""" Shared snippets between the various python scripts of this project """ import subprocess import re import os from collections import namedtuple def is_newer(file1, file2): ''' Returns True iff file1 is newer than file2 ''' try: f1_mtime = os.path.getmtime(file1) f2_mtime = os.path.getmtime(file2) if f1_mtime > f2_mtime: return True except OSError: pass return False def elf_so_deps(path): ''' Get the list of shared objects dependencies of the given ELF object. This is obtained by running `ldd`. ''' deps_list = [] try: ldd_output = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/ldd', path]) \ .decode('utf-8') ldd_re = re.compile(r'^.* => (.*) \(0x[0-9a-fA-F]*\)$') ldd_lines = ldd_output.strip().split('\n') for line in ldd_lines: line = line.strip() match = ldd_re.match(line) if match is None: continue # Just ignore that line — it might be eg. linux-vdso deps_list.append(match.group(1)) return deps_list except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exn: raise Exception( ("Cannot get dependencies for {}: ldd terminated with exit code " "{}.").format(path, exn.returncode)) def do_remote(remote, command, send_files=None, retr_files=None): ''' Execute remotely (via ssh) a given command The command is executed on the machine described by `remote` (see ssh(1)). If `preload` is set, then the remote file at this path will be sourced before running any command, allowing to set PATH and other variables. send_files is a list of file paths that must be first copied at the root of a temporary directory on `remote` before running the command. Consider yourself jailed in that directory. retr_files is a list of files that will be copied to the local machine after the command is executed. Each list item can either be a string, which is both the path on the remote and the local machine; or a pair `(file_name, local_path)`. In the latter case, `file_name` is copied as `local_path/file_name` if `local_path` is a directory, or as `local_path` otherwise, on the local machine. ''' if send_files is None: send_files = [] if retr_files is None: retr_files = [] def ssh_do(cmd_args, working_directory=None): try: cmd = ['ssh', remote] if working_directory: cmd += ['cd', working_directory, '&&'] cmd += cmd_args return subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8').strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return None def ssh_copy(what, where, is_upload): if is_upload: where = '{}:{}'.format(remote, where) else: what = '{}:{}'.format(remote, what) subprocess.check_output(['scp', what, where]) TransferredFile = namedtuple('TransferredFile', 'local remote') def interpret_transferred_file(descr): if isinstance(descr, type('')): return TransferredFile(descr, descr) if os.path.isdir(descr[1]): to = os.path.join(descr[1], descr[0]) else: to = descr[1] return TransferredFile(descr[0], to) # Create temp dir tmp_dir = ssh_do(['mktemp', '-d']) # Upload `send_files` for f in send_files: dest = tmp_dir+'/' ssh_copy(f, dest, is_upload=True) # Do whatever must be done output = ssh_do(command, working_directory=tmp_dir) # Download `retr_files` for f in map(interpret_transferred_file, retr_files): src = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f.local) ssh_copy(src, f.remote, is_upload=False) # Remove temp dir ssh_do(['rm', '-rf', tmp_dir]) return output