(** dwarfsynth * * Entry point for the BAP plugin `dwarfsynth`, defining the command line * interface **) module Self = struct include Bap.Std.Self() end let main = DwarfSynth.Main.main module Cmdline = struct module Cnf = Self.Config let outfile = Cnf.( param (string) "output" ~doc:("The file in which the output marshalled data will be written. " ^ "Output goes to ./tmp.marshal by default.") ~default:"tmp.marshal" ) let no_rbp_undef = Cnf.( param (bool) "no-rbp-undef" ~doc:("Do not unset %rbp after it has been set once in a FDE. " ^"This mimics gcc eh_frame for ease of validation.") ~as_flag:true ~default:false ) let () = Cnf.( when_ready ((fun {get=(!!)} -> Bap.Std.Project.register_pass' (main ~no_rbp_undef:!!no_rbp_undef !!outfile ))) ) end