open Std module CFG = BStd.Graphs.Ir type memory_offset = int64 type memory_address = int64 module AddrMap = Map.Make(Int64) module AddrSet = Set.Make(Int64) type cfa_pos = RspOffset of memory_offset | RbpOffset of memory_offset | CfaLostTrack type rbp_pos = | RbpUndef | RbpCfaOffset of memory_offset type reg_pos = cfa_pos * rbp_pos type reg_changes_fde = reg_pos AddrMap.t type subroutine_cfa_data = { reg_changes_fde: reg_changes_fde; beg_pos: memory_address; end_pos: memory_address; } type block_local_state = { rbp_vars: BStd.Var.Set.t } module StrMap = Map.Make(String) type subroutine_cfa_map = subroutine_cfa_data StrMap.t module TIdMap = Map.Make(BStd.Tid) exception InvalidSub exception UnexpectedRbpSet let pp_cfa_pos ppx = function | RspOffset off -> Format.fprintf ppx "RSP + (%s)" (Int64.to_string off) | RbpOffset off -> Format.fprintf ppx "RBP + (%s)" (Int64.to_string off) | CfaLostTrack -> Format.fprintf ppx "??@." let pp_int64_hex ppx number = let mask_short = Int64.(pred (shift_left one 16)) in let pp_short number = Format.fprintf ppx "%04x" Int64.(to_int (logand number mask_short)) in List.iter pp_short @@ (fun x -> Int64.(shift_right number (16*x))) [3;2;1;0] let pp_cfa_changes_fde ppx cfa_changes = AddrMap.iter (fun addr change -> Format.fprintf ppx "%a: %a@." pp_int64_hex addr pp_cfa_pos change) cfa_changes let pp_cfa_changes ppx = StrMap.iter (fun fde_name entry -> Format.fprintf ppx "%s@\n====@\n@\n%a@." fde_name pp_cfa_changes_fde entry) let pp_option_of sub_pp ppx = function | None -> Format.fprintf ppx "None" | Some x -> Format.fprintf ppx "Some %a" sub_pp x let opt_addr_of term = (** Get the address of a term as an option, if it has one*) BStd.Term.get_attr term BStd.address let addr_of term = (** Get the address of a term *) match opt_addr_of term with | None -> assert false | Some addr -> addr let opt_addr_of_blk_elt = function | `Def def -> opt_addr_of def | `Jmp jmp -> opt_addr_of jmp | `Phi phi -> opt_addr_of phi let entrypoint_address blk = (** Find the first instruction address in the current block. Return None if no instruction has address. *) let fold_one accu cur_elt = match accu, opt_addr_of_blk_elt cur_elt with | None, None -> None | None, Some x -> Some x | _, _ -> accu in BStd.Seq.fold (BStd.Blk.elts blk) ~init:None ~f:fold_one let to_int64_addr addr = BStd.Word.to_int64_exn addr let int64_addr_of x = to_int64_addr @@ addr_of x let map_option f = function | None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x) let build_next_instr graph = (** Build a map of memory_address -> AddrSet.t holding, for each address, the set of instructions coming right after the instruction at given address. There might be multiple such addresses, if the current instruction is at a point of branching. *) let addresses_in_block blk = (** Set of addresses present in the block *) BStd.Seq.fold (BStd.Blk.elts blk) ~init:AddrSet.empty ~f:(fun accu elt -> let addr = opt_addr_of_blk_elt elt in match addr with | None -> accu | Some x -> (try AddrSet.add (BStd.Word.to_int64_exn x) accu with _ -> accu) ) in let node_successors_addr (nd: CFG.node) : AddrSet.t = let rec do_find_succ accu nd = let fold_one accu c_node = match entrypoint_address (CFG.Node.label c_node) with | Some addr -> (try AddrSet.add (BStd.Word.to_int64_exn addr) accu with _ -> accu) | None -> do_find_succ accu c_node in let succ = CFG.Node.succs nd graph in BStd.Seq.fold succ ~init:accu ~f:fold_one in do_find_succ AddrSet.empty nd in let build_of_block accu_map node = let blk = CFG.Node.label node in let node_successors = node_successors_addr node in let instr_addresses = AddrSet.elements @@ addresses_in_block blk in let rec accumulate_mappings mappings addr_list = function | None -> mappings | Some (instr, instr_seq) as cur_instr -> let instr_addr = opt_addr_of_blk_elt instr in match (map_option to_int64_addr instr_addr), addr_list with | None, _ -> accumulate_mappings mappings addr_list @@ instr_seq | Some cur_addr, next_addr::t when cur_addr >= next_addr -> accumulate_mappings mappings t cur_instr | Some cur_addr, next_addr::_ -> let n_mappings = AddrMap.add cur_addr (AddrSet.singleton next_addr) mappings in accumulate_mappings n_mappings addr_list @@ instr_seq | Some cur_addr, [] -> let n_mappings = AddrMap.add cur_addr node_successors mappings in accumulate_mappings n_mappings addr_list @@ instr_seq in accumulate_mappings accu_map instr_addresses ( @@ BStd.Blk.elts blk) in BStd.Seq.fold (CFG.nodes graph) ~init:AddrMap.empty ~f:build_of_block let interpret_var_expr c_var offset expr = BStd.Bil.( let closed_form = BStd.Exp.substitute (var c_var) (int (BStd.Word.of_int64 (Int64.neg offset))) expr in let res = BStd.Exp.eval closed_form in match res with | Imm value -> Some (Int64.neg @@ BStd.Word.to_int64_exn @@ BStd.Word.signed value) | _ -> None ) let is_single_free_reg expr = (** Detects whether `expr` contains a single free variable which is a machine register, and if so, extracts this register and returns a pair `(formal, reg`) of its formal variable in the expression and the register. Otherwise return None. *) let free_vars = BStd.Exp.free_vars expr in let free_x86_regs = Regs.X86_64.map_varset free_vars in (match Regs.DwRegOptSet.cardinal free_x86_regs with | 1 -> let free_var = Regs.DwRegOptSet.choose free_x86_regs in (match free_var with | Some dw_var -> let bil_var = (match BStd.Var.Set.choose free_vars with | None -> assert false | Some x -> x) in Some (bil_var, dw_var) | _ -> None ) | _ -> None ) let process_def (local_state: block_local_state) def (cur_reg: reg_pos) : (reg_pos option * block_local_state) = let lose_track = Some CfaLostTrack in let cur_cfa, cur_rbp = cur_reg in let out_cfa = (match cur_cfa, Regs.X86_64.of_var (BStd.Def.lhs def) with | RspOffset(cur_offset), Some reg when reg = Regs.X86_64.rsp -> let exp = BStd.Def.rhs def in (match is_single_free_reg exp with | Some (bil_var, dw_var) when dw_var = Regs.X86_64.rsp -> let interpreted = interpret_var_expr bil_var cur_offset exp in (match interpreted with | None -> lose_track | Some new_offset -> Some (RspOffset(new_offset)) ) | _ -> lose_track ) | RspOffset(cur_offset), Some reg when reg = Regs.X86_64.rbp -> (* We have CFA=rsp+k and a line %rbp <- [expr]. Might be a %rbp <- %rsp *) let exp = BStd.Def.rhs def in (match is_single_free_reg exp with | Some (bil_var, dw_var) when dw_var = Regs.X86_64.rsp -> (* We have %rbp := F(%rsp) *) (* FIXME we wish to have %rbp := %rsp. An ugly and non-robust test to check that would be interpret F(0), expecting that F is at worst affine - then a restult of 0 means that %rbp := %rsp + 0 *) let interpreted = interpret_var_expr bil_var ( exp in (match interpreted with | Some offset when offset = -> Some (RbpOffset(cur_offset)) | _ -> (* Previous instruction was rsp-indexed, here we put something weird in %rbp, let's keep indexing with rsp and do nothing *) None ) | _ -> None ) | RbpOffset(cur_offset), Some reg when reg = Regs.X86_64.rbp -> (* Assume we are overwriting %rbp with something — we must revert to some rsp-based indexing *) (* FIXME don't assume the rsp offset will always be 8, find a smart way to figure this out. We actually use offset 16 because the `pop` will occur after the value is read from the stack. *) Some (RspOffset(Int64.of_int 16)) | _ -> None ) in let is_rbp_save_expr expr local_state = let free_vars = BStd.Exp.free_vars expr in let card = BStd.Var.Set.length free_vars in let has_mem_var = BStd.Var.Set.exists ~f:(fun x -> x = "mem") free_vars in let free_x86_regs = Regs.X86_64.map_varset free_vars in let has_rsp_var = free_x86_regs |> Regs.DwRegOptSet.exists (fun x -> match x with | Some x when x = Regs.X86_64.rsp -> true | _ -> false) in let has_rbp_var = free_x86_regs |> Regs.DwRegOptSet.exists (fun x -> match x with | Some x when x = Regs.X86_64.rbp -> true | _ -> false) in let has_intermed_rbp_var = free_vars |> BStd.Var.Set.inter local_state.rbp_vars |> BStd.Var.Set.is_empty |> not in (card = 3 && has_mem_var && has_rsp_var && (has_rbp_var || has_intermed_rbp_var)) in let is_pop_expr expr = let free_vars = BStd.Exp.free_vars expr in let free_x86_regs = Regs.X86_64.map_varset free_vars in (match Regs.DwRegOptSet.cardinal free_x86_regs with | 2 -> let reg = free_x86_regs |> Regs.DwRegOptSet.filter (fun x -> match x with None -> false | Some _ -> true) |> Regs.DwRegOptSet.choose in let has_mem_var = BStd.Var.Set.exists ~f:(fun x -> x = "mem") free_vars in (match reg, has_mem_var with | Some dw_var, true when dw_var = Regs.X86_64.rsp -> true | _ -> false) | _ -> false ) in let is_rbp_expr expr = let free_vars = BStd.Exp.free_vars expr in let free_x86_regs = Regs.X86_64.map_varset free_vars in (match Regs.DwRegOptSet.cardinal free_x86_regs with | 1 -> let reg = Regs.DwRegOptSet.choose free_x86_regs in (match reg with | Some dwreg when dwreg = Regs.X86_64.rbp -> true | _ -> false) | _ -> false) in let gather_rbp_intermed_var def cur_state = (* If `def` is `some intermed. var <- rbp`, add this information in the local state *) (match is_rbp_expr @@ BStd.Def.rhs def with | true -> let lhs_var = BStd.Def.lhs def in if (BStd.Var.is_virtual lhs_var && BStd.Var.typ lhs_var = BStd.reg64_t) then ( (* This `def` is actually of the type we want to store. *) let n_rbp_vars = BStd.Var.Set.add cur_state.rbp_vars lhs_var in { cur_state with rbp_vars = n_rbp_vars } ) else cur_state | false -> cur_state ) in let out_rbp, new_state = (match cur_rbp with | RbpUndef -> let cur_state = gather_rbp_intermed_var def local_state in (* We assume that an expression is saving %rbp on the stack at the address %rip when the current def is an expression of the kind `MEM <- F(MEM, %rip, v)` where `v` is either `%rbp` or some intermediary variable holding `%rbp`. This approach is sound when %rbp is saved using a `push`, but probably wrong when saved using a `mov` on some stack-space allocated previously (eg. for multiple registers saved at once). It would be far better to actually read the position at which `v` is saved, but this requires parsing the actual rhs expression, which is not easily done: FIXME *) let new_rbp = if ( @@ BStd.Def.lhs def = "mem" && is_rbp_save_expr (BStd.Def.rhs def) cur_state) then (match cur_cfa with | RspOffset off -> Some (RbpCfaOffset (Int64.mul Int64.minus_one off)) | _ -> raise UnexpectedRbpSet ) else None in new_rbp, cur_state | RbpCfaOffset offs -> (* We go back to RbpUndef when encountering something like a `pop rbp`, that is, RBP <- f(RSP, mem) *) (match Regs.X86_64.of_var (BStd.Def.lhs def), is_pop_expr @@ BStd.Def.rhs def with | Some reg, true when reg = Regs.X86_64.rbp -> Some RbpUndef, local_state | _ -> None, local_state ) ) in (match out_cfa, out_rbp with | None, None -> None | Some cfa, None -> Some (cfa, cur_rbp) | None, Some rbp -> Some (cur_cfa, rbp) | Some cfa, Some rbp -> Some (cfa, rbp)), new_state let process_jmp jmp (cur_reg: reg_pos) : (reg_pos option) = let cur_cfa, cur_rbp = cur_reg in let gen_change = match cur_cfa with | RspOffset cur_offset -> (fun off -> let new_offset = Int64.add cur_offset (Int64.of_int off) in Some (RspOffset(new_offset), cur_rbp) ) | _ -> (fun _ -> None) in match (BStd.Jmp.kind jmp) with | BStd.Call call -> gen_change (-8) | BStd.Ret ret -> gen_change (8) | _ -> None let process_blk next_instr_graph (block_init: reg_pos) blk : (reg_changes_fde * reg_pos) = (** Extracts the registers (CFA+RBP) changes of a block. *) let apply_offset cur_addr_opt ((accu:reg_changes_fde), cur_reg, local_state) = function | None -> (accu, cur_reg, local_state) | Some reg_pos -> let cur_addr = (match cur_addr_opt with | None -> assert false | Some x -> to_int64_addr x) in (AddrSet.fold (fun n_addr cur_accu -> AddrMap.add n_addr reg_pos cur_accu) (AddrMap.find cur_addr next_instr_graph) accu), reg_pos, local_state in let fold_elt (accu, cur_reg, cur_local_state) elt = match elt with | `Def(def) -> let new_offset, new_state = process_def cur_local_state def cur_reg in apply_offset (opt_addr_of def) (accu, cur_reg, new_state) new_offset | `Jmp(jmp) -> apply_offset (opt_addr_of jmp) (accu, cur_reg, cur_local_state) @@ process_jmp jmp cur_reg | _ -> (accu, cur_reg, cur_local_state) in let init_changes = (match opt_addr_of blk with | None -> AddrMap.empty | Some x -> let blk_address = to_int64_addr x in AddrMap.singleton blk_address block_init ) in let empty_local_state = { rbp_vars = BStd.Var.Set.empty } in let elts_seq = BStd.Blk.elts blk in let out_reg, end_reg, _ = BStd.Seq.fold elts_seq ~init:(init_changes, block_init, empty_local_state) ~f:fold_elt in out_reg, end_reg exception Inconsistent of BStd.tid let get_entry_blk graph = let entry = BStd.Seq.min_elt (CFG.nodes graph) ~cmp:(fun x y -> let ax = opt_addr_of @@ CFG.Node.label x and ay = opt_addr_of @@ CFG.Node.label y in match ax, ay with | None, None -> compare x y | Some _, None -> -1 | None, Some _ -> 1 | Some ax, Some ay -> compare (to_int64_addr ax) (to_int64_addr ay)) in match entry with | None -> assert false | Some x -> x let find_last_addr sub = (** Finds the maximal instruction address in a subroutine *) let map_opt fl fr merge l r = match l, r with | None, None -> None | Some x, None -> Some (fl x) | None, Some y -> Some (fr y) | Some x, Some y -> Some (merge (fl x) (fr y)) in let max_opt_addr_word = map_opt (fun x -> x) (fun y -> to_int64_addr y) max in let max_opt_addr = map_opt (fun x -> x) (fun y -> y) max in let max_def cur_max def = max_opt_addr_word cur_max (opt_addr_of def) in let fold_res = BStd.Seq.fold (BStd.Term.enum BStd.blk_t sub) ~init:None ~f:(fun cur_max blk -> max_opt_addr (BStd.Seq.fold (BStd.Term.enum BStd.def_t blk) ~init:cur_max ~f:max_def) (BStd.Seq.fold (BStd.Term.enum BStd.jmp_t blk) ~init:cur_max ~f:max_def) ) in match fold_res with | None -> | Some x -> x let cleanup_fde (fde_changes: reg_changes_fde) : reg_changes_fde = (** Cleanup the result of `of_sub`. Merges entries at the same address, propagates track lost *) let fold_one addr reg_change (accu, last_change, lost_track) = match reg_change, last_change, lost_track with | _, _, true -> (accu, None, lost_track) | (CfaLostTrack, _), _, false -> (AddrMap.add addr reg_change accu, None, true) | reg_change, Some prev_change, false when reg_change = prev_change -> (accu, last_change, false) | reg_change, _, false -> (AddrMap.add addr reg_change accu, Some reg_change, false) in match AddrMap.fold fold_one fde_changes (AddrMap.empty, None, false) with | out, _, _ -> out let process_sub sub : subroutine_cfa_data = (** Extracts the `cfa_changes_fde` of a subroutine *) let cfg = BStd.Sub.to_cfg sub in let next_instr_graph = build_next_instr cfg in let first_addr = int64_addr_of sub in let last_addr = find_last_addr sub in let initial_cfa_rsp_offset = Int64.of_int 8 in let rec dfs_process (sub_changes: (reg_changes_fde * reg_pos) TIdMap.t) node (entry_offset: reg_pos) = (** Processes one block *) let cur_blk = CFG.Node.label node in let tid = BStd.Term.tid @@ cur_blk in match (TIdMap.find_opt tid sub_changes) with | None -> (* Not yet visited: compute the changes *) let cur_blk_changes, end_reg = process_blk next_instr_graph entry_offset cur_blk in let n_sub_changes = TIdMap.add tid (cur_blk_changes, entry_offset) sub_changes in BStd.Seq.fold (CFG.Node.succs node cfg) ~f:(fun accu child -> dfs_process accu child end_reg) ~init:n_sub_changes | Some (_, former_entry_offset) -> (* Already visited: check that entry values are matching *) if entry_offset <> former_entry_offset then raise (Inconsistent tid) else sub_changes in let entry_blk = get_entry_blk cfg in let initial_offset = (RspOffset initial_cfa_rsp_offset, RbpUndef) in let changes_map = dfs_process TIdMap.empty entry_blk initial_offset in let merged_changes = TIdMap.fold (fun _ (cfa_changes, _) accu -> AddrMap.union (fun _ v1 v2 -> if v1 = v2 then Some v1 else assert false) cfa_changes accu) changes_map AddrMap.empty in let reg_changes = cleanup_fde merged_changes in let output = { reg_changes_fde = reg_changes ; beg_pos = first_addr ; end_pos = last_addr ; } in output let of_prog prog : subroutine_cfa_map = (** Extracts the `cfa_changes` of a program *) let fold_step accu sub = (try let subroutine_data = process_sub sub in StrMap.add ( sub) subroutine_data accu with | InvalidSub -> accu | Inconsistent tid -> Format.eprintf "Inconsistent TId %a in subroutine %s, skipping.@." BStd.Tid.pp tid ( sub); accu ) in let subroutines = BStd.Term.enum BStd.sub_t prog in BStd.Seq.fold subroutines ~init:StrMap.empty ~f:fold_step let of_proj proj : subroutine_cfa_map = (** Extracts the `cfa_changes` of a project *) let prog = BStd.Project.program proj in of_prog prog let clean_lost_track_subs pre_dwarf : subroutine_cfa_map = (** Removes the subroutines on which we lost track from [pre_dwarf] *) let sub_lost_track sub_name (sub: subroutine_cfa_data) = not @@ AddrMap.exists (fun addr pos -> let cfa_pos, _ = pos in (match cfa_pos with | RspOffset _ | RbpOffset _ -> false | CfaLostTrack -> true)) sub.reg_changes_fde in StrMap.filter sub_lost_track pre_dwarf