open Std module CFG = BStd.Graphs.Ir type memory_offset = int64 type cfa_pos = RspOffset of memory_offset | RbpOffset of memory_offset | CfaLostTrack type cfa_change = CfaChange of BStd.word * cfa_pos type cfa_changes_fde = cfa_change list module StrMap = Map.Make(String) type cfa_changes = cfa_changes_fde StrMap.t module TIdMap = Map.Make(BStd.Tid) exception InvalidSub let pp_cfa_pos ppx = function | RspOffset off -> Format.fprintf ppx "RSP + (%s)@." (Int64.to_string off) | RbpOffset off -> Format.fprintf ppx "RBP + (%s)@." (Int64.to_string off) | CfaLostTrack -> Format.fprintf ppx "??@." let pp_cfa_change ppx = function CfaChange(addr, cfa_pos) -> Format.fprintf ppx "%a: %a" BStd.Word.pp_hex addr pp_cfa_pos cfa_pos let pp_cfa_changes_fde ppx = List.iter (pp_cfa_change ppx) let pp_cfa_changes ppx = StrMap.iter (fun fde_name entry -> Format.fprintf ppx "%s@\n====@\n@\n%a@." fde_name pp_cfa_changes_fde entry) let pp_option_of sub_pp ppx = function | None -> Format.fprintf ppx "None" | Some x -> Format.fprintf ppx "Some %a" sub_pp x let addr_of term = (** Get the address of a term *) match BStd.Term.get_attr term BStd.address with | None -> assert false | Some addr -> addr let interpret_var_expr c_var offset expr = BStd.Bil.( let closed_form = BStd.Exp.substitute (var c_var) (int (BStd.Word.of_int64 offset)) expr in let res = BStd.Exp.eval closed_form in match res with | Imm value -> Some (BStd.Word.to_int64_exn @@ BStd.Word.signed value) | _ -> None ) let process_def def (cur_offset: memory_offset) : ((cfa_change * memory_offset) option) = let lose_track addr = Some (CfaChange(addr, CfaLostTrack), in (match Regs.X86_64.of_var (BStd.Def.lhs def) with | Some reg when reg = Regs.X86_64.rsp -> let exp = BStd.Def.rhs def in let free_vars = BStd.Exp.free_vars exp in let free_x86_regs = Regs.X86_64.map_varset free_vars in (match Regs.DwRegOptSet.cardinal free_x86_regs with | 1 -> let free_var = Regs.DwRegOptSet.choose free_x86_regs in (match free_var with | Some dw_var when dw_var = Regs.X86_64.rsp -> let bil_var = (match BStd.Var.Set.choose free_vars with | None -> assert false | Some x -> x) in let interpreted = interpret_var_expr bil_var cur_offset exp in (match interpreted with | None -> lose_track (addr_of def) | Some interp_val -> let gap = Int64.sub interp_val cur_offset in let new_offset = Int64.sub cur_offset gap in Some (CfaChange(addr_of def, RspOffset(new_offset)), new_offset) ) | _ -> lose_track (addr_of def) ) | _ -> lose_track @@ addr_of def ) | _ -> None) let process_jmp jmp (cur_offset: memory_offset) : ((cfa_change * memory_offset) option) = let gen_change off = let new_offset = Int64.add cur_offset (Int64.of_int off) in Some (CfaChange(addr_of jmp, RspOffset(new_offset)), new_offset) in match (BStd.Jmp.kind jmp) with | BStd.Call call -> gen_change (-8) | BStd.Ret ret -> gen_change (8) | _ -> None let sym_of_blk blk : cfa_changes_fde = (** Extracts the symbolic CFA changes of a block. These changes assume that at the beginning of the block, CFA = RspOffset(0) and will be offset after *) let apply_offset (accu, cur_offset) = function | None -> (accu, cur_offset) | Some (change, n_offset) -> (change :: accu, n_offset) in let fold_elt (accu, cur_offset) elt = match elt with | `Def(def) -> apply_offset (accu, cur_offset) @@ process_def def cur_offset | `Jmp(jmp) -> apply_offset (accu, cur_offset) @@ process_jmp jmp cur_offset | _ -> (accu, cur_offset) in let elts_seq = BStd.Blk.elts blk in let out, end_offset = BStd.Seq.fold elts_seq ~init:([], ~f:fold_elt in out let end_offset (changelist: cfa_changes_fde): memory_offset option = match changelist with | CfaChange(_, RspOffset(x)) :: _ -> Some x | _ -> None exception Inconsistent of BStd.tid let rec dfs_propagate changemap propagated parent_val node graph = let c_tid = BStd.Term.tid @@ CFG.Node.label node in match TIdMap.find_opt c_tid propagated with | Some x -> if x = parent_val then (* Already propagated and consistent, all fine *) propagated else (* Already propagated with a different value: inconsistency *) raise (Inconsistent c_tid) | None -> let n_propagated = TIdMap.add c_tid parent_val propagated in let outwards = CFG.Node.outputs node graph in let self_entry = TIdMap.find c_tid changemap in let offset = (match end_offset self_entry with Some x -> x | None -> in let cur_val = Int64.add parent_val offset in BStd.Seq.fold outwards ~init:n_propagated ~f:(fun accu edge -> dfs_propagate changemap accu cur_val (CFG.Edge.dst edge) graph) let get_entry_blk graph = let entry = BStd.Seq.find (CFG.nodes graph) (fun node -> BStd.Seq.is_empty @@ CFG.Node.inputs node graph) in match entry with | None -> assert false | Some x -> x let term_addr term = BStd.Term.get_attr term BStd.address let same_keys map1 map2 = let exists_in_other other key _ = TIdMap.mem key other in TIdMap.for_all (exists_in_other map2) map1 && TIdMap.for_all (exists_in_other map1) map2 let of_sub sub : cfa_changes_fde = (** Extracts the `cfa_changes_fde` of a subroutine *) Format.eprintf "Sub %s...@." @@ sub ; let initial_cfa_rsp_offset = Int64.of_int 8 in let store_sym accu blk = let blk = CFG.Node.label blk in let res = sym_of_blk blk in TIdMap.add (BStd.Term.tid blk) res accu in let node_addr nd = term_addr @@ CFG.Node.label nd in let merge_corrected blk_tid changes offset = match (changes, offset) with | Some changes, Some offset -> Some ( (fun (CfaChange(addr, pos)) -> match pos with RspOffset(off) -> CfaChange(addr, RspOffset(Int64.add off offset)) | RbpOffset(off) -> CfaChange(addr, RbpOffset(off)) | CfaLostTrack -> CfaChange(addr, CfaLostTrack) ) changes ) | _ -> None in let cfg = BStd.Sub.to_cfg sub in let tid_match = BStd.Seq.fold (CFG.nodes cfg) ~init:TIdMap.empty ~f:(fun accu node -> let tid = BStd.Term.tid @@ CFG.Node.label node in TIdMap.add tid node accu) in let blk_sym = BStd.Seq.fold ~init:TIdMap.empty ~f:store_sym @@ CFG.nodes cfg in let entry_blk = get_entry_blk cfg in let offset_map = dfs_propagate blk_sym (TIdMap.empty) initial_cfa_rsp_offset entry_blk cfg in let corrected = TIdMap.merge merge_corrected blk_sym offset_map in let is_connex = same_keys tid_match corrected in if not is_connex then raise InvalidSub ; let tid_list = TIdMap.bindings tid_match in let sorted_blk = List.sort (fun (tid1, bl1) (tid2, bl2) -> let res = match (node_addr bl1, node_addr bl2) with | Some addr1, Some addr2 -> compare addr1 addr2 | Some _, None -> 1 | None, Some _ -> -1 | None, None -> compare tid1 tid2 in -res) tid_list in let out = List.fold_left (fun accu blk -> let changes = TIdMap.find blk corrected in List.fold_left (fun accu chg -> chg::accu) accu changes ) [] ( (fun (x, y) -> x) sorted_blk) in let sub_addr = (match term_addr sub with | Some x -> x | None -> assert false) in let init = [ CfaChange(sub_addr, RspOffset(initial_cfa_rsp_offset)) ] in init @ out let cleanup_fde (fde_changes: cfa_changes_fde) : cfa_changes_fde = (** Cleanup the result of `of_sub`. Merges entries at the same address, propagates track lost *) let fold_one (accu, (last_commit:cfa_pos option), in_flight, lost_track) = function | CfaChange(addr, cfa_change) as cur_change -> ( match lost_track, in_flight, cfa_change with | true, _, _ -> (* Already lost track: give up *) (accu, last_commit, None, lost_track) | false, _, CfaLostTrack -> (* Just lost track: give up the operation on flight as well *) (cur_change :: accu, None, None, true) | _, Some CfaChange(flight_addr, flight_chg), _ when flight_addr = addr -> (* On flight address matches current address: continue flying *) accu, last_commit, Some cur_change, false | _, Some CfaChange(_, in_flight_inner_pos), _ when last_commit = Some in_flight_inner_pos -> (* Doesn't match anymore, but there was some operation in flight, which has the same result as what was last committed. Discard. *) (accu, last_commit, Some cur_change, false) | _, Some (CfaChange(_, in_flight_inner_pos) as in_flight_inner), _ -> (* Doesn't match anymore, but there was some operation in flight: commit it, put the new one in flight *) (in_flight_inner :: accu, Some in_flight_inner_pos, Some cur_change, false) | _, None, _ -> (* No operation in flight: put the new one in flight *) (accu, last_commit, Some cur_change, false) ) in let extract_end_value (accu, _, in_flight, lost_track) = List.rev @@ match lost_track, in_flight with | true, _ -> accu | false, None -> accu | false, Some x -> x :: accu in extract_end_value @@ List.fold_left fold_one ([], None, None, false) fde_changes let of_prog prog : cfa_changes = (** Extracts the `cfa_changes` of a program *) let fold_step accu sub = (try let res = (*cleanup_fde @@ *)of_sub sub in StrMap.add ( sub) res accu with InvalidSub -> accu) in let subroutines = BStd.Term.enum BStd.sub_t prog in BStd.Seq.fold subroutines ~init:StrMap.empty ~f:fold_step let of_proj proj : cfa_changes = (** Extracts the `cfa_changes` of a project *) let prog = BStd.Project.program proj in of_prog prog