#include "dwarf_write.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* dump functions */ void dump_pre_dwarf_entry(struct pre_dwarf_entry e) { printf(" %lx %d + %lld\n", e.location, e.cfa_offset_reg, e.cfa_offset); } void dump_pre_dwarf_fde(struct pre_dwarf_fde f) { printf("%ld\n", f.num); printf("%lx %lx\n", f.initial_location, f.end_location); for (int i=0; i < f.num; i++) dump_pre_dwarf_entry(f.entries[i]); } void dump_pre_dwarf (struct pre_dwarf p) { printf("num_fde: %ld \n", p.num_fde); for (int i=0; i < p.num_fde; i++) { dump_pre_dwarf_fde(p.fdes[i]); } } void margin (int n) { while (n-- > 0) printf("."); return; } void print_block (value v,int m) { int size, i; margin(m); if (Is_long(v)) { printf("immediate value (%ld)\n", Long_val(v)); return; }; printf ("memory block: size=%d - ", size=Wosize_val(v)); switch (Tag_val(v)) { case Closure_tag : printf("closure with %d free variables\n", size-1); margin(m+4); printf("code pointer: %p\n",Code_val(v)) ; for (i=1;i=No_scan_tag) { printf("unknown tag"); break; }; printf("structured block (tag=%d):\n",Tag_val(v)); for (i=0;ilocation = convert_addr_t(Field(oc_pde, 0)); pde->cfa_offset = convert_offset_t(Field(oc_pde, 1)); pde->cfa_offset_reg = convert_reg_t(Field(oc_pde, 2)); pde->rbp_defined = convert_bool(Field(oc_pde, 3)); pde->rbp_offset = convert_offset_t(Field(oc_pde, 4)); return pde; } struct pre_dwarf_fde convert_pre_dwarf_fde(value oc_pre_dwarf_fde) { struct pre_dwarf_fde * pre_dwarf_fde = malloc(sizeof(struct pre_dwarf_fde)); CAMLparam1(oc_pre_dwarf_fde); pre_dwarf_fde->num = Int_val(Field(oc_pre_dwarf_fde,0)); pre_dwarf_fde->initial_location = int64_of_value (Field(oc_pre_dwarf_fde,1)); pre_dwarf_fde->end_location = int64_of_value(Field(oc_pre_dwarf_fde,2)); // FZ: is num the correct size? we can also read the size from the array. pre_dwarf_fde->entries = malloc(sizeof(struct pre_dwarf_entry) * pre_dwarf_fde->num); for (unsigned int i=0; i < pre_dwarf_fde->num; i++) pre_dwarf_fde->entries[i] = *convert_pre_dwarf_entry(Field(Field(oc_pre_dwarf_fde,4),i)); return *pre_dwarf_fde; } struct pre_dwarf * convert_pre_dwarf(value oc_pre_dwarf) { struct pre_dwarf * pre_dwarf = malloc(sizeof(struct pre_dwarf)); pre_dwarf->num_fde = (size_t) Int_val(Field(oc_pre_dwarf,0)); //array pre_dwarf->fdes = malloc(sizeof(struct pre_dwarf_fde) * pre_dwarf->num_fde); for (unsigned int i=0; i < pre_dwarf->num_fde; i++) { pre_dwarf->fdes[i] = convert_pre_dwarf_fde(Field(Field(oc_pre_dwarf,1),i)); } return pre_dwarf; } // OCaml type: string -> pre_c_dwarf -> int value caml_write_dwarf (value oc_obj_path, value oc_eh_path, value oc_pre_dwarf) { char *obj_path, *eh_path; struct pre_dwarf *pre_dwarf; CAMLparam2(oc_obj_path, oc_pre_dwarf); // inspect_block(oc_pre_dwarf); obj_path = String_val(oc_obj_path); eh_path = String_val(oc_eh_path); pre_dwarf = convert_pre_dwarf(oc_pre_dwarf); dump_pre_dwarf(*pre_dwarf); CAMLreturn(write_dwarf(obj_path, eh_path, pre_dwarf)); }