/* Copyright (C) 2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Portions Copyright (C) 2013-2017 David Anderson. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with other software, or any other product whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* esb.c extensible string buffer. A simple means (vaguely like a C++ class) that enables safely saving strings of arbitrary length built up in small pieces. We really do allow only C strings here. NUL bytes in a string result in adding only up to the NUL (and in the case of certain interfaces here a warning to stderr). Do selftest as follows: gcc -DSELFTEST esb.c ./a.out valgrind --leak-check=full ./a.out The functions assume that pointer arguments of all kinds are not NULL. */ #ifndef SELFTEST #include "globals.h" #else #include /* SELFTEST */ #include /* SELFTEST */ #include /* SELFTEST */ typedef char * string; /* SELFTEST */ #include /* For va_start va_arg va_list */ #endif #include "esb.h" /* INITIAL_ALLOC value takes no account of space for a trailing NUL, the NUL is accounted for in init_esb_string and in later tests against esb_allocated_size. */ #ifdef SELFTEST #define INITIAL_ALLOC 1 /* SELFTEST */ #else /* There is nothing magic about this size. It is just big enough to avoid most resizing. */ #define INITIAL_ALLOC 16 #endif /* Allow for final NUL */ static size_t alloc_size = INITIAL_ALLOC; /* NULL device used when printing formatted strings */ static FILE *null_device_handle = 0; #if _WIN32 #define NULL_DEVICE_NAME "NUL" #else #define NULL_DEVICE_NAME "/dev/null" #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* Open the null device used during formatting printing */ FILE *esb_open_null_device(void) { if (!null_device_handle) { null_device_handle = fopen(NULL_DEVICE_NAME,"w"); } return null_device_handle; } /* Close the null device used during formatting printing */ void esb_close_null_device(void) { if (null_device_handle) { fclose(null_device_handle); } } static void init_esb_string(struct esb_s *data, size_t min_len) { char* d; if (data->esb_allocated_size > 0) { return; } /* Only esb_constructor applied. Allow for string space. */ if (min_len <= alloc_size) { min_len = alloc_size +1;/* Allow for NUL at end */ } else { min_len++ ; /* Allow for NUL at end */ } d = malloc(min_len); if (!d) { fprintf(stderr, "dwarfdump is out of memory allocating %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long) min_len); exit(5); } data->esb_string = d; data->esb_allocated_size = min_len; data->esb_string[0] = 0; data->esb_used_bytes = 0; } /* Make more room. Leaving contents unchanged, effectively. The NUL byte at end has room and this preserves that room. */ static void esb_allocate_more(struct esb_s *data, size_t len) { size_t new_size = data->esb_allocated_size + len; char* newd = 0; if (new_size < alloc_size) { new_size = alloc_size; } newd = realloc(data->esb_string, new_size); if (!newd) { fprintf(stderr, "dwarfdump is out of memory re-allocating " "%lu bytes\n", (unsigned long) new_size); exit(5); } /* If the area was reallocated by realloc() the earlier space was free()d by realloc(). */ data->esb_string = newd; data->esb_allocated_size = new_size; } /* Ensure that the total buffer length is large enough that at least minlen bytes are available, unused, in the allocation. */ void esb_force_allocation(struct esb_s *data, size_t minlen) { if (data->esb_allocated_size < (data->esb_used_bytes + minlen)) { esb_allocate_more(data,minlen); } } static void esb_appendn_internal(struct esb_s *data, const char * in_string, size_t len); void esb_appendn(struct esb_s *data, const char * in_string, size_t len) { size_t full_len = strlen(in_string); if (full_len < len) { fprintf(stderr, "dwarfdump esb internal error, bad string length " " %lu < %lu \n", (unsigned long) full_len, (unsigned long) len); len = full_len; } esb_appendn_internal(data, in_string, len); } /* The length is gotten from the in_string itself. */ void esb_append(struct esb_s *data, const char * in_string) { size_t len = 0; if(in_string) { len = strlen(in_string); if (len) { esb_appendn_internal(data, in_string, len); } } } /* The 'len' is believed. Do not pass in strings < len bytes long. */ static void esb_appendn_internal(struct esb_s *data, const char * in_string, size_t len) { size_t remaining = 0; size_t needed = len; if (data->esb_allocated_size == 0) { size_t maxlen = (len >= alloc_size)? (len):alloc_size; init_esb_string(data, maxlen); } /* ASSERT: data->esb_allocated_size > data->esb_used_bytes */ remaining = data->esb_allocated_size - data->esb_used_bytes; if (remaining <= needed) { esb_allocate_more(data,len); } strncpy(&data->esb_string[data->esb_used_bytes], in_string, len); data->esb_used_bytes += len; /* Insist on explicit NUL terminator */ data->esb_string[data->esb_used_bytes] = 0; } /* Always returns an empty string or a non-empty string. Never 0. */ char* esb_get_string(struct esb_s *data) { if (data->esb_allocated_size == 0) { init_esb_string(data, alloc_size); } return data->esb_string; } /* Sets esb_used_bytes to zero. The string is not freed and esb_allocated_size is unchanged. */ void esb_empty_string(struct esb_s *data) { if (data->esb_allocated_size == 0) { init_esb_string(data, alloc_size); } data->esb_used_bytes = 0; data->esb_string[0] = 0; } /* Return esb_used_bytes. */ size_t esb_string_len(struct esb_s *data) { return data->esb_used_bytes; } /* *data is presumed to contain garbage, not values, and is properly initialized here. */ void esb_constructor(struct esb_s *data) { memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data)); } /* The string is freed, contents of *data set to zeroes. */ void esb_destructor(struct esb_s *data) { if (data->esb_string) { free(data->esb_string); data->esb_string = 0; } esb_constructor(data); } /* To get all paths in the code tested, this sets the allocation/reallocation to the given value, which can be quite small but must not be zero. */ void esb_alloc_size(size_t size) { alloc_size = size; } size_t esb_get_allocated_size(struct esb_s *data) { return data->esb_allocated_size; } /* Make more room. Leaving contents unchanged, effectively. The NUL byte at end has room and this preserves that room. */ static void esb_allocate_more_if_needed(struct esb_s *data, const char *in_string,va_list ap) { #ifndef _WIN32 static char a_buffer[512]; #endif /* _WIN32*/ int netlen = 0; va_list ap_copy; /* Preserve the original argument list, to be used a second time */ va_copy(ap_copy,ap); #ifdef _WIN32 netlen = vfprintf(null_device_handle,in_string,ap_copy); #else netlen = vsnprintf(a_buffer,sizeof(a_buffer),in_string,ap_copy); #endif /* _WIN32*/ /* "The object ap may be passed as an argument to another function; if that function invokes the va_arg() macro with parameter ap, the value of ap in the calling function is unspecified and shall be passed to the va_end() macro prior to any further reference to ap." Single Unix Specification. */ va_end(ap_copy); /* Allocate enough space to hold the full text */ esb_force_allocation(data,netlen + 1); } /* Append a formatted string */ void esb_append_printf_ap(struct esb_s *data,const char *in_string,va_list ap) { int netlen = 0; int expandedlen = 0; /* Allocate enough space for the input string */ esb_allocate_more_if_needed(data,in_string,ap); netlen = data->esb_allocated_size - data->esb_used_bytes; expandedlen = vsnprintf(&data->esb_string[data->esb_used_bytes], netlen,in_string,ap); if (expandedlen < 0) { /* There was an error. Do nothing. */ return; } if (netlen < expandedlen) { /* If data was too small, the max written was one less than netlen. */ data->esb_used_bytes += netlen - 1; } else { data->esb_used_bytes += expandedlen; } } /* Append a formatted string */ void esb_append_printf(struct esb_s *data,const char *in_string, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,in_string); esb_append_printf_ap(data,in_string,ap); /* "The object ap may be passed as an argument to another function; if that function invokes the va_arg() macro with parameter ap, the value of ap in the calling function is unspecified and shall be passed to the va_end() macro prior to any further reference to ap." Single Unix Specification. */ va_end(ap); } /* Get a copy of the internal data buffer. It is up to the code calling this to free() the string using the pointer returned here. */ char* esb_get_copy(struct esb_s *data) { char* copy = NULL; size_t len = esb_string_len(data); if (len) { copy = (char*)malloc(len + 1); strcpy(copy,esb_get_string(data)); } return copy; } #ifdef SELFTEST static int failcount = 0; void validate_esb(int instance, struct esb_s* d, size_t explen, size_t expalloc, const char *expout) { printf(" TEST instance %d\n",instance); if (esb_string_len(d) != explen) { ++failcount; printf(" FAIL instance %d esb_string_len() %u explen %u\n", instance,(unsigned)esb_string_len(d),(unsigned)explen); } if (d->esb_allocated_size != expalloc) { ++failcount; printf(" FAIL instance %d esb_allocated_size %u expalloc %u\n", instance,(unsigned)d->esb_allocated_size,(unsigned)expalloc); } if(strcmp(esb_get_string(d),expout)) { ++failcount; printf(" FAIL instance %d esb_get_stringr %s expstr %s\n", instance,esb_get_string(d),expout); } } void trialprint_1(struct esb_s *d, char *format,...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,format); esb_append_printf_ap(d,format,ap); va_end(ap); } void trialprint(struct esb_s *d) { const char * s = "insert me"; trialprint_1(d,"aaaa %s bbbb",s); } int main() { #ifdef _WIN32 /* Open the null device used during formatting printing */ if (!esb_open_null_device()) { fprintf(stderr, "esb: Unable to open null device.\n"); exit(1); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ { struct esb_s d; esb_constructor(&d); esb_append(&d,"a"); validate_esb(1,&d,1,2,"a"); esb_append(&d,"b"); validate_esb(2,&d,2,3,"ab"); esb_append(&d,"c"); validate_esb(3,&d,3,4,"abc"); esb_empty_string(&d); validate_esb(4,&d,0,4,""); esb_destructor(&d); } { struct esb_s d; esb_constructor(&d); esb_append(&d,"aa"); validate_esb(6,&d,2,3,"aa"); esb_append(&d,"bbb"); validate_esb(7,&d,5,6,"aabbb"); esb_append(&d,"c"); validate_esb(8,&d,6,7,"aabbbc"); esb_empty_string(&d); validate_esb(9,&d,0,7,""); esb_destructor(&d); } { struct esb_s d; static char oddarray[7] = {'a','b',0,'c','c','d',0}; esb_constructor(&d); fprintf(stderr," esb_appendn call error(intentional). Expect msg on stderr\n"); /* This provokes a msg on stderr. Bad input. */ esb_appendn(&d,oddarray,6); validate_esb(10,&d,2,3,"ab"); esb_appendn(&d,"cc",1); validate_esb(11,&d,3,4,"abc"); esb_empty_string(&d); validate_esb(12,&d,0,4,""); esb_destructor(&d); } { struct esb_s d; esb_constructor(&d); esb_force_allocation(&d,7); esb_append(&d,"aaaa i"); validate_esb(13,&d,6,7,"aaaa i"); esb_destructor(&d); } { struct esb_s d5; esb_constructor(&d5); esb_force_allocation(&d5,50); trialprint(&d5); validate_esb(14,&d5,19,50,"aaaa insert me bbbb"); esb_destructor(&d5); } { struct esb_s d; struct esb_s e; char* result = NULL; esb_constructor(&d); esb_constructor(&e); esb_append(&d,"abcde fghij klmno pqrst"); validate_esb(15,&d,23,24,"abcde fghij klmno pqrst"); result = esb_get_copy(&d); esb_append(&e,result); validate_esb(16,&e,23,24,"abcde fghij klmno pqrst"); esb_destructor(&d); esb_destructor(&e); } #ifdef _WIN32 /* Close the null device used during formatting printing */ esb_close_null_device(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ if (failcount) { printf("FAIL esb test\n"); exit(1); } printf("PASS esb test\n"); exit(0); } #endif /* SELFTEST */