(* copy here as quick hack / restructure the file directory *) type pre_c_pre_dwarf_entry = { location: int64; cfa_offset: int64; cfa_offset_reg: int; rbp_defined: bool; rbp_offset: int64 (* Assumed to be offset of CFA *) } type pre_c_pre_dwarf_fde = { num: int; initial_location: int64; end_location: int64; name: string; entries: pre_c_pre_dwarf_entry array } type pre_c_pre_dwarf = { num_fde: int; fdes: pre_c_pre_dwarf_fde array } let dump_pre_c_pre_dwarf_entry e = Printf.printf " %8Lx %d+%Ld \n" e.location e.cfa_offset_reg e.cfa_offset let dump_pre_c_pre_dwarf_fde f = Printf.printf "%s %Lx %Lx\n" f.name f.initial_location f.end_location; for i = 0 to Array.length f.entries - 1 do dump_pre_c_pre_dwarf_entry f.entries.(i) done let dump_pre_c_pre_dwarf p = for i = 0 to Array.length p.fdes - 1 do dump_pre_c_pre_dwarf_fde p.fdes.(i) done external write_dwarf : string -> string -> pre_c_pre_dwarf -> int = "caml_write_dwarf" (** ========== USAGE ========== **) let use_string = Sys.argv.(0) ^ " []\n" ^ " defaults to `.eh_frame`\n" ;; let _ = if Array.length Sys.argv <= 2 then ( Format.eprintf "Error: missing argument(s). Usage:\n%s" use_string ; exit 1 ) ; let eh_path = (if Array.length Sys.argv <= 3 then (Sys.argv.(2) ^ ".eh_frame") else Sys.argv.(3)) in let fd = open_in_bin Sys.argv.(1) in let pre_c_dwarf = ((Marshal.from_channel fd): pre_c_pre_dwarf) in dump_pre_c_pre_dwarf pre_c_dwarf; write_dwarf Sys.argv.(2) eh_path pre_c_dwarf