#include "stack_walker.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef void* dl_handle_t; /** Describes a line in the memory map (which SO is loaded where) */ struct MemoryMapEntry { MemoryMapEntry(): beg(0), end(0), offset(0), obj_path(), eh_dl_handle(nullptr) {} uintptr_t beg, end; int offset; std::string obj_path; dl_handle_t eh_dl_handle; }; /** `MemoryMapEntry`es mapped by their `beg` */ typedef std::map< uintptr_t, MemoryMapEntry, std::greater > MemoryMap; // here, std::greater is used because it allows easy access to the // corresponding segment by using lower_bound static MemoryMap memory_map; /** Equivalent to a shell command `readlink -f` */ std::string readlink_rec(const char* path) { char buf[2][1024]; int parity = 1; strcpy(buf[1], path); do { int rc = readlink(buf[parity], buf[1-parity], 1024); parity = 1 - parity; if(rc < 0) break; } while(true); return std::string(buf[1 - parity]); } /** Called by `dl_iterate_phdr` later, initializes `memory_map` */ int fill_memory_map_callback( struct dl_phdr_info* info, size_t /*size*/, void* /*data*/) { for(int sec = 0; sec < info->dlpi_phnum; ++sec) { const ElfW(Phdr)& cur_hdr = info->dlpi_phdr[sec]; if(cur_hdr.p_type != PT_LOAD || (cur_hdr.p_flags & PF_X) == 0) continue; if(std::string(info->dlpi_name).find("linux-vdso") != std::string::npos) { continue; } MemoryMapEntry entry; entry.beg = info->dlpi_addr + cur_hdr.p_vaddr; entry.obj_path = std::string(info->dlpi_name); entry.offset = cur_hdr.p_offset; entry.end = entry.beg + cur_hdr.p_memsz; if(entry.obj_path.empty()) { // The source binary itself entry.obj_path = readlink_rec("/proc/self/exe"); } memory_map.insert(std::make_pair(entry.beg, entry)); } return 0; } void stack_walker_close() { for(auto& mmap_entry_pair: memory_map) { auto& mmap_entry = mmap_entry_pair.second; if(mmap_entry.eh_dl_handle != nullptr) dlclose(mmap_entry.eh_dl_handle); } } bool stack_walker_init() { if(dl_iterate_phdr(&fill_memory_map_callback, nullptr) != 0) { stack_walker_close(); return false; } for(const auto& mmap_entry: memory_map) { printf("%012lx-%012lx %08x %s\n", mmap_entry.second.beg, mmap_entry.second.end, mmap_entry.second.offset, mmap_entry.second.obj_path.c_str()); } // Call `dlopen` on the `eh_elf.so` maching every entry in `memory_map` for(auto& mmap_entry_pair: memory_map) { auto& mmap_entry = mmap_entry_pair.second; // Find SO's basename size_t last_slash = mmap_entry.obj_path.rfind("/"); if(last_slash == std::string::npos) last_slash = 0; else last_slash++; std::string basename(mmap_entry.obj_path, last_slash); // Load the SO std::string eh_elf_name = basename + ".eh_elf.so"; mmap_entry.eh_dl_handle = dlopen(eh_elf_name.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY); if(mmap_entry.eh_dl_handle == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot load shared object %s.\ndlerror: %s\n", eh_elf_name.c_str(), dlerror()); stack_walker_close(); return false; } } return true; } unwind_context_t get_context() { unwind_context_t out; ucontext_t uctx; if(getcontext(&uctx) < 0) { assert(0); // Cleaner code will come later — TODO } out.rip = uctx.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP]; out.rsp = uctx.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RSP]; out.rbp = uctx.uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RBP]; if(!unwind_context(out)) { memset(&out, 0, sizeof(unwind_context_t)); return out; } return out; } MemoryMapEntry* get_mmap_entry(uintptr_t pc) { // Get the memory_map entry auto mmap_entry_it = memory_map.lower_bound(pc); if(mmap_entry_it == memory_map.end()) { return nullptr; } MemoryMapEntry& mmap_entry = mmap_entry_it->second; if(!(mmap_entry.beg <= pc && pc <= mmap_entry.end)) return nullptr; return &mmap_entry; } /** Get the `fde_func_t` function handling the given program counter — it may * be by calling a lookup function, or by directly looking into the ELF * symbols, depending on the state of the experiment. This is an abstraction * function. */ _fde_func_t fde_handler_for_pc(uintptr_t pc, MemoryMapEntry& mmap_entry) { // Get the lookup function _fde_func_t (*lookup)(uintptr_t) = (_fde_func_t (*)(uintptr_t)) ( dlsym(mmap_entry.eh_dl_handle, "_fde_lookup")); if(lookup == nullptr) return nullptr; // Get the translated pc uintptr_t tr_pc = pc - mmap_entry.beg; // Get the actual function _fde_func_t rfunc = lookup(tr_pc); if(rfunc == nullptr) return nullptr; return rfunc; } bool unwind_context(unwind_context_t& ctx) { MemoryMapEntry* mmap_entry = get_mmap_entry(ctx.rip); if(mmap_entry == nullptr) return false; _fde_func_t fde_func = fde_handler_for_pc(ctx.rip, *mmap_entry); if(fde_func == nullptr) return false; uintptr_t tr_pc = ctx.rip - mmap_entry->beg; ctx = fde_func(ctx, tr_pc); return true; } void walk_stack(const std::function& mapped) { unwind_context_t ctx = get_context(); do { mapped(ctx); } while(unwind_context(ctx)); }