde.find_cie(); if(cie_it == root_die->get_frame_section().cie_end()) //Should not happen…? throw NotFound(std::string("CIE matching FDE at pc=") + std::to_string(pc)); return cie_it; } DwarfInterpret::DwarfRow DwarfInterpret::dwarf_row_at( uintptr_t pc ) const { DwarfInterpret* responsible = get_responsible_instance(pc); if(responsible != nullptr) return responsible->dwarf_row_at(pc); const core::Fde& fde = *fde_at(pc); uintptr_t translated_pc = pc - pc_offset; auto decoded = fde.decode(); const auto& row_it = decoded.rows.find(translated_pc); if(row_it == decoded.rows.end()) throw NotFound(std::string("Dwarf row in this FDE at pc=") + std::to_string(pc)); return row_it->second; } DwarfInterpret* DwarfInterpret::get_responsible_instance(uintptr_t pc) const { if(map_entry.mem_region.begin <= pc && pc < map_entry.mem_region.end) return nullptr; return &acquire(pc); }